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: : : : : : Enjoyable Weekend Part 3 : : : : : :

When Jim went back into his room he hesitated before he opened the door.  What was John going to say let alone think?  He looked down at himself and saw the T-Shirt the buldge of the diaper he was wearing and nothing else but his socks.  He took a deep breath, opened his bedroom door and walked in

When John saw him he let out a sigh of relief.  He looked at Jim and said, “Um Jim why are you wearing a diaper?”  Jim took a deep breath, “I got into trouble before you came over and my mom told me that when you got here my punishment was going to be I had to wear diapers.”

John showed a funny look jumped up and pulled his pants off and pulled his shirt up.  “Jim I got into trouble also and I am wearing diapers also.”  Jim showed a funny look, “What did you do?” Well when I was coming home from School today I had and accident and my mom put me back into diapers.”  “John what do you do when you gotta go?”  John shrugged his shoulders, “I just go.”  “What does it feel like?”  “It is a little weird at first but you get used to it after a couple of times.”

The boys sat on Jim’s bed and talked about their predicament for a few minutes until Jim said, “Hey let met show you that new game it is great!”

Mary peeked into Jim’s room and took a peek of the boys.  They did not even notice she was standing there watching them.  As she stood there she thought:  They are not even worried about being in diapers.  They are taking it with a grain of salt and they are eating this up.  They are more worried about playing on that game then they are about being in trouble.  They are so cute I wish I could keep them like that forever.

Mary left with out being noticed and let the boys continue playing with out being disturbed.

Katie’s Bedroom

Katie sat in her bedroom debating on what she wanted to do.  Her parents were going to be couch potatoes tonight and John was over at Jim’s house.  Katie Jumped up with a thought:  Well, it is going to be one of those nights. I might as well see if Julie wants to come over and spend the night.  And I might be able to talk mom into letting me get out of this diaper for the night while Julie is over.

Katie found her parents sitting on the couch watching a movie, “Mom can Julie spend the night tonight?”  “I don’t see why not.”  “Ok and also would it be possible for you to take this diaper off?”  “Sure, I can take that one off but I will put another one on you in place of that one.”  “BUT MOM!”  “Katie don’t try it.  You did the crime you will do the time.  You know that if you don’t stop trying to get out of them you will be in them longer.  Do you understand YOUNG LADY?”

Katie started to pout and she thought:  Forget this! If I am going to stay home tonight I am going to call Julie and ask her to come over.  She should understand.

As Katie stomped back to her room James looked at Brenda, “Ok you handled that one really well.  Remind me not to piss you off.”  Brenda looked at James and said, “Well then you had better be good or you are next on my hit list.  I will put you back in diapers also young man.”  The two started giggling at each other.

As soon as Katie got back into her room she plopped herself onto her bed, picked up the phone, and made the call.  Within ten minutes Julie was pulling up in front of Katie’s house, “Ok Katie what is so important that you had me get over here in such a hurry?”  “Not here, we can talk in my bedroom besides you will need to see this to believe it.”

Katie took Julie into her room and had her sit down on the bed, “Julie we have been friends for a long time and we have been through a lot right?"” “Yes why do you ask?”  There was a long silence.  “Ok Katie what is it.  Are you going to die or what?  That all depends on what you say when I tell you what I want to tell you.”  “What, are you pregnant?”  “No, but that might be better than what is going on now.”  Katie would you please tell me what is going on?”  Katie took a deep breath.  There was another silence until Katie opened up and said, “what would you say if I told you I was wearing a diaper right now?”  “Julie looked at her, “I would say you are nuts and you are lying to me.”  “Well then I am nuts and I am not lying to you.”  Julie gave Katie a funny look, “Katie why are you wearing a diaper?”  “Because I got in trouble wallago and my mom put one on me.”  Julie started to snicker, “I don’t believe you.”  Katie got a stern look on her face, “You don’t believe me is that right?  Well then explain this too me.”  She dropped her sweat pants kicked them off and then pulled her shirt up just above the waist of the diaper she was wearing.  “There you go Julie now do you believe me?”  Julie was flabbergasted and did not know what to say.

As Julie stood there and glared at her best friend standing there wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a diaper she did not know what to think, “Um Katie you are wearing a diaper.”  Katie gave Julie a funny look, “really I did not know that.  And what have I been trying to tell you for the past ten minutes?”  When the initial shock wore off Julie looked at Katie. “Ok Katie what in the world is going on?”  “Long story Julie but to make it short, like, I told you I got into trouble and my mom put it on me.”  Julie could tell that Katie was telling her the truth, “Ok Katie let me get this straight your mom had you lay down on your bed and she put that diaper on you.  Is that right?”  Katie nodded, “Yes that is right.  If you don’t believe me then you can go in there and ask her.”  “No that is quite ok I believe you.”

As the question rolled on for the next few minutes Julie was still trying to understand the fact that Katie was in a diaper.

