Almost a Tragedy

Ami is Forced into some serious Soul Searching.

Okay, I'll admit it. For a VERY short period of time the other day, I considered changing my favorite member of N Sync. Oh, it was tragic, but I can explain it. Here...the picture that almost made me change my mind that was so ADMANTLY SET ON JC.

Hehehe, oh Lordy. Yes, Joey is looking MY-TY-FINE in the picture. I mean, when scanned, it doesn't do full justice to the picture, but even in it's pathetic scanned form, he's still looking extremely hot. However, I have to say that I was quickly reminded why I have loved JC with my whole heart since I was 10.

Awwwww....that's my YAHSHI!!! He's so cute!! So, there you have it. It was almost a tragedy, but it all worked out for the best. PHEW!! Crisis Averted: Everyone's Happy.

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