Justin Timberlake : An Army of One
Imagine this. You've been deployed to help establish order where your
fans have just leveled a city. You've come along a teenage girl in
shock. You can lead her to a medical station or run away into the
darkness of the the venue. What do you do? While assessing the
condition of the teenage girl, you notify the security squad that the
girl's best friend is still roaming around the bus. You then take the
girl to the closest merchandising station for treatment. After you
ensure the girl is buying t-shirts, you return ready to take charge
of the best friend's care once she is rescued.
I AM AN ARMY OF ONE. Even though there are 1,045,690 musicians
just like me, I am my own force. With technology, with training, with
support, who I am has become better than who I was. And I'll be the
first to tell you, the might of N Sync doesn't lie in numbers. It
lies in me. I am Justin Timberlake. I am An Army of One. And you can
see my strength.
HAHA! More Nsync Humor,
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