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Thank you to all who served in our various ministries throughout 2001. Please help us prepare next years program by indicating where you would be willing to serve in 2002. Please return this form to Trevor Smallwood.

Name : _________________________________________________ Phone : ____________

Ministry Role Yes, I am willing to serve in this role I would like to develop my ability to serve in this role Average commitment you can expect. (some roles will vary)
Bible Study Home Group Lead a Group     4 hours per week
Join a Group     2 hours per week
Boy's Club Help Lead     Sunday afternoons
Committee of Management     4 hours per month
Crisis Care Organise     varies, 2 hours a month
Provide Help    
Evening Fellowship Speak     twice a year
Attend     1 to 2 hours
Events *

Plan/Organise     take lead in organising
Help Run     various tasks on the day
Home Hospitality Host Lunch     4 to 8 Sundays per year
KFC (Sunday School) Superintendent     Sundays, school terms
Teacher     One or two terms in year
Assistant     One or two terms in year
Men's Fellowship Help Lead     6 hours per month
Join     3 hours per month
Missionary Prayer/Support     once a month meeting
MOPS Various Roles     3-10 hours per fortnight
Music Ministry

Play in Band     2 hours practice, Sunday, and special events
Sound/visuals     Sunday mornings
Prayer Ministry

Home Prayer     special needs when asked
Prayer Group     2 hours a week
Program Coordination     oversight annual program

Creche     Expect one Sunday every two months, but may vary
Hall setup    
Morning Tea    
Administration     prepare & manage rosters
Short Course Bible studies, say 6 weeks. Lead     4 hours per week
Join     2 hours per week
Studies in Christian Apologetics ** Lead     4 hours per week
Join     2 hours per week
Welcome Team       Sunday morning
Women's Fellowship Help Lead     6 hours per month
Join     3 hours per month
Worship Team       4 hours per month
Youth Group

Lead     4 hours per week
Help Run     weekly or occasionally
Join     2 hours per week
There are no roles here I would be comfortable doing, but I would like to help out in some way.      
Other ministries I would like to suggest.

* Events include Carols by Candlelight, Family Camp, Family Picnic, Progressive Dinner etc

** Apologetics studies defending the Christian Faith, usually to non-believers. It covers areas such as philosophy, archeology, science, ethics, other religions, extra-biblical evidence etc.