Body of Sergeant Candy Vivrett, 18th Infantry U.s. Army, who died in
the hospital at Fort Banks, Mass., June 4, 1931. Were brought to Clinton,
arriving Sunday evening, accompanied by a corps of army officers.
Sergeant Vivrett was the son of James W. Vivrett, and had been in
the army service for the past 18 years.
He was engage in service in the Philippine lands for three years. He was
born and raised in Hickman county. His
age was 45 years. He was stationed at Fort Adams, Mass. Suffering from a heart attack, he was taken
to the hospital at Fort Banks, where he died.
Besides his father, he is survived by
two sisters -- Mrs. Annie Bone of Clinton, and Mrs. Daisy Krauss, of St.
Louis. Mrs. Krauss and her daughter,
Mrs. Carey Graham and Mr. Graham were here for the funeral.
Funeral services were conducted at the
home of his father, James W. Vivrett.
Monday afternoon at 3 o’ clock, Rev. W. A. Gardeer of the Baptist
Church, officiating. Burial was in Clinton
cemetery, with military honors. The
American Legion posts of Fulton and Clinton participated in the ceremonies,
which included bugle call and firing squad from the Former place. Dr. W. F. Peebles was color bearer.
The active pall bearers, of cousins of Sergeant Vivrett,
were: Sike Vivrett, Other Vivrett, Dan
Vivrett, Bob Vivrett, Les Russell and Fred Russell.
Honorary pall bearers, members of
Clinton Post American Legion, were:
Dick Montgomery, Raymer Jewell, Jewell Via, Warren Sublett, Gene Alexander
and Julius Resse.