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: : : : : : Enjoyable Weekend Part 1 : : : : : :

Brian walked up to the office of the apartment complex where he had finally found a place to live.  The apartment manager told him he was lucky he was able to get this apartment it was the last one available.  He walked in the door and no sooner did he walk in he saw the receptionist behind the desk.  She was a small petite young lady around his age wearing a college sweatshirt the same as his.  She was cute and Brain didn’t bother to hide the fact that he was staring at her.  When she saw him she said, “Hello can I help you?”  It took Brian a few seconds to respond, “Um, yea hello I just signed a lease and I need to pick up my keys to my apartment.”  With a smile, she stood up turned around and pulled the needed items out of the filing cabinet behind her.  When she turned around she handed the brown envelope to Brian and said, “If you don’t mind I can go with you to show you your apartment.”  Brian was lost for words but finally got out, “sure no problem then you can show me the easiest way to get there.”  “Oh by the way my name is Stacey and I can see yours is Brian.”  They smiled at each other then Stacey lead Brian out to the golf cart to take him to his apartment.

 During the ride over to the apartment they chitchatted and they found out they both were going to the same school and they had some of the same classes.  Stacey like Brian was single and they found out they had a lot in common.  As Stacey pulled up to the building, Brian was highly impressed with the building they had put him in.  Stacey saw the look on Brian’s face and could tell he was impressed.  Well welcome to you’re new home away from home.  Brian looked at her and smiled and she did the same to him.  She showed him around the building and then the moment of truth.  She walked him to his apartment and she handed him the keys,
 “Well Brian here is your keys.  Would you like to do the honors? “ Brian got a big smile on his face.

This was the first time in his life that he has had a place of his own.  He has lived in his own room and had his own time to go when and where he has pleased.  He had been working with his parents for the past few years to get the money saved up for him to go to school and with the grants and scholarships that he had received he finally made his dreams become a reality.  And he has met this cute girl and they have hit if off great.

   When the door swung open Brian was at a loss for words.  The apartment was fully furnished with all the luxuries of home.  Stacey looked at him and asked him if he would like to take a tour of his new home.  Brian just stumbled into the apartment lost for words.  Stacey reached out to catch Brian as he almost fell over in excitement.   Brian turned red in the face when Stacey caught him.  “Are you ok Brian?”  “Yes I am just a little excited about all of this.  This is the first time that I have had a place of my own.  And I am, as you can tell, falling over myself.”  Stacey smiled and started giggling at Brian’s joke.  Brian smiled also.

Brian and Stacey took a tour of the apartment and were carrying on general conversation when Stacey saw the time, “Brian I need to get back over to the office and take care of some last minute paper work before I get off work.  But I tell you what, let me take you back over to the office so you can get you back to your truck and you can start moving in.”  “That sounds great”, was all that Brian could get out.  As they went back to the golf cart Brian jumped back to the door of his apartment and checked the door.  “Yes Brian the doors lock up behind themselves.”  Brian was smiling at her and Stacey was giggling at Brian.

They were on the way back to the office when Stacey looked at Brian, “What do you have planned for this afternoon?”  Brian thought about it for a few moments, “Nothing much, just moving in and going to the store to get some groceries. Why do you ask?”  Stacey hesitated for a moment, “Well I will be getting off in forty five minutes and it is a Friday.  If you don’t mind I would like to help you with getting moved in.”  Brian’s eyes lighted up and he got a big smile on his face.  He could not hold it back and seemed overly excited, “Well if you are not busy I am sure that we can get something going.”  Stacey cut Brian off in mid sentence, “NO I am not busy.”  Stacey got red in the face with embarrassment; “I’m sorry Brian.”  Brian smiled, “it’s ok. Tell you what Stacey you help me move in and I will fix dinner tonight how does that sound?”

