
Fawn...it's OKAY by Joey that you like him.

Okay..so..me and my friends spend a lot of time at Applebee's. Our town is very small, and our weekends consist of shopping at Target and then heading to Applebee's for half-price appetizers. Well, in the past few weeks, we've befriended the wait staff. Our lovely, favorite waitress is named Fawn. She cracks us up, and I'm pretty sure we entertain her as well. Well....tonight, Fawn made a little derogatory comment about 'N Sync. I got upset, as you would expect, and she kept talking about how 'N Sync doesn't make real music...you know, yadda yadda yadda. Slowly, however, she admitted that she had watched the boys on Rosie today....and then, she actually sat down at our table, and took back a lot of the stuff she had said. She admitted that she thought Joey was actually pretty cute. So, you see....'N Sync can even bring customers and waitresses together at Applebee's, even if the customers and waitresses differ in their opinions.

So...Fawn...from the Cool Kids to you...we say, thank you for being such an awesome waitress...and thank you for admitting your VERY VERY hidden liking for 'N Sync's Joey Fatone.

*N Sync Humor at it's finest

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