I need to get some stuff off my chest...and I'm forcing you all to listen.

Aww....how can I be mad when looking at that CUTIE PIE?!?! Well..here...I'll try.

Okay, here's the deal. I'm a little pissed off about a few things, and I'm gonna rant. Bear with me. First of all, I'm fed up with people saying boy band members have no musical talent. Now, I'm sorry, some of them don't (case in point: LFO), but there are some members out there with BEAUTIFUL voices. I'm upset that the voice is no longer considered an instrument. In music history, we're studying the importance of the voice as an instrument. All I can do is sing. I can't play the piano or the guitar or anything. My voice is my instrument. I, obviously, think that JC has one of the best singing voices that you'll hear today in modern music. I've loved his voice since the MMC. Certain voices pertain to certain ears, and I think his is the best in the world. However, way too many people don't consider having a beautiful voice being muscially gifted. That bugs me.

Second of all, I'm SICK and TIRED of the words "trendy" and "alternative". I'm 18 years old. All of my friends listen to Blink 182 and other "punk" bands. I listen to 'N Sync. Hence, the bands that are labeled "alternative" (Blink) are the mainstream in my life and by listening to what is "trendy"('N Sync), I am the one who is different. The word "trendy" has made me mad my whole frickin' life. Especially since it became "cool" to be "alternative" and call everyone "trendy." If you're going to be different.....think of a way to actually BE different. Don't do the same thing that everyone else who's trying to be different is doing. I don't fit in anywhere. By liking what is "mainstream", I'm different. I like being ] different. If I wanted to fit in, I'd join my friends in the "NSync Sucks" campaign. But, I choose to be my own person and like the music that appeals to me. Yeah, I'm pretty damn cool, huh??

Okay, that's all I have to rant about now. I'll definately add more...stay tuned.

I don't think that really qualifies as "humor"...take back to the real thing.

Home is a wonderful thing.