You know you're obsessed when...


Well, everyone knows that one of the true measures of your Boy Band obsession is when you break down and devote a website to them, but there's other ways to tell, too. Therefore, the FlostaMahsta's here at Keepin' it Real have devised this little list. We also want to ask for your help. If you know a definate sign of Boy Band obsession that isn't on our list, e-mail us, and we'll post it, giving you FULL credit, of course! So, let's get this crunk.

*Your parents love the guys just as much as you do.

*You want to beat down any girl that gets close to them, or any guy for that matter, or any girl named Bobbi just because you hate that name so much.

*You have a very elaborate shrine on the net to one of the members.

*You have your friend's mom make you a pair of those oh-so-famous baby blue pants Justy wore on the Disney concert and sleep in them every night.

*Every Lance camper and Subaru Justy on the road causes you and your friends to giggle like crazy.

*You and your friends devote an entire evening to drawing Boy Band memebers in Easy Cheese on Wheat Thins, and then take pictures of your creations to post on your website. (Oh, they're coming. Don't worry.)

*You spend almost two hours on the Maryland Scholastic Hockey League's website, finding out Tyler Chasez's hockey stats, just in case you might need to know that sort of thing someday.

*In your car, you have a Chris necklace and a picture of Justin hanging from your rear-view mirror, a picture of Kevy-Kev on your back window, and a Backstreet Boys sticker in the center of your steering wheel.

*You write a 85 page fan fiction story.

*You actually had a party on JC and Drew's birthday.

*Your friends Mike, Andrew, Danny, Casey, and Ryan ask you to teach them the dance to "Tearin' up my Heart" for the school talent show.

*You've started referring to the "bass" knob on your stereo as "the Lance knob."

*Websites like this one have a tendency to get you a little angry, even if they make you laugh like it's going out of style.

*You actually use the word "crunk" in passing conversation.

*Every time that Maroon Mercedes with Florida plates in your Oregon town drives past you, you do a double take.

*You're willing to stand in line for five hours to get tickets to a Tarheels game, even though you hate basketball and don't really know what a Tarheel is, just in case you ever meet Justin and can tell him you went to a Tarheels game.

*You SUBSCRIBE to Bop magazine so you don't have to humiliate your self at Target every month to get the new issue.

*You made a special 'N Sync and Backstreet Boys prize package this Halloween, and put a sign on the door telling Trick-or-Treaters to let you know if they like Boy Bands, so you could brighten their day with the prizes.

*You tell people to "Stay 'N Sync."

*You actually looked for the bus after the concert.

*Everyone at work knows you as "That Backstreet Boys fan."

*You do stuff like this with your friends.

*When you're watching the movie "Hurly Burly" and Kevin Spacey says "Are we in synch here?", you fall off the couch because you're laughing so hard.

*The amount of baby blue items of clothing in your wardrobe slowly climbs.

*You get through a hard day at work/school by saying to yourself "I can watch the Backstreet Boys Disney concert when I get home."

*You tell your friend Erin that your friend Natalie is from Tennessee, when she's really from Texas, and just sorta sounds like Justin every once in a while.

*Every time someone named Brian joins the BSB chat room, you wonder if it's THE Brian. (By the way, Brian...what in the name of Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles were you doing in the BSB room anyway?)

*You seriously consider taking German so you can go visit all the German sites on the internet and understand them.(from Jessica)

* You obsessively check "Keepin' It Real", because their fan fiction section is as close to 'N Sync's private lives as you will ever get! And you freak out when the stories leave you in suspense, and start cussing out the computer! (from Kelly)

* You can't get enough of the 'N Sync song "Kiss Me at Midnight", because you can imagine yourself with one of the guys at midnight and...oh, well, you get the picture. (from KGSCAPER)

*You actually spent a good four hours trying to figure out what the he11 Nick meant when he said "5483-5433-86-843-3855378-367-843-388873-47-722723" in the Millenium thank-you's. (from Chloe)

*You refer to Lance as God ie:Oh My Lance; Lance damn it; in the song the perfect fan on Kevin's part you sing "Lance has been so good"(make fun of me and you get 18 lashings with a wet noodle). (from Carrie)

*You e-mail lists,by request, to people listing ways to tell if your obsessed with a boy band. (from Carrie)

*You tell people that you have been dating JC, Justin, Kevin, AJ... for however long it is that you loved him. (from Carrie)

*You actually tell people Chris isn't as ugly as he seems (no offense). (from Carrie)

*You go out with someone cuz his name is Chris (you do it one time and they never let you live it down). (from Carrie)

*You actually care who that girl is that is always sitting between Chris and Joey. (from Carrie)

*You like Kevin's say they somewhat resemble Groucho actually know who Groucho Marx is because Kev said that name once you researched him and you now know his entire family history. (from Carrie)

*You named your dog Toby. (from Carrie)

*You named your cat Poo-Foo. (from Carrie)