  Stacey had a big smile on her face, “that sounds great what should I bring?”  Brian got an evil grin on his face and said, “Just you and your cute self that is all you need to bring.”  Brian could not believe what he just said and was red with embarrassment Stacey was just as embarrassed with what Brian just said.  There were a few moments of silence.  “So Stacey what would you like for dinner.”  Stacey was thinking a devilish thought but dared not say it but she thought to herself, “You would be nice for dinner but I dare not say it out loud.”  She was quiet for a few moments and then said, “What ever you fix would be fine I am not a picky eater.  They both smiled at each other with the same thoughts on their minds; “It has been a long time since I have been in a relationship.  And a brand new school semester is starting next week.  I have meet a great person and we both live in the same complex and only just a few minutes walk from each other.”  They both let their thoughts over take them and before they knew it they were back at the office.

Brian walked Stacey into the office and he verified the plans with her, “Ok you will be getting off at 5:00 right?”  “Yes I should be able to get out of here a few minutes early but that sounds about right.”   “Ok if you need me I will be over at my place getting settled in.”  Stacey smiled, “Well how am I supposed to get a hold of you if I don’t have your phone number.”  Brian looked at her, “Um yea that would be a good idea wouldn’t it.”  They just smiled at each other.  He wrote his phone number down, smiled at her one last time and then walked out the door.  On his way out the door Stacey called out to him, “What should I wear tonight?”  Brain came back into the office and leaned around the door, “what ever you feel is appropriate for the evening.  I would say casual.”  At that Stacey said, “ok I will see you in about an hour and a half, two at the latest.”

Brian left the office jumped into his truck and headed back over to his apartment.  As soon as he got there he started moving in.  Within no time he had the truck unloaded and all these cardboard boxes and plastic totes all over the place.  Then a thought hit him, “how are we going to have dinner if there are not groceries here in the house?”  He started digging through a couple of boxes and found his phone he plugged it into the wall outlet and made a call over to the office.  Stacey answered the phone with a bounce of happiness in her voice, “Hello Stone Brook apartments this is Stacey how can I help you.”  Brian thought about playing a prank on her but decided not to, “Well Stacey some food here in the house would be nice.  What would you say to meeting me over here first so we can go to the store?  That way you can help me decide on what we can have for dinner.”  Stacey was excited to hear that voice on the other end, “Well Brian since you are the one that is a quick thinker I am sure that can be arranged.”  “Hey that sounds good to me.  I can get some of the boxes unpacked and then by that time you should be over here right?”  “Sure no problem.”  They talked for a few more minutes and then ended the conversation.

Brian was so excited he could hardly contain himself.  He could not believe his luck.  He had met a great girl they were having dinner tonight and he had a great place of his own.  While Brian was cleaning out the boxes and putting things away. That one thought kept coming across his mind, “what would happen if she found about his secret?  The few girls that he has been with would not accept that secret part of his life no matter how caring they were in the beginning they would not accept it later in the relationship.”  He pushed the thoughts aside and continued to finish unpacking.

Meanwhile, at the office Stacey was dancing all over the office in childish giddy mood.  Beverly the apartment manager came into the lobby where Stacey was dancing around while doing her filing, “Hum either you got too much sun today or something happened to make you giddy as a school girl.”  Stacey looked at Beverly and said, “Beverly you know Brian the guy that moved in today?”  “Yes I know him what about him?”  “Well we have a date tonight.”  Beverly smiled, “That’s great Stacey I talked with him and I also have spoken with his parents he is a great guy. Nice and well mannered.”  Stacey said, “I know when I took him over to his apartment to give him the tour we had a great conversation.  Beverly I cannot believe my luck.”  Beverly looked at Stacey, “Stacey how long has it been?”  “It has been over a year Beverly.  I thought I was never going to get over that last one.  He hurt me really bad.  When I saw Brian it was like automatic.”  “Hey I will be right back let me go and check on something.”

