An account of Sale of Part of the estate of Thomas Vivrett decd. Sold for the benefit of James Vivrett the 15th day of December 1791.
2 Pewter dishes to John Martin 1/1/-
1 ditto to John Bond -/14/-
1 ditto to John Martin 1/4/-
90 Pewter Plates to ditto 18/5/4
5 ditto to John Bond 1/5/1
1 dozen Spoons to John Stone -/14/1
11 ditto to John Bond -/11/-
1 dozen tea ditto to John Stone -/6/-
1 ditto ditto to John Robins -/6/-
1 ditto ditto to John Bond -/5/11
1 ditto ditto to ditto -/4/1
1 ditto ditto to ditto -/4/1
1 ditto ditto to Cornelius Joyner -/4/3
1 ditto ditto to Duncan Dew -/4/10
1 ditto ditto to John Martin -/6/-
1 … Sniffers to Jonathan Thomas -/1/-
1 … ditto to John Bond -/8/1
1 … Scales & wts. to Duncan Dew 1/10/1
A Remnant of … to John Bond -/7/1
3 Psalters to John Martin -/10/-
2 Hymn books to John Martin -/6/-
1 Prayer ditto to ditto 1/-/-
A Parcell buttons to ditto -/6/-
3 Ink Stands to Frederick Daniel -/2/7
3 ditto to Duncan Dew -/3/7
3 ditto to John Martin -/3/-
3 ditto to ditto -/3/-
3 ditto to Heartwell Williford -/4/1
1 ditto to John Pitman -/9/1
Thread to John Stone -/7/-
Silk to Wm. Arrington -/3/-
thread to John Bond -/6/1
ditto to Lewis A. C. Lewis Lamkin -/6/-
1 man & Colt to Augustine Coppage 26/11/1
1 Steed horse to John Martin 28/-/-
6 Dram Glaces to Elizabeth Sorsby -/4/1
6 ditto to Ephraim Phillips -/3/4
6 ditto to Elizabeth Sorsby -/2/1
6 ditto to ditto -/2/5
6 ditto to ditto -/2/1
6 ditto to ditto -/2/2
6 ditto to ditto -/1/7
6 Glass Ink Stands to Wm. Hog -/1/1
6 ditto to Elizabeth Sorsby -/1/1
16 ditto to Nathan Cobb -/2/1
4 brandy proofs to Duncan Lofley -/1/1
3 ditto to Nathan Cobb -/1/11
1 file to Heartwell Williford -/1/4
4 ditto to Nathan Cobb -/8/-
1 … to Daniel Butterwood -/15/-
Awl blades & tax to Nathan Cobb 1/-/-
1 … Scissors to ditto -/4/-
1 … ditto to John Stone -/4/-
1 Colt to John Bond 13/5/1
1 Trunk to Thos. Atkinson -/16/-
Wheel tire & Nails to Nathan Cobb 3/5/-
2 funnels to ditto -/8/-
2 ditto to Wm. Dixon -/2/-
1 Gun to Nathan Cobb 1/11/-
1 ditto to Barnaby Barson 1/16/1
1 Gun to Jonas Williams L 1/7/1
1 Turene to William Vicks -/13/2
1 Small ditto to John Dew -/2/8
2 dishes & 1 tureen to Daniel B. Wood -/9/-
3 Spurs to ditto -/3/3
1 turene to Wm. Dew -/1/-
1 razing plane & Iron to H. Williford -/5/6
1 Joynter to Wm. White -/3/-
1 Cornish plane to H. Williford -/4/-
1 Candle Stick to Daniel B. Wood -/1/9
1 ditto to Nathan Cobb -/1/11
1 ditto to Joshua Horn -/1/8
1 Company Saw to Wilson Vicks -/2/-
1 lock Chain to John Dew -/15/-
1 … Spoon Mould to Nathan Cobb 1/-/-
Buckles to John Stone -/4/8
1 Steel trap & buckles to Joshua Horn -/6/-
money Scales to Nathan Cobb -/12/-
