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Sermon for Good Friday:

Introduction : There are two points at which the Christian gospel is attacked both from within and without. They are the supernatural circumstances of Jesus birth and that of his death. Few in our present time challenge the historicity of his birth and crucifixion. The challenge about Jesus is not whether he existed, but about who and why he was.

The current form of this challenge is relatively recent in the history of humankind. Coming for the most part during and after the period known as the enlightenment. This is the period in which western thinkers were seriously asking the question "How do I know." It was the period of De Cartes, Hume and Newton. It was the period when belief was no longer sufficient. It was the point from which critical reason had to be satisfied. It is the period that gave birth to science and the scientific method.

The enlightenment has proved to be a turning point from which there is no turning back. Once you have asked the question "How do I know" you cannot un-ask it. This initially led to a period of almost arrogant optimism when it was believed that heaven could be attained on earth by the cleverness of men. This period, called scientific optimism, was dealt a severe blow with world war 1 and its death knell at world war 2. Science proved as much a partner of evil as it was of good.

The result of this question is doubt. For some, this doubt is addressed by applying boundaries around what is permissible. Scientists do this when they will allow for no other reality than naturalism. Christians do this when they establish theological boundaries that may not be traversed and then treat any expression of doubt with disdain. Sometimes we do a similar thing by establishing norms of expression and behaviour about which any transgression is treated in a similar way. This can lead to what is sometimes called a crisis of faith. I want to speak more about this on Sunday.

For today, I simply want to put forth sufficient of a case about the easter event to give a level of intellectual comfort with the faith and trust committed to it. And perhaps also, a level of discomfort to those who are arrogant enough to think it can be easily discarded. This of course they do at their peril.

1. Easter in the first Century

2. Easter in the 21st Century

3. Source of the Challenge

4. Meeting the Challenge

5. Consistency and Coherence - The Promise and Grace

6. Consistency and Coherence - The Preliminary Saviours

7. Consistency and Coherence - Law and Sacrifice

8. Consistency and Coherence - The Prophets

9. Conclusion