Beverly walked out of the room and when she came back Stacey was still dancing around.  “Stacey tell you what.  Get out of here and go and see what you can do about getting him moved in.”  Stacey turned red with embarrassment, “Beverly!”  Beverly gave Stacey a wink and smile and then said, “Hey go have a good weekend and make sure you two have fun you hear me young lady?”  All Stacey could do was giggle, “Thanks Beverly you have fun also. And thanks for caring you have been like a mother to me since I have started working here.”  Beverly smiled and left the office and came back into the office suddenly, “Hey Stacey, I know I am going to sound like a mom again but if you need me this weekend.  Page me if you need me I will be out of town this weekend with the hubby, we are heading to his parents house but you know the drill.”  Stacey got a devilish smile on her face, “Yes mom I will.”  They both started laughing at that last comment.  “Stacey will you get out of here and go have some fun.”

Beverly didn’t have to tell Stacey twice, she was out the door, and half way across the parking lot before Beverly could say another word.  Beverly shook her head, “What am I going to do with that girl.  I hope this one works out for her.  She is a great girl and she has gotten nothing but heartache.  The last one damned near broke her and if this one falls through she will probably leave the country.”  Beverly went back into her office to tie up some loose ends so that she could get out of there also.

Brian was in his room when he heard a knock on his door.  He looked at his watch and it said 4:45.  He thought to him self, “Now who in the world is that?  It cannot be Stacey this early she was not supposed to get off until 5:00.”  When he opened the door and saw Stacey standing there all he could do was smile.  She smiled back, “I heard you needed a guided tour of our local store so I got over here as soon as I could.”  “Well why not come on in and let me get you something to drink?  Does warm soda sound good to you?”  Stacey went into the apartment and said, “Yes it does but I have a better idea.  Why not get out of here and get out happy little butts to the store?”  “Hey that sounds like a great idea.”

 Brain looked at Stacey and said,  “are you driving or am I?”  Stacey giggled and said, “Well from what I hear from the grapevine you are a gentleman why don’t you drive?”  Brain looked at her and said, “Ok who is talking about me?”  They both started to laugh and they went out and got into Brian’s truck.  On the way to the store it was casual and also some personal conversation.  They did the normal shopping for just the weekend and got the essentials for what Brian might need for the weekend.

When they got back to Brian’s apartment they took the groceries into his place and started putting them away.  No sooner were they done, Brian looked at Stacey, and “Hey Stacey why not run home and get cleaned up so that way I can get dinner ready?”  Stacey showed a that cute little grin of hers, “Well since you want to run me off I guess I could do that.”  He got a funny look on his face, “No I did not mean it that way.”  She started giggling at him, “I know silly I was just teasing you.”  Brian let out a sigh of relief.  Stacey turned around and started walking towards the door when she turned around and gave Brian a wink.  Brian almost fell to the floor right there, he then hurried over to her and walked her out by his truck, “so what, about an hour an a half?”  “Not sure but I will be back as soon as I can so you better get yourself cleaned up and that dinner started before I get back young man or mommy will spank.”  Brian could see that glint in Stacey’s eyes and was not sure if she was serious or just playing around.  “Yes mommy I will get it done.”  They smiled at each other and started laughing.

As Stacey made her way over to her place, which was only a few buildings away, Brian watched to make sure she made it over there with no problems.  When she was out of sight he bolted for his door.  When he got inside he ran into his room and got him self cleaned up and ready for the night that was sure to be interesting.  When he was done with that he headed into the kitchen and started cooking dinner.  He broke out the wine and put it in the ice bucket to get it chilled.  And started to grill the York Shire Steaks they had gotten at the store.  While the steaks were grilling he went and set the table.  He made sure that he placed the candles in the right spot.  He wanted to make this evening perfect.  And although it was not cold enough outside for a fire he set the fireplace up for a fire anyway.

Stacey was in her own little world when she decided to go with her knee high black dress.  She also decided on black panty hose and black pumps.  She left her hair down and not in the ponytail that she was wearing that day at the office.  She decided on a light scent of perfume and also her gold ball earrings and the gold herring bone chain and pendant that her mother gave her for her birthday last year.