Thimbles to Jordan Horn -/4/8
5 … Specks to John Bond -/8/-
Buttons & twist to H. Williford -/6/1
1 Gugg & linseed oyl to Winston Vicks -/13/-
1 frying pan to John Bond -/5/1
1 Candle box to ditto -/2/7
Salt-petre to Nathan Cobb -/3/-
4 Chissels to John Martin -/4/-
1 Grubing hoe & axe to Wm. Dew -/14/1
2 narrow axes to John Wills -/12/6
1 brand ditto to Cornelius Joyner -/5/-
1 broad axe to Wm. Dew L -/5/-
2 weeding hoes to Rolin Robins 1/-/-
2 weeding hoes to Nathan Cobb -/10/-
2 ditto to ditto -/7/-
1 Cutter to Cornelius Joyner -/8/-
1 plow hoe to Jno. Cockrill -/6/-
1 drawing knife to Jesse Pitman -/2/6
1 Plow hoe to Wm. Dew -/6/-
1 Cutter & plow hoe to Jno. Martin -/6/-
2 plow hoes to ditto -/6/-
1 ditto to Cornelius Joyner -/13/8
1 Grubing ditto to Jesse Pittman -/9/7
1 … Iron … to Hickman Dixon -/14/-
Cains & funnels to John Dew -/1/-
1 Axe to Cornelius Joyner -/12/-
1 hammer to Wilson Vicks -/7/2
A parcel old planes to Edw. York -/3/-
2 bills to Lewis Todd -/2/-
2 old hoes to Hardy Todd -/1/7
Curtain rings to John Bond -/1/-
hooks & Eyes to John Dew -/3/3
… bitts to Jno. Newbern -/2/1
2 dozen needles to Jno. Ealsman -/2/1
A parcel tools to Nathan Cobb -/5/-
Turene to Jno. Martin -/3/-
A parcel Fat hogs to Jno. Martin 71/-/-
Top … & Shooks to Thos. Allen 1/-/-
2 blade Stacks to Drury Taylor L -/11/4
1 Top ditto & husks to Cornelius Joyner -/10/4
1 ditto to Edw. York -/6/6
1 blade ditto to ditto -/8/-
1 hammer to Cornelius Joyner -/2/6
1 Cart & wheels to ditto 1/11/6
1 Top Stack to Thos. Allen -/2/6
1 blade ditto to ditto -/4/6
7 barrels & 1 hogshead to Drury Taylor -/14/2
1 meal barrell to Cornelius Joyner -/2/7
1 Salt barrell to Wm. Dew -/1/-
2 barrels & 2 hogsheads to Cornelius Joyner -/3/8
1 barrel to ditto -/2/8
1 meal barrel to Edw. York -/-/7
1 hogshead to Wm. Dew -/1/-
1 ditto to Edw. York -/3/6
1 New plow hoe to ditto -/12/2
12 barrels Corn to Jno. Cockrill 12/12/6
5 barrels ditto to Wm. Dew 5/12/1
30 … Cotton to Cornelius Joyner -/8/1
1 top Stack & husks to Jno. Williford 2/5/6
1 blade ditto to Augustine Coppage -/15/-
1 ditto to Fed. Batts 1/1/6
1 Top ditto to Jesse Pitman 2/1/6
1 blade ditto to Hardy Allen 1/10/1
1 frying pan to Jesse Pittman -/4/-
1 pot to Jno. Dew -/7/-
1 ditto to Jesse Pittman -/11/-
1 GluePot & Old Saw to Jno. Bond -/12/-
A piece of old Saw to Thos. Dever -/1/-
1 Calling Bell to Jno. Bond L -/1/1
1 Plane Iron to Jno. Cockrill -/-/9
1 Brandy Cask to Jno. Eatsman -/2/3
1 ball twine to ditto -/-/3
1 … Cart wheels to Jesse Pittman 1/4/6
Total Amount … L 237/11/1
A Further Acct. of Sale of the Estate of Thos. Vivrett decd. Sold for the Benefit of Lancelot Vivrett.