*You put your their last name with your first on forms for junk mail or magazine subscriptions. (from Susan)

*You have a long on going joke with your *Nsync posse that you can't do anything to night because Justin is flying in. (from Susan)

*You tell nasty boys that ask you out that you have a boyfriend and when they ask vital information about him you recite the bio found in the official book. (from Susan)

*You made your own all access pass with your picture on it. (hehe..I did something similar to this..check it out by clicking here.) (from Susan)

*You say things like "When Justin rubs his arm, that's his sign for he loves me!" while watching the In the mix video. (from Susan)

*Your desktop picture is 20 pictures of *Nsync. (from Susan)

*You change words to songs like "I was born to make Justin happy" or "If you could only see the way Lance says he loves me" (from Susan)

*You read list like these and laugh uncontrollably because you know that's you. (from Susan)

*You actually believe that you and Justin will get married have two boys and a dog- and they would look so so cute because of their parents. (from Susan)

*You want to become a popstar so you can meet them. (from Susan)

*You went to the same place where their concert was after it for some other reason and you stared at the spot where the stage was and said things like "They were there!" or "they walked on this floor!" (from Susan)

You put a CD player in your car so you can listen to the NEW NSYNC CD right after you buy it! (from Susan)

*You are planing a party for the day the new CD comes out! (from Susan)

*You're going to camp out and wait for the store to open to bring back the memories of buying the concert tickets the day NSA comes out. (oh, good times!) (from Susan)

*You are getting a planned absence from school the day NSA comes out (from Susan)

*You miss classes on the days that the boys are on day time television (from Susan)

*You actually considered getting a job at Target so you can see the boxes of CDs as they come in - and you wanted to take a whole case! (from Susan)

*Your best friend calls you out of class (while you are taking a test) to go watch Justin on Regis and Kathie Lee- only because she is in a class that has a tv in it and there were no students in the room. (from Susan)

*You desperatly search the halls during break to find someone that will take you to your house because you forgot to set your VCR the day they were on Regis and Kathie Lee (from Susan)

*You drive all the way to Vancouver BC just to buy the *N Sync single of Bye Bye Bye- because it's not sold in the states- and while you are up there manage to get in a car accident- just for the boys! (from Susan)

*your friends who dont even like nsync call you if they see them on tv (thank you laura and your nsync radar) (from Maegen24)

*when you have had an entire pot of coffee so you can stay up and do your homework then you finish your homework at 4 and cant go to sleep you spend those two hours until you have to get ready to go to school on the net checking out fan sites and reading fan fiction (sleep is so not as important as people make it out to me i know it is perfectly ok to sleep eight hours in a WEEK... i know i do it all the time). (from Maegen24)

*you decide to get off the computer at two am and go to sleep even if you arent tired because "JC likes to sleep and so should you" (from Maegen24)

*you read The Hobit just because JC said it was the only decent book he read in school on the MTV fanatic (from Maegen24)

*you sign emails to your friends "so and so chasez" or "so and so timberlake" (from Maegen24)

*you watched wild america just because you found out it had brian's girlfriend (fiance now) in it (from Maegen24)

*You go into a menacing rage and start throwing a tantrum (not to mention any loose object you can get your hands on) when you find out you set the vcr for NEXT Friday in your attempt to tape the MMC marathon on the Disney channel. (from Alexis)

*You've been waiting to get *NSYNC concert tickets all morning. When you finally get to the window the lady behind the glass says politely (a little too politely if u ask me!), "That girl just bought the last ticket. I'm sorry, but the concert is sold out." You stand there in complete shock for a moment. Suddenly you faint. As you start to come to, you start to moan incoherent phrases. "Must..get to..concert...can't let.. them down...see..bump n' grind..." FOR GOD'S SAKE, GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!!! YOU'RE FRIGGIN' 29 YEARS OLD!! (from Alexis)

*Your mom says if she sees or hears of Justin again she is going to kill herself. (from Iam4JustinTonly)

*When your dad (who is NEVER home cause he is always at work) says "shut up" or "ok thats enough i now know everything there is to know about Justin friggin Timberlake" and starts repeating everthing you said in the past 5 minitues that has to do with Justin. (from Iam4JustinTonly)

*When your friends who luv *Nsync start to hate them because you talk about them so much. (from Iam4JustinTonly)

*Your math teacher Mr. Vloogalhossen looks mysteriously like Justin Randall Timberlake. (from Leah)

*You can actually keep up with Chris Kirkpatrick's hairstyles. (from Leah)

*Your guy friends know the dance to "Bye Bye Bye". (you wanna know the sad part?...that one applies to me) (from Leah)

*When you start to wonder how big......(oops, thats not obsession...that's normal.) (from Leah)

*When you start to look at Nick for his brain power.(hey, obsession brings delusion.) (from Leah)

Livin' la vida humor

Index my heart