As the girls sat there and talked about it Julie started to squirm.  Katie saw this and asked, “Ok Julie what is wrong?”  Julie just sat there, “nothing I am fine.”  “Then why are you squirming like you are?”  Julie took a deep breath, “um Katie would you call me weird if I told you that I would like to try wearing a diaper?”  Katie started to giggle, “Julie look at me I am sitting here in front of you wearing nothing but a T-shirt and a diaper.  You think I would call you weird?  I think not.”  Julie started to squirm even more, “Well I want to put one on but I was not sure how you would react.”  Katie got a devious look on her face.

Julie saw that she was scared to ask what it was about, “UM, Katie what are you thinking?”  “Well Julie if you want one on that bad I can put it on you.”  “Katie are you serious?”  “I am dead serious.  Just lay down and I will do the rest if that’s ok with you.”  Julie looked at Katie, “you know what this sounds like something we would have done when we were growing up.”  “Yea it does.  Now if you want me to put a diaper on you, you need to get over here so I can do it.”

Julie dropped down to her bare bottom and lay down on the floor as Katie pulled a diaper out of the bag of diapers.  Katie was right in the middle of centering up the diaper under Julie when Brenda knocked on the bedroom door.  When the door came open Julie and Katie froze with terror.  They were caught and they knew it.  There was nothing they could do but just stand there frozen.

Brenda just stood there and looked at Katie, “Katie I should say, ‘you care to tell me what is going on?’ but that is obvious enough to any causal observer.  And Julie I am not even going to ask you because I can tell what you two are doing.”

Brenda walked all the way into the room and just looked at them and said, “Ok you two what are we going to do just stand there and gawk at me or what?”  Katie just stood up and backed away from Julie and left her there with the diaper in place.  “Ok Katie you started this and did not finish it.  Go ahead and finish what you started and then we will talk about this.  I will be back in 5 minutes.  Oh by the way Katie you might want to use two and put slits in the inside diaper it works better that away like I did with that diaper you are wearing now.”  Brenda left the room and did as she said she was going to do.  She went right back into Katies room five minutes later.

“You two get your diapered tails on the bed and I mean now.”

The two girls sat on the bed and waited for the worst to come.  They knew that Brenda was going to go off on them and they were expecting it.  But Brenda just looked at them,  “Ok you two what is going on?”  The girls went to explain that they were talking about Katie being punished and that Julie wanted to try wearing a diaper so they were in the process of putting one on her when she walked in.  “Ok you two this is what we are going to do.  Katie you are still grounded and will stay in diapers.  Julie it is your call but since you are in diapers you can stay in them while you are here tonight if you want to.  I do not have a problem with it.  And Katie when your punishment is over if you choose to wear diapers that is your call but until them it is diapers with no questions asked.  UNDERSTAND?  As far as you Julie you have been told but I am going to leave this one up to you in telling your parents why you were wearing diapers tonight.  Do you understand?”

The two girls nodded in acknowledgement.  “Ok then this discussion is over.  You two will stay in diapers tonight, except for you Julie you can make the choice and Katie you know your situation.”

The girls looked at each other.  And then Katie looked at Brenda, “Mom, you mean you are going to let us wear diapers tonight?”  “Katie I am going to let Julie choose to wear a diaper tonight but you will be in a diaper tonight no questions asked.  As there any questions?”  The two girls did not have anything to say. They were happy that they did not get their tails chewed.  “Ok you two I am going to go back to watch my movie.  And I want you to do me one favor.  No more surprises tonight please.”

The girls could do nothing but sit there and giggle at each other.

When Brenda was out of the room and the door was closed Julie looked at Katie, “Man that was close. I thought she was going to go off the deep end when she caught us.”  “You telling me and then she told that I started diaper you I might want to finish diapering you!”  “Yea that was weird.  Not only to have someone putting a diaper on me but to be wearing it.”  “Well Julie is it everything that I told you it was like?”  “I am not sure yet but I see what you are saying it is kind of nice in a weird sort of way.”  “Hey just wait until you have to go.  And then you will be in for the real fun.”  “Hey now don’t push me into it.  This is already new and weird at the sametime.  But yes I see what you were saying.”  The two girls started laughing at that statement.

Brenda walked back into the den talking under her breath, “Ok Brenda what were they doing or do I want to know?”  “James you would not believe me if I told you.”  “Brenda we are talking about Julie and Katie.  Have you forgotten the baking incident when they almost caught the kitchen on fire?”  “Yea you’re right.  Well I walk in Katie’s room and there is Julie laid out on the floor with Katie in the process of putting a diaper on her.”  “Brenda you can’t be serious.” “Oh yes, James, I am dead serious.”  “Well what did you do?”  “Well when I walked in they froze up and I asked them if they wanted to finish what Katie started and they said, ‘yes’ so I left the room and let Katie finish putting the diaper on Julie.” James gave her a funny look.  “Yes, Katie was doing it and she stopped in the middle and I told her since you started you want to finish.”  “Um Brenda think about what you are saying.”  “James I am.  But two things to keep in mind.  Julie wanted to do it and also Julie’s parents told us that is Julie was acting up no matter how old she got tear into her hide.”  “Yea that’s right.  Well what are you going to tell them?”  “Well I told Julie that she is going to be the one to tell them and I was not going to tell them a thing.  But she does not know that I am going to call her mom tomorrow and tell her what is going on.”  “Ok, you are THE MOM.  GO BRENDA GO.”  Oh thanks James.  If you are not careful I will have you in a diaper tonight also YOUNG MAN.”  “Oh diaper me, mom’ ma, diaper me.”  “You better watch out or I will get one of Katie’s diapers and put it on you for general purpose.”  The two giggled at that remark.

