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Howdy my friends ‡·) this is me.

I am "TxTears" real name Ronie. I am a 36~married~Female~from Abilene,Texas.

I love horse back riding , cooking , going for walks and spending nice quiet times at home. I love it when it rains!! I also love poetry...You can see some of my poems..just click on poems ‡·)

I love to chat with my friends!! You can catch me in "Texas-Fun" or "Texas-Allnight" Fridays and Saturday nights.Unless I am off for the hoildays I maybe in there 24~7...LOL

My Hubby also goes to "Texas-Friends" his nick is "Texas-PitBull", He is the love of my life, if he can stay out of the dog house..LOL

I have 3 boys that live with their dad ‡·( I really miss them but life must go on ‡·( Their ages are 19, 16 and 14. I am hoping someday they will wake up and see that their mom isn't the bad guy here!! I miss them every day, every min and every sec of the year ‡·( I also have a step girl that hates me cuz her dad didn't marry her mom. Damn I am just a mean ole women..LOL NOT you that know me...know I am NOT mean...well not all the time ‡·Þ

If yall can tell by my page I really love purple, blue and storms. The first coming of the rain falling, smell so good there isn't any better smell.

Music: I like anything really from nine inch nails to clay walker... to puff daddy to brandy ( you name it I may like it )..LOL

Moves: Princess Bride, Mighty Joe Young , anything with Sean Connery in it is GREAT, Blade .... well to sum it up I like scary movies, romantic love stories and funny movies.

TV: Touched by an Angel, WWF and football. Welp that is me.. I think..LOL

I hope you enjoy my site . I am still working on this site. so please come again to see what is new !Thank You ‡·)