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More Notes on Thomas Viverette

Sale of Thomas Viverette's Estate

Provided by Monsignor Owen Campion
Apparently North Carolina used the British system of currency. It was still in effect when I first visited Britain thirty years ago. The figure on the left is a pound. The middle is a shilling, of which 20 were in a pound. The figure on the right is a penny or pence, of which 12 were in a shilling.

An account of Sale of Part of the estate of Thomas Vivrett decd. Sold for the benefit of James Vivrett the 15th day of December 1791.

2 Pewter dishes to John Martin 1/1/-
1 ditto to John Bond -/14/-
1 ditto to John Martin 1/4/-
90 Pewter Plates to ditto 18/5/4
5 ditto to John Bond 1/5/1
1 dozen Spoons to John Stone -/14/1
11 ditto to John Bond -/11/-
1 dozen tea ditto to John Stone -/6/-
1 ditto ditto to John Robins -/6/-
1 ditto ditto to John Bond -/5/11
1 ditto ditto to ditto -/4/1
1 ditto ditto to ditto -/4/1
1 ditto ditto to Cornelius Joyner -/4/3
1 ditto ditto to Duncan Dew -/4/10
1 ditto ditto to John Martin -/6/-
1 … Sniffers to Jonathan Thomas -/1/-
1 … ditto to John Bond -/8/1
1 … Scales & wts. to Duncan Dew 1/10/1
A Remnant of … to John Bond -/7/1
3 Psalters to John Martin -/10/-
2 Hymn books to John Martin -/6/-
1 Prayer ditto to ditto 1/-/-
A Parcell buttons to ditto -/6/-
3 Ink Stands to Frederick Daniel -/2/7
3 ditto to Duncan Dew -/3/7
3 ditto to John Martin -/3/-
3 ditto to ditto -/3/-
3 ditto to Heartwell Williford -/4/1
1 ditto to John Pitman -/9/1
Thread to John Stone -/7/-

Carried forward

Silk to Wm. Arrington -/3/-
thread to John Bond -/6/1
ditto to Lewis A. C. Lewis Lamkin -/6/-
1 man & Colt to Augustine Coppage 26/11/1
1 Steed horse to John Martin 28/-/-
6 Dram Glaces to Elizabeth Sorsby -/4/1
6 ditto to Ephraim Phillips -/3/4
6 ditto to Elizabeth Sorsby -/2/1
6 ditto to ditto -/2/5
6 ditto to ditto -/2/1
6 ditto to ditto -/2/2
6 ditto to ditto -/1/7
6 Glass Ink Stands to Wm. Hog -/1/1
6 ditto to Elizabeth Sorsby -/1/1
16 ditto to Nathan Cobb -/2/1
4 brandy proofs to Duncan Lofley -/1/1
3 ditto to Nathan Cobb -/1/11
1 file to Heartwell Williford -/1/4
4 ditto to Nathan Cobb -/8/-
1 … to Daniel Butterwood -/15/-
Awl blades & tax to Nathan Cobb 1/-/-
1 … Scissors to ditto -/4/-
1 … ditto to John Stone -/4/-
1 Colt to John Bond 13/5/1
1 Trunk to Thos. Atkinson -/16/-
Wheel tire & Nails to Nathan Cobb 3/5/-
2 funnels to ditto -/8/-
2 ditto to Wm. Dixon -/2/-
1 Gun to Nathan Cobb 1/11/-
1 ditto to Barnaby Barson 1/16/1

Carried Forward

Brought Forward

1 Gun to Jonas Williams L 1/7/1
1 Turene to William Vicks -/13/2
1 Small ditto to John Dew -/2/8
2 dishes & 1 tureen to Daniel B. Wood -/9/-
3 Spurs to ditto -/3/3
1 turene to Wm. Dew -/1/-
1 razing plane & Iron to H. Williford -/5/6
1 Joynter to Wm. White -/3/-
1 Cornish plane to H. Williford -/4/-
1 Candle Stick to Daniel B. Wood -/1/9
1 ditto to Nathan Cobb -/1/11
1 ditto to Joshua Horn -/1/8
1 Company Saw to Wilson Vicks -/2/-
1 lock Chain to John Dew -/15/-
1 … Spoon Mould to Nathan Cobb 1/-/-
Buckles to John Stone -/4/8
1 Steel trap & buckles to Joshua Horn -/6/-
money Scales to Nathan Cobb -/12/-
Thimbles to Jordan Horn -/4/8
5 … Specks to John Bond -/8/-
Buttons & twist to H. Williford -/6/1
1 Gugg & linseed oyl to Winston Vicks -/13/-
1 frying pan to John Bond -/5/1
1 Candle box to ditto -/2/7
Salt-petre to Nathan Cobb -/3/-
4 Chissels to John Martin -/4/-
1 Grubing hoe & axe to Wm. Dew -/14/1
2 narrow axes to John Wills -/12/6
1 brand ditto to Cornelius Joyner -/5/-

