Welcome to the literary reposity of the Quote Archive. This section deals with something we have never had to deal with before in the history of the Quote Archive....material that may/may not actually be of a....*gasps* SERIOUS NATURE!!! Yes, I know it may be difficult for most of you to comprehend, but Rob and his friends can be downright serious when they really, really, REALLY need to. (But never before!)
This section of the archive will showcase Rob's favourite among the finer arts: Literature, and it's many forms. Poetry, short stories, songs that have been written, and more will all be displayed here in time. Below you can find stuff that is actually up on my website, as well as links to the appropriate pages/files for stuff that Rob is either too lazy to copy out, or is just too damned long for Rob to copy out.
So, how's about we get right down to business? Ok, below are the different people who have written things are listed, along with their respective links and stuff.
 :Oh, doh, can't believe I forgot this part. Because of the very short notice for the debut submissions, and my grabbiness in just taking anything I want....if you do NOT want any particular work published up here, please say so, and I'll take it down. Also, if you find that you have something you want published, it's free people, then feel free to submit it to me by email. Just put "Writings Section" in the subject line, and preferably send an attached file.
Rob's Writings
Rob's Poetry- This one is self-explanatory, our fearless leader's writings. (MS Word required to view file)
Jessimine's Writings
Jessimine's Poetry- Or rather, the intro page for it. Hers are organized into three separate "Halos" (like all good things).
Jessimine's Short Stories-Her short story intro page. Not divided into halos, but just as good, or disturbing, depending on which one you read.
Wes's Writings
Dancing Through Infinity- A not-so-short story written by our very own Wes. I've only lightly skimmed it myself so far, but it appears to be very well written, well up to the standard Wes sets for his writing. (MS Word required to view the file)
Tina's Writings
Tina's Collection- Tina's current collection of songs, poetry, stories, etc. Makes for an entertaining read, she's been updating since I've been not looking....new stuff here, perhaps I'll make an evening of it one of these days and read all of it over again.
Ashley's Writings
Ashley's Collection- Not quite as large as Tina's, but given Ashley being Ashley, I don't doubt that it will grow over time. Funny, she seems so much more shiney-happy in person, eh? Go read these.