Brian was doing the final touches to the apartment and also dinner when Stacey knocked at the door.  When Brain answered the door he was awe stuck at person that was standing in front of him.  He looked at her and then started looking around and behind her.  Stacey looked at him like he was a nut, “Brain what are you doing?”  “I am looking for Stacey you know that person that was over here wall ago?”  They both started giggling at each other.  “Ok Mr. Wise ass what are you trying to say?”  I am trying to figure out where this beautiful lady came from and what I did to have her show up on my front door step.  Stacey blushed and then smiled, “Well if you want to be technical. Where did that scruffy looking cute guy go?”

Brian showed Stacey into the door and when she saw the way the apartment was transformed for the evening she was stunned, “Um Brian what did you do to the apartment?  It is beautiful in here.  I was not expecting a candle light dinner and also a fire.”  “Well you did say you wanted dinner and I wanted the first meal to be special.”  They smiled at each other.  “Stacey the steaks are almost done and dinner will be ready in a few minutes.  Would you like a drink?”  Stacey was amazed and was not sure how to take how this day was turning out for her.  Brian was in the same frame of mind.  They both were lost for words.  Their luck was finally beginning to change.

Brian poured Stacey a glass of the red wine.  She was standing there watching him work with the steaks like a trained chef.  The next thing she knew they were sitting at the table eating.  They were having casual conversation when Brian looked at Stacey, “Stacey can I ask you a personal question?”  “Sure Brian what’s the question.”  “What did you mean by the comment of ‘Mommy will spank.’”  Stacey started to cough and laugh at the same time.  Brain got a big smile on his face.  Stacey was a little lost for words and did not know how to respond to the question.  After a moments silence Stacey looked at Brian, “Well Brian I tell you what.  You want me to answer that now or can it wait until later?”  Brian thought about it for a few moments and then smiled, “I tell you what you can wait to answer.”  They both smiled at each other.  Brian looked at Stacey and she could tell he had something on his mind that he was holding back, “Yes Brian, what are you trying to hide.”  Brian was lost for words how did she know he was hiding something, “Well Stacey I feel this is going really fast and I am not sure how to react to it.”  Stacey took that statement and started to think on how to react to it, “I feel the same way Brian but I also feel that all of this is falling into place.”  They both smiled at each other and then continued eating dinner.

When dinner was finished Brian took Stacey’s plate and also his into the kitchen.  He was in the kitchen cleaning the plates when he looked at Stacey, “Stacey would you like to sit by a fire and talk some more?”  All Stacey could do was smile.  Brain walked over to Stacey and took her by the hand.  They went over to the fire and as Brian started the fire Stacey positioned her self on the floor.  Brian leaned up against the couch and Stacey moved over to and leaned up against Brian.  They were sitting there sipping their wine and watching the flames dance in the fireplace.  Both of them were too caught up in their own thoughts and also the flames playing in the fireplace.  Brian and Stacey were acting like two kids in high school and they knew it.

From the moment in the office that afternoon it was love at first sight.  And they both knew it.  They both had been in bad relationships and it had been a long time since either one of them had been in a relationship.  But there was one thing that both of them had that was more in common then they both knew.  They both had a secret desire.  They had a fantasy and they both hoped more than anything that each other had the same fantasy, Brian wanted to tell her but he did not know how to make the conversation come about it.  Stacey was in the same boat as Brian. She wanted to open up and tell him everything but she was scared of rejection and also of him not understanding her desires.

As they sat there and watched the flames dancing, like kids on a playground there was no conversation being made just the closeness of two young people in love.  Brain was the one that broke the silence, “Stacey I am still waiting for the answer to my question.”  Stacey turned around and looked at him and was still trying to think how to tell him but she was lost for words.  “I have to think on that one Brian because I am not sure how to say it.”  At that comment she let out a giggle and Brian did the same.