Carried Forward

Brought Forward

1 broad axe to Wm. Dew L -/5/-
2 weeding hoes to Rolin Robins 1/-/-
2 weeding hoes to Nathan Cobb -/10/-
2 ditto to ditto -/7/-
1 Cutter to Cornelius Joyner -/8/-
1 plow hoe to Jno. Cockrill -/6/-
1 drawing knife to Jesse Pitman -/2/6
1 Plow hoe to Wm. Dew -/6/-
1 Cutter & plow hoe to Jno. Martin -/6/-
2 plow hoes to ditto -/6/-
1 ditto to Cornelius Joyner -/13/8
1 Grubing ditto to Jesse Pittman -/9/7
1 … Iron … to Hickman Dixon -/14/-
Cains & funnels to John Dew -/1/-
1 Axe to Cornelius Joyner -/12/-
1 hammer to Wilson Vicks -/7/2
A parcel old planes to Edw. York -/3/-
2 bills to Lewis Todd -/2/-
2 old hoes to Hardy Todd -/1/7
Curtain rings to John Bond -/1/-
hooks & Eyes to John Dew -/3/3
… bitts to Jno. Newbern -/2/1
2 dozen needles to Jno. Ealsman -/2/1
A parcel tools to Nathan Cobb -/5/-
Turene to Jno. Martin -/3/-
A parcel Fat hogs to Jno. Martin 71/-/-
Top … & Shooks to Thos. Allen 1/-/-

Carried Forward

Brought Forward

2 blade Stacks to Drury Taylor L -/11/4
1 Top ditto & husks to Cornelius Joyner -/10/4
1 ditto to Edw. York -/6/6
1 blade ditto to ditto -/8/-
1 hammer to Cornelius Joyner -/2/6
1 Cart & wheels to ditto 1/11/6
1 Top Stack to Thos. Allen -/2/6
1 blade ditto to ditto -/4/6
7 barrels & 1 hogshead to Drury Taylor -/14/2
1 meal barrell to Cornelius Joyner -/2/7
1 Salt barrell to Wm. Dew -/1/-
2 barrels & 2 hogsheads to Cornelius Joyner -/3/8
1 barrel to ditto -/2/8
1 meal barrel to Edw. York -/-/7
1 hogshead to Wm. Dew -/1/-
1 ditto to Edw. York -/3/6
1 New plow hoe to ditto -/12/2
12 barrels Corn to Jno. Cockrill 12/12/6
5 barrels ditto to Wm. Dew 5/12/1
30 … Cotton to Cornelius Joyner -/8/1
1 top Stack & husks to Jno. Williford 2/5/6
1 blade ditto to Augustine Coppage -/15/-
1 ditto to Fed. Batts 1/1/6
1 Top ditto to Jesse Pitman 2/1/6
1 blade ditto to Hardy Allen 1/10/1
1 frying pan to Jesse Pittman -/4/-
1 pot to Jno. Dew -/7/-
1 ditto to Jesse Pittman -/11/-
1 GluePot & Old Saw to Jno. Bond -/12/-
A piece of old Saw to Thos. Dever -/1/-

Carried forward

Brought Forward

1 Calling Bell to Jno. Bond L -/1/1
1 Plane Iron to Jno. Cockrill -/-/9
1 Brandy Cask to Jno. Eatsman -/2/3
1 ball twine to ditto -/-/3
1 … Cart wheels to Jesse Pittman 1/4/6

Total Amount … L 237/11/1

A Further Acct. of Sale of the Estate of Thos. Vivrett decd. Sold for the Benefit of Lancelot Vivrett.

This page was created by Ray Viverette. Any comments about its contents should be directed to the e-mail address below.
