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: : : : : : The Bet Part 1 : : : : : :

Jason sat in his car in front of the apartment building as he
sat there he thought about the situation that he had gotten himself into.
He let his ego get the better of him and now he would be paying the cost
for that action. He thought to himself, The whole weekend.
Why did I push that bet so hard. I knew better than that and now I am stuck
for the whole weekend. Jason looked at his watch, it said 6:15, he knew
that Jessica said to be at her place at 6:00 sharp and not to be late,
as he reached for her door he started to knock when the door flew open
with out warning. Jessica was standing there looking at him with
a stern look on her face. At that point in time Jason knew she was
upset with him. He thought he could sweet talk his way out of being
late but little did he know Jessica meant business. Jason open his
mouth to say something and Jessica just shook her head.

By the look on her face Jason knew he was going to get it, but
Jessica said, Hello Jason better late then never. Hi Jessica sorry
Im late I got caught in traffic. Oh I see well come on in.
Jason was a little worried and cautious but he took the invitation and
entered the apartment. Jessica took his bag he was carrying and took
it into her bedroom. Jason heard her call back to him to make himself
at home.  So he wandered into the kitchen and grabbed a beer out of
the refrigerator and headed out onto the patio.

Jessica came out of her bedroom and found Jason standing out on the balcony. Jessica went to the kitchen, grabbed a beer, and joined Jason out on the balcony.  She was standing next to him watching the sun make its way towards the horizon so that it could start setting. He looked at her, Jessica I dont know how to say this. Well we have been friends for a long time why not just come out and say it? Well last weekend when we made that bet I let my ego get the better of me and I feel I pushed you too hard. Jessica thought about what she had just heard.  After a few moments of silence, well Jason thank you for the apology but I am not going to let you out of this one. Jason shook his head, No that is not what I meant. I will take my punishment, what ever it might be, since you still have not told me what you have in store for me. Jessica Smiled, Come on Jason dont push it enjoy the evening. You will find out soon enough. And remember, it will be until 6:00 am Monday morning. Yea I know. They both smiled at each other.

In the back of his mind Jason felt bad for pushing Jessica into the bet the way that he did and then to top it all of she won.  So he was stuck to be hers all weekend long and do what ever she wanted him to do no questions asked.  “Jessica what I meant to say was I did not mean to be pushy and I apologize for that.”  “It’s okay Jason apology accepted.  By the way have you eaten dinner yet?”  “As a matter of fact no I have not I did not know what you had planned so I did not get dinner.”  “Well let’s start this weekend off right by fixing dinner.  What you think?”  They both shook their head in acknowledgement.

As they went to the kitchen Jessica got out all the needed food for the meal and Jason pulled all the needed pots and pans.  As they were cooking the meal Jason looked at Jessica, “Jessica can I ask you a question?”  “Sure, what do you want to know?”  “What do you have in store for me?”  “Well Jason if I told you it would not be a surprise now would it?”  Jason just frowned at that remark.  Jessica just giggled at him. Jason knew by the look on her face she had something planned for him and it made him a little edgy.  Jessica was not going to let the cat out of the bag until the time was right and Jason knew better than to push his luck on this one.

After dinner was finished they went back out to the balcony to watch the sun finish it trip for the day.  As it was making it’s final trek of the day along the horizon, Jessica jumped up and headed to her bedroom.  Jason paid her little attention until he saw her come back into the living room with something in her hands.  He could not make out what it was because of the glare of the sun on the window.  He pushed it off as something that was unimportant.  When Jessica came back out on the balcony she had two beers in her hands.  She handed a fresh one to Jason, “I hope you don’t plan on going anywhere any time soon for two reasons. 1) You have been drinking and 2) your tail belongs to me until Monday morning at 6:00 am.

Jason thought about what she had said for a few moments before commenting, “Jessica you know what you are right on both counts.  Not to mention you know that if I do drink I will not drive period and I also know that my tail belongs to you for the next couple of days.”  They both smiled at each other.  They had been friends since Junior High School and they had graduated from College just last year.  They had been through a lot together and they cared about each other.  And this weekend would prove if the friendship were true.  They both knew what they were getting into and knew what the other was could dream up as a punishment.