Stacey snuggled up close to Brian and whispered, “just like when I was a little girl.”  Brian looked at her and asked, “little girl Stacey?” Stacey was lost for words.  Did she let her secret out?  She did not know what to say.  She was quiet for a few moments and then sat up and pulled Brian closer to the fire.  They were sitting between the fireplace and couch and Stacy sat her glass down.  Brain could tell that she was going to tell him something that she was leery about telling.  Brian took her hand and looked into her eyes and told her, “It’s ok Stacey what’s wrong?”

Stacey took a deep breath, “Brian I want to tell you something but I am not sure how to tell you.”  Brian showed a frown, “Stacey it’s ok you can tell me anything.  You are a great person and if you are not an axe murderer or a convicted felon then how bad could it be?”  Stacey looked at him and smiled, “Brian tell me this do you know how it is to what to open up to someone and tell them everything but there are something that you are scared to tell them?”  Brian had a look of concern on his face and he did not know how to take the conversation from here, “Stacey from the time we first started talking I have had a feeling about you.  You are a great person.  I want to spend as much time with you as I can.  For the past few hours I felt that I have found someone that I can and or should I dare saying I have fallen in love with.”  Stacey was lost for words although she felt that same way towards Brian.

They looked at each other neither one speaking.  Brian then looked at Stacey and said, “would you like to have some more wine?”  Stacey smiled, “Sure why not?  Why don’t you bring it over here so that we don’t have to keep getting up to get it.”  When Brian got up get the bottle of wine Stacey thought about telling Brian her secret but was still leery.

Stacey felt that she has finally found someone she cared about and she did not want to lose him because of her desires.  When Brain came back he filled Stacey’s glass and also his own.  Brian looked at Stacey, “Stacey please tell me what is bothering you.”  “Stacey took a deep breath and looked at Brian, “That comment I made early about mommy will spank.  That was a normal wise crack.  But that is something that I enjoying doing.”  Brian took the statement and digested it in his mind.  Brian looked at Stacey and said, “Ok you mean that you like to be or you want to be a mommy.”  Stacey looked at Brian; “Brian there is more.  I don’t want to say this but it has already started coming out so lets get this out in the open.”  Stacey took a deep breath and let out a sigh.  “Brian have you ever heard of infantilism?”  Brian nodded and coaxed her into finishing what she started saying.  “Brian I am an active infantilist.”  Brian looked at Stacey with wide eyes.  Stacey felt a rush of emotions come over her.  She did not know why she did it but she did.  And she hoped beyond all hope that Brian was caring enough and understanding enough to accept her for her desires.  Brian looked at Stacey and a little smile came on his face.  Brian stood up, reached out, and took Stacey by the hand.

Stacey was in shock what was Brian doing and what did he have in store for her.  He led her into his bedroom and at that moment, a state of horror came over Stacey.  She was not sure what Brian was planning on doing but she was very curious.  Brain saw the look on her face and also how she tensed up; “It is ok Stacey I am not going to hurt you. I just wanted to show you something that I think might interest you.”  Stacey had a bewildered look on her face when Brian said that.  He sat her down on his bed and pulled a large plastic tote out of his closet.  He sat the tote in front of her and stood back a few steps and asked her to open it.  She gave him a confused and scared look.  He looked at her, “It’s ok Stacey go ahead and open it.  That might help answer all the doubts that you are having right now.”

When Stacey opened the tote she was in total shock.  She was looking at something that she only read about and also had seen on the net.  Brain saw the look on her face and was hoping that was what she wanted to see and also hear.  Stacey looked at Brian and saw the grin on his face, “Brian I have two questions for you.  For one what am I going to do with you and also how long have you been active?”  Brian smiled at Stacey and could only say one thing to her, “I can think of a lot of things for both of us to do together.”

Stacey got a large smile on her face and she saw the look come over his face also.  Brian looked at Stacey and had to only show that one look.  The look that all lovers know, the look that tells each other that they want to go farther but one of them has to take control of the situation.  She did not even give him a chance to ask.  She stood up walked over and hugged him.  He asked her, “Well you want me to be daddy for the night?”  She smiled and nodded.  Brian picked her up and laid her on the bed.  He sat her down on his bed and pulled another large plastic tote out of his closet.

