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: : : : : : The Bet Part 2 : : : : : :

Jessica rolled over and looked at her clock, 7:45 was what it
said. Jessica got up and went into the nursery. She found Jason
was still fast asleep.  Since Jason was still asleep Jessica decided
to get a shower before Jason got up.  She had just finished her shower
when she heard Jason stirring in the other room.

Jason woke up to find himself restrained to the baby bed.
At first it caught him off guard but when he finally got his bearings he
knew exactly what had happened. He could tell that he was in a bad
need of a changing and he was thankful that Jessica had diapered him and
also made them extra thick last night. He found it aggerivatting
to be locked down and unable to move. As he laid there a thought
of terror set in, When was Jessica going to come and get him? Was
she even up yet? Jason just laid there and tried to relax since
he could not do anything else.

Jessica went into the nursery and found Jason awake, well how
did my little baby sleep? Like a baby. Jessica went over
to the bed and released Jason from the baby bed and had him move to the
changing table where he was once again restrained down again. Jessica
proceeded to change him and get him into a clean dry diaper. Man
you are soaked I am glad that I put that extra thick diaper on you with
that insert.

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Lil Devil's