Jason polished off the last of his beer and headed for the bathroom.  No sooner did he finish his business Jessica was standing there in the doorway with another beer in hand.  She handed it to him.  As he took it he asked her, “are you trying to get me drunk Jessica?”  She looked at him and smiled, “Honey if I was trying to get you drunk you would already be with out question.  I just want you to kick back, relax and wind down.”  He smiled at her and let out a giggle.  No soon than he did that she got a serious look on her face, “well young man since we are in here don’t you think should we get this weekend started?”  Jason heard what she had said and got a confused look on his face, he was thinking, “oh man what does she have planned and she is going to start in here.”

Jessica sat him down and told him to stay put.  She started the bath water and pulled two towels out of the closet and put them on the sink.  From there she stood Jason up and started to undress him.  When she started to do this he got awe struck and was lost for words.  She proceeded to get him undressed and put him in the tub.  She was totally silent while giving him a bath.  And the only words she said were the directions for him while he was getting his bath.  When she was finished with his bath she had him stand up and then got him out of the tub.  She then wrapped him in two towels and walked him into the living room.

When they got into the living room she looked him dead square in the eye, “Now Jason from now until Monday morning at 6:00 am your tail belongs to me no questions asked.  Understand?”  Jason just looked at her.  He knew that she meant business.  She was not going to do anything to cause harm to him, maybe embarrass him a little but nothing too bad.  She asked him if he agreed to her rules.  All he could do is nod his head in a state of shock.  “Good now get your buns over here so that we can get your ready for the evening.”  Jason was awe struck.  What did she have planned for him and did he want to know?

Jessica told Jason to lay down on the floor.  He did as he was told.  She then went over behind the couch and pulled out what she had been carrying earlier.  Jason’s mouth dropped wide open when he saw what she was carrying.  She had two thick pre-folded cloth diapers, a pair of locking plastic pants, two sets of locking diaper pins, and one disposable diaper.  He attempted to sit up when Jessica gave him a stern look, “young man where do you think you are going?”  “Jessica you are not putting those on me.”  “Want to bet.  You made the bet and the rules stated anything goes.  Now it is either diaper time or you will not like the other things I have in store for you.”  “Jason looked at her and knew that she meant business.”  She told him to lie over on his stomach.  When he did she undid the towel and paddled his bare back side.  He started to squirm and yell out.  She told him it was his punishment for being 15 minutes late.  And if he wanted more than what he was getting to keep squirming and she would get the wooden spoon and use that.  When he heard that he stopped and took his spanking like he was instructed to do.

When she had finished his punishment for being late she had him turn back over on his back and centered him on the towel.  From there she started to diaper him.  She took the disposable diaper first.  She opened it and then placed it under him.  From there she took a generous supply of baby powder and powdered his diaper area.  When she started to do this Jason got aroused, “Jason either you like this or there is something wrong.”  At that comment Jason got bright red in the face.  He was at a loss for words.  He did not know what to do.  He was laid out on Jessica’s floor like a rug and she was diapering him like a baby.  With these sudden turn of events he was confused and also enjoying it at the same time, he did not know what to do so he just took his medicine with a grain of salt.

When Jessica had the disposable diaper on him she moved to the cloth diapers.  Jason was watching Jessica do her handy work like a professional nanny.  He was amazed with the speed and accuracy that Jessica had and the short period of time it took her to get him in the diapers.  He wondered where she had learned her trade but was in fear to ask.  And when he heard the locks of the pins snap into place he got a lump in his throat and knew that he was in them until she took them off.

Jessica was making the final adjustments to the diapers that she had just put on Jason when she reached for the plastic pants.  Jason was ready to run for the door when Jessica had him put his feet through the legs of the plastic pants.  When she had them in place she pulled the chain tight around his waist and locked the plastic pants into place.  From there she took the slack of the chain and tucked it between the plastic pants waistband and the diapers that Jason was wearing.  Jason took a deep breath and felt the chain around his waist get tight.  He knew he was not getting out of these diapers for a while.  And then a scary thought crossed his mind, “this is why she was forcing beers down me.  She wants me to have to go to the bathroom.  Man she did have this planned out didn’t she.”