Brian looked at her, “you stay right where you are young lady and let me get your clothes ready for you.”  Brian pulled out an onsie and looked at Stacey and visually measured it up, “Yes this should fit you.”  Stacey looked at him and smiled and shook her head telling him no, “Ok so you don’t want an onsie then.  Then how about just a T-shirt then will that suit your fancy?”  She smiled and nodded her head.  He then went back into his toy box and started digging again.  He then pulled out a pacifier and showed it to her.  She smiled and nodded once more.  After a short session of show and tell Brian had her baby clothes set out on the bed for her and she had a smile on her face like a kid in a candy store.

Brian walked over to the bed where she was and sat her up.  He slipped the top of her skirt off and slid it down her body and it stopped at her waist.  He then took the T-shirt and slipped it over her head and slid it down her body.  It stopped where the skirt fell also.  He then laid her down and then removed her skirt from her half-dressed body.  From there he pulled up the T-shirt as to expose the lower half of her body and slid off her panty hoses.  He then took one of the diapers that he had pulled out of his toy box and opened it and prepared it so that he could put it on her.  He had her lift her body as he placed the diaper under her and centered it into proper place for her to be able to wear it.  He then took the baby powder and applied it liberally to all her areas that the diaper would be covering.  He could see that this was getting Stacey worked up because she started to form little peaks under the T-shirt she was wearing and she was also starting to get moist down at her female flower area.

After getting the powder in place Brian then took the pacifier he pulled out for Stacey and placed it near her mouth.  She took the pacifier aggressively and started suckling on it with no hesitation what so ever.  Brian then took another of the three diapers that he had pulled out for Stacey and put that one on her and then the third each in secession and just as he did the first.  By this time Stacey was in extacy.  She had only dreamed about having someone doing this and now it was actually becoming a reality.  When she tried to move she could tell that Brian was a pro at putting diapers on.  The three that she was wearing were thick and also fit her snug.  The diapers them self were tight in all the right spots and there was no possible reason for leakage unless the diapers themselves were taken to their maximum capacity.

Brian himself has had the same dream of someday finding someone that he could carry out these actions with.  And it was finally becoming a reality.  Brian was taking his time and using as much care and love as he could to make sure that this was being done with the loving touch of a father.  Stacey was in pure joyous bliss.  She was not sure how to react so she just went with her natural feelings of the child she was becoming.  She was letting her inner child out to play and she was enjoying every minute of it.

Brian also was enjoying this as much as Stacey was.  He himself liked to be a baby but he himself also liked to be the father.  Within a matter of only a few minutes Brian had taken Stacey from the 23 years old college student and transformed her into a 3 years old toddler.  He had her diapered, in plastic pants, wearing one of his small T-shirts, and also sucking on a pacifier.  Brian reached into his toy box one more time.  He brought out a teddy bear and also a small pair of socks, “I am not sure if the socks will fit you Stacey but we will give it a shot, also I thought you might like to have a bear also.”  When Stacey saw the bear she let out a scream of excitement and reached for the bear like a small child.  Stacey sat up in the bed and was giggling at Brian.

Brain was amazed at how Stacey transformed her mental actions from the young lady sitting by the fireplace to the baby that was sitting in front of him right now.  She was acting the role perfectly.  All he could do was smile at her.  Stacey smiled around the pacifier she had in her mouth at Brain and let out a little giggle.  Brian handed the bear to Stacey and sat down and put the socks on Stacey, “Well look at that Stacey perfect fit.”  Stacey started to giggle again.  She then reached out with the bear in one hand and started to hug Brian with her open arm.

Stacey was in total excitement she had finally been able to be transformed in the baby that she wanted to be and she had someone else do it.  She did not know what do to.  The only things that she had done before was wear diapers and acted like a child.  She had never been able to take this role to this level.  She could barely contain herself.  Brain could see it in her face.  She was excited and was letting all of her self-control go she wanted to play and she was letting it happen.  Brian picked her up and carried her like the baby that she had now became.  Stacey was a small framed person and Brian had enough mass on his frame to carry her with no problem.

