Kung-Fu Madness

My sentiments exactly, boys.

"Ami," you're asking. "Why did you call this page Kung-Fu Madness?" Well, patience, Grasshopper. I will share. Two reasons. The first being that I needed an excuse to post this ever-so-cute-yet-somewhat-frightening picture of Justywub and Lance. The second reason is that I was angered to hear this morning on MTV that the scheduled November 16 releases date of "No Strings Attached" has been pushed back indefinitely, and in my anger, busted out some phat Kung-Fu Moves on the Blue Ass, (a stuffed donkey from Santa Monica) and in the process hurt my already injured knee. *My left knee, which I originally hurt while dancing. I told you I resembled Britney Spears in every imaginable way.* Anyway, here I sit, with an injured knee that I have to keep elevated, and I'm thinking of FUN and InTeReStInG things to do while waiting for N Sync's new album to come out. Here's my list, so you can play along at home.

1. BUST OUT THE CHRISTMAS ALBUM, YO!!! I know you have it. Listen to it. Try to figure out each individual harmony in O Holy Night. It makes for hours of music theory fun.

2. For those of you that have heard "U Drive Me Crazy", sing Justin's version: "My Fly Mercedes" (click here for the lyrics)

3. Make WAV's of the first album's songs, then play them backwards. "Traeh Ym Pu 'Nireat" is sure to be a BIG hit!!

4. Switch the song lyrics. Sing "Here We Go" to the tune of "Giddy Up"....."For the Girl" to "I Need Love"...you get the idea!

5. Ponder which Backstreet Boy would sing which lead in all of N Sync's Songs. Would Brian get to sing all of Sailing? Would Nick and AJ split the shifts on Giddy Up? You be the judge!!

6. Translate "Here We Go" into the foreign language of your choice! "Vamanos, una vez mas, todos siente excelente, vamanos, ahora!" (forgive my Spanish if it's wrong. I haven't been in a Spanish class for a year and a half.)

7. Try going a whole week calling the guys Christopher, Joshua, James, Joseph, and Justin (his name is plain and boring...hahahaha), whenever you refer to them. (I know..not that interesting, but REALLY hard to do.)

8. Scour record stores in your town for copies of the Together Again single, the For the Girl Who Has Everything single, the U Drive Me Crazy single, and any other CHOICE disc of N SYnc's so you can at least FEEL like you bought something new by the guys.

9. When N Sync is in the CD player (the CD, not the actual guys...because I don't think they'd fit in your CD player...and if you have them in your CD player..LET THEM OUT SO THEY CAN FINISH THE NEW ALBUM!!) put it on shuffle. The songs come in a different ORDER! IT'S SO EXCITING! YOU NEVER KNOW WHAT'S COMING NEXT!!!

10. The song "I Want You Back" has so much paraody potential. Another girl's site has "I want a snack", "I want Lance Bass", "I need a nap", and many more. *BTW, I don't remember who's site this was on. If you know, can you let me know? I wish to give her credit. THANKS!* Try to think up your own witty ditty (hehehe, i'm TIRED) to the tune of "I Want You Back."

11. Cut out pictures of the guys and glue them to popsicle sticks...try to recreate Concert Madness in the comfort of your own home.

That's all I can think of at present. I haven't slept in over 24 hours. I'm going to bed now. If you think of more, e-mail us.
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