Jessica looked at Jason, “Hey little guy you doing ok over there?”  She had a devilish grin on her face.  Jason knew that she did have this planned out and that there was more to come.  Jason looked at her and asked, ”Jessica can I ask you something?”  “Sure, what do you want to know?”  “UM, where did you get this stuff?  And also how did you get it in my size?”  Jessica got another devilish grin on her face.  She reached over grabbed her purse, reached inside and pulled out her wallet.  She dug through her wallet and pulled out her credit card, “these and the inter-net are a great thing when you need something aren’t they?”  Jason’s jaw hit the floor.  What he heard had him in disbelief.  She had planned this out!  And he was going to get it from both barrels.  Jessica could see the look on his face and answered the question that he was scared to ask, “Yes Jason, there is more.  I went shopping and you where the one that I was shopping for.  So get ready it will be an interesting weekend.  I hope you like your stay.”

Jason was at a total loss for words.  Jessica had this planned out and he had agreed to it fully.  There was nothing he could do except accept what she had him to do and take it as she gave it.  As he laid there he was in full amazement.  He couldn’t believe this where did Jessica come up with this idea let alone get diapers like this that fit him.  They were the exact same thing that I baby would wear.  And then the locking plastic pants and also locking diaper pins.

Jessica could see the amazement on Jason’s face, “Jason this is only the beginning of your new wardrobe there is more to come.”  Jason’s eyes got wide and his mouth dropped open.  He sat bolt up right when he heard her say that, “Jessica what do you mean there is more to come?  What did you do?”

All Jessica could do was smile at him, “Well Jason do you really want to know or just keep finding out as we go along with the weekend?”  Jason was lost for words, she did have this all planned out and she did go all out for this weekend.  “Jason tell you what I will tell you everything while I get you ready for the night.”  All Jason could do was nod in agreement.  For the first time in a long time Jessica had caught him off guard and she had him where she wanted him.  He knew that he could end this at any time but he did agree with the rules and a part of him wanted to see what else Jessica had planned for him.  For some odd reason deep down inside a part of him self was enjoying this new activity that Jessica had showed him.  He was a little embarrassed and shocked but his curiosity got the better of him and he was like an animal in a trap.  He could not go anywhere.

Jessica took Jason by the hand and stood him up.  She then pulled out a lightweight cotton one piece footed sleeper.  She had Jason put his feet in the sleeper and the pulled it into place.  From there she then helped him put his arms into the sleeves of the sleeper.  While Jessica was dressing Jason she explained that she was what was called an AB Mommy.  She then went on to explain how she had wanted an AB or adult baby but she had not been able to find someone that she had wanted to do this with.  And when she had this weekend come up she was not going to pass up the chance.

Jason then went and asked the normal questions that are asked of someone that are into this, “are children involved. How do you get into this. How did you find out about this.”  Jessica then went to explain that children are not involved and that she was not a child molester.

Jason listened to her in amazement, he had known Jessica for many years and never knew this about her.  Before Jason knew it Jessica had him in a sleeper and was putting mittens on him.  The next thing he knew Jessica was using metal shackles to lock the mittens into place.  He got so wrapped up in conversation he lost concentration on what Jessica was doing.  Until he heard and felt the master lock click into place and the wrist shackle was in place on his right hand.  And then he watched in disbelief as Jessica moved to his other wrist and then to his ankles.  Before he knew it he had four of the bands secured on his ankles and also wrists.  They were stainless steel and they were made to fit his joints perfectly.  And then Jason saw it.  Jessica pulled out the collar.  He took a deep breath and swallowed hard.  “Jason knell down so I can put this on you also.”  Jason did as he was told with no complaint.  Jessica was amazed at how Jason did as he was told, and also how he was accepting the shackles and also her telling him her secret.

Jason just stayed where he was positioned on the floor as the steel collar was put around his neck and locked into place.  When he heard the catch in the back and also the lock snap closed he knew that he was too far into this to back out now.  He was in for the long haul.  As he moved his neck, wrists, and also ankles he was amazed at how the shackles fit him.  They were made to his exact size and they were there to stay.  They were not going to be removed until the one that held the key removed them.  Jessica had done her homework and she made sure that everything that she had was made to fit exactly.  Once Jessica was satisfied with Jason’s nighttime attire she sat him down on laid down the ground rules.  She was the mommy and all he had to do was what he was told to do.