When Brian and Stacey were in the living room he placed her on the floor in front of the fireplace and sat down behind her and took her into his arms.  Stacey could not control herself.  For the first time in her life she has found someone that really does understand her feelings and accepts her for whom she is.  Although they had only met that afternoon and no more than a few hours later he had her dress as a baby and she did not care about the short time that they had known each other.  She was happy and she was hoping that this night would not end.

Brian sat behind Stacey and rocked her gently and sang softly in her ear.  Within a matter of moments Stacey fell asleep in his arms.  Brian knew she was falling fast when he saw her head bobbing and he knew that she was at total peace with herself.  When he was sure that she was asleep he picked her up and took her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom laid her down in the bed and covered her up.  He made sure she had the bear with her and also her pacifier in her mouth.  Stacey cuddled the teddy bear close and held it tight.  Brian kissed her on her check and then left the room and turned off the lights.

When Brian entered the living room he cleaned up the table and put the rest of the dishes away and sat down on the couch.  While he sat there watching the flames dancing he sipped on his glass of wine and thought about the actions that had happened no more then 10 minutes ago.  He was in total awe.  What had he done that was so great to deserve something like this.  A person as great as Stacey and she was an active infantilist also?  He was in total shock.  Not only did he only meet her that afternoon but he had also gave out one of his own secrets and also had been active with babying Stacey.  As Brian sat there and thought about it more and more he started to drift off to sleep.

As few hours passed Stacey woke up and she was a little confused about what had happened and when she realized that she was in a diaper and in a strange bedroom she started to panic.  Then she remembered exactly what had happened.  And what lead to this turn of events.  She was totally surprised that Brian did not trying to get sexually active with her and she knew that she was excited by the turn of events and him babying her.  She sat up in his bed and looked around and noticed that he was no where to be found in the bedroom and the apartment was quiet.  The only sounds she heard were the noises of the fire in the living room doing the job that Mother Nature had instructed it to do.

She was still a little intoxicated from the wine from the dinner they had the hours before but she was alert, in her right mind, fully aware of what was going on, and where she was.  She got out of the bed and went walking into the living room where she found Brian asleep on the couch.  As she walked through the apartment she could feel the diapers that Brian had put on her and she was still excited that she had found someone that she could do these actions with.  She still had the pacifier in her mouth that Brian had given her.  She suckled the pacifier and held the teddy bear tight to her side.  She walked over to him and just stood there for a few minutes and looked at him and thought about the conversation they had early that evening, “Ah he looks so peaceful and cute laying there.”  Stacey sat down next to him and then curled up next to him on the couch.  As Stacey laid there against Brian all she could think about was how lucky she had been to be able to enjoy a great evening with a nice guy that was not out to take advantage of her.  She just lay there next to Brian holding him and the bear tight and suckling on her pacifier drifting into her thoughts.  Within only a few moments she was fast asleep.

As the morning light started to come through the blinds Brian woke up and was a little uncoordinated.  He was a little groggy from falling asleep on the couch and also when he found Stacey in his arms he knew exactly what happened.  He was sitting there on the couch watching the fire day dreaming and he fell asleep.  And then she must have woken up and came in there to where he was and fell asleep on the couch with him.  He looked at his wristwatch and it said 6:15 am, “Well it is still a little early.  Let me get her back in bed and then I will fix breakfast.”

He carefully and ever so gently got up off the couch trying not to wake Stacey.  He then picked her up and carried her back into his bedroom and put her in the bed.  He then got into a pair of his sweat pants and a T-shirt and got into bed next to her.  She could feel him getting into bed and she moved over and cuddled next to him.  He lay there for only a few minutes before he drifted off back to sleep.  As they both lay there the new day started to come to life.  At this point in time in that little apartment all was well and at total peace.

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Lil Devil's