According to the wives tale, you're supposed to tie your wedding ring to a string. After that, you use the string to hold the ring approximately 3 inches above your belly. If the ring swings from hip to hip (side to side) then you're having a boy. If the ring moves from head to toe (up and down) than you're having a girl.
Another variation of this is to tie a single strand of your hair to your wedding ring. Using the hair, hold the ring above the palm of your hand. If it moves in circles than it's a boy. If it moves back and forth it's a girl.
They say if your babies heart rate is high you're having a girl. If it's low (around 140 beats) than you're having a boy.
Old wives tales claim that you can determine your child's gender by what you eat during pregnancy.
This method uses the mother's birth date and the conception date of your child. They claim the conception date is more accurate than your child's actual birth date.
I tried this with my daughter's conception date and it came out correct. With my current pregnancy the charts say we're having a boy, but what about in the case of twins/multiples. Makes you go hmmmmm.