Jessica could see Jason was deep in thought, “Jason you ok over there?”  When he heard that he snapped out of his day dream, “What, oh yea I am ok.”  Jessica could tell Jason had something on his mind but could not tell what it was, “Jason you ok with this?  If not then let me know now and I will cut you loose.”  Jason gave her a funny look, “Jessica I agreed to this so I am going through with it.  Besides it is something new and I am starting to get into this.  You have been full of surprises and I can’t wait to see what else you have in store for me.  I am waiting to see the baby bed, bottles and pacifiers.”  Jessica showed a devilish grin.  When Jason saw that look he knew what she was thinking, “Jessica you didn’t.”  All she could do was smile.  Jason shook his head, “Jessica how long have you been collecting this stuff?”  “Oh the past few years.”  “Then why wait until now and then all of a sudden just go over board?”  “Well Jason all I can tell you is you stepped right into it.  I have a complete nursery set up and you will be my first baby to give it a test run.”  Jason looked at Jessica and knew she was ready to make her years of dreams and hopes a reality and he was her first test subject.

Jessica took Jason by the hand and lead him into the nursery.  Jessica took him to the changing table and had him sit down on it.  When he was on the table she unzipped the sleeper so that she could have easy access to his diapers.  From there she unlocked his plastic pants and then pull them down to the crotch of his sleeper.  She then laid him down and proceeded to lock his ankles to the table.  She them moved to his wrists and then she attached fastners to the collar he was wearing.  “Now that you can’t go anywhere let me get that wet diaper off of you.”

Jason laid there on the table squirming.  No matter how he tried the restraints held him tight to the table.  Jessica unlocked the diaper pins and then pulled the diapers back.  Jessica looked at the disposable diaper.  She noticed that the blue strips that ran down the center of the diaper had turned to a bright yellow shade. , “so I was right that you wet yourself.”  Jason turned bright red in embarrassment, “with all the beer I drank yes I did.”  Jessica undid the disposable diaper and cleaned Jason up.  She then replaced the wet diaper with a dry one with an added extra.  Jason attempted to see what she was doing but the restraints hindered his actions and kept him securely held down to the changing table.  When Jessica pulled the disposable diaper into place against Jason’s genitals he could tell there was a difference right away.  With his limited movement he couldn’t see it but he could defiantly feel the difference.  Jessica pulled the cloth diapers up between Jason’s legs and pinned them back into place.  Jason was amazed at the added thickness of his diapers. When Jessica was finished she released Jason from the changing table and then she had him stand before her as she pulled the locking plastic pants back up into place on him.  She then went and zipped the sleeper back up.  She took Jason by the hand and walked him back into the living room.  No matter how hard he tried he could not walk straight he was forced to waddle because of the thickness of the diapers Jessica had just put on him.

When they reached the living room Jessica had Jason sit on the couch.  She then went into the kitchen and made a bottle for Jason.  When she came back she had him lay down in her lap while she bottle-fed him.  For the first few moments Jason was leery and fought the bottle.  And then after a few moments he went after the bottle like a duck to water.  Within a few minutes he had finished half the bottle and was fast asleep there in Jessica’s lap.

Jessica allowed him to nurse on the bottle right until he had almost finished it.  By this time he was fast asleep in her lap.  Jessica got Jason up on his feet and she walked him back into the nursery.  Even though she walked him into the nursery Jason was still asleep when Jessica helped him get into the baby.  When she got him into the bed she secured his ankles and wrists to the bed.  While she was getting him secured to the bed Jason started to stir in his sleep.  Jessica took a pacifier and stuck it in his mouth and Jason took it eagerly and stopped stirring as soon as she did so.  Jessica finished what she had started and when she was satisified that he was ready for the night then she turned off the light and left the room.

Jessica was sitting in the bot living room sipping on a beer thinking about the events of the evening when a smile came across her face, “tonight was fun but tomorrow I am going to give him a run for his money.”  She finished off her beer and then headed to bed.

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Lil Devil's