James thought about that comment in the back of his mind:  I wonder what Brenda would do if I told her to diaper me.  Let alone the fact what would it feel like to have her put a diaper on me.  That is one that I am going to have to think about.  It is a Friday night and the kids are out of the house except for Katie and she has Julie over for the night.

Meanwhile in Katie’s room, “Katie you are right…   Wearing a diaper grows on you I can hardly tell it is there but when I look down I know it is there and I can see it.”  “See what did I tell you.  It is nice in a weird kind of way.  I am mad my mom is making me do it but I like it just the same.”  “Katie I might sound weird saying this but I feel I can really get into this.  This is nice in that weird kind of way.”  The two girls just sat there giggling at each other.

Jim’s House

As the boys sat there playing the game Jim had the urge to go to the bathroom.  He sat there holding back for as long as he could.  John saw him and knew exactly what he was doing, “Jim why are you holding back let it go and get it over with.  You will feel better I promise.”  “John I can’t do it.  I have to go but I do not want to go in my diaper.  And my mom told me I could not use the bathroom.”  “I know my mom told her the same thing the bathroom was off limits to me.”  “I am going to the bathroom.”  “Jim don’t do it, man.  If your mom catches you, you will be in for it.  Remember what she told you?”  “Yea but I will sneak in and sneak out she will never know.”  “Ok but I am warning you.  When she catches you I do not want to hear it.”  “Ok watch this.”  Jim headed for the door and made his way down the hallway.  No sooner did he reach the bathroom door he found out it was locked.

Mary heard one of the boys in the hallway and when she came around the corner and saw it was Jim all she said was, “James Robert get into my room and I mean now!”

As Jim walked towards his mom’s room he knew he was going to get it so he walked over to the bed and sat down and waited for his mom to come into the room.  He knew when she got in there she was going to take his diaper off and paddle his bare bottom.  When Mary walked into the room she found Jim sitting down on the bed.  She closed the door behind her.  She knew he was waiting for her to take his diaper off and then spank him.   She just stood there and looked at him, “JAMES ROBERT WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”  “I am sitting here waiting for you to take my diaper off so that you can spank me.”  “Is that what you want me to do?”  “Well you said you were going to do it.  So I was ready for it.”  “I am going to ask one more time.  Is that what you want me to do?”  He sat up and shook his head, “No it is not.”  “Then why are you sitting there waiting for me to do it?”  “For the reason that I did not listen.”  “Why did you not listen?”  “Because I needed to go to the bathroom.”  “Oh you needed to go to the bathroom.  Well I tell you what.  Go into my bathroom.”  Mary took Jim into her bathroom that was in her bedroom and stood there and looked at him.  “Ok now you are in the bathroom now what is it that you wanted to do?”  “I need to go.”  “Well then go.”  “But mom I can’t.”

Mary looked at Jim, “I want to show you something.”  Mary took Jim and made him look in the full length mirror.  She pulled his shirt up, “tell me what you see.”  Jim just stared.  “Jim, what do you see?”  “I see me wearing a diaper.”  “Ok why are you in a diaper?”  “Because I did not listen and I wanted to throw temper tantrums.”  “That’s right.  Now, you are in a diaper because you wanted to act up and act like a baby.  And you need to go to the bathroom well guess what young man you are in a diaper you will use that diaper.  Do you understand?”  Jim just stood there and pouted.

Mary stood there and looked at both of them in the mirror:  I can’t handle this.  He got into trouble and I punished him.  But if I back down then he will think he can get away with it all the time.  I have to stand my ground so I will try to talk with him and see if that does anything to help calm him down.

Mary took Jim by the hand and led him back into the bedroom.  She sat him on the bed and she sat down next to him, “now Jim I love you but you can’t keep doing this.  And the more you do it the more you will get into trouble.  Now you got into trouble and I told you the bathroom is off limits.  So that is the way it is going to be.  You are wearing a diaper so use it.  I know it is hard but just do it.  Get your time over with and it will be over soon.  But if you want to act like a baby then I will treat you like a baby.  You will have to start listening and doing what you are told to do.  Do you understand?”  Jim nodded.  “Now Jim since you acted like a baby this afternoon that is why you are in diapers and you will stay in them until you can prove to me that you can act your age and not like a baby.  So the sooner that you start acting your age and not like a two year old the sooner you will be out of those diapers. Ok?”  Jim said nothing but just nodded.  “Jim just because your dad is out of town this weekend and you are upset because you could not go does not mean that you can act like this.  You knew he had work to do and he wanted you to go but it was better for you to stay home with me this weekend.  Now either you starting acting right or I will call him and tell him what is going on.  Is that understood?”  “MOM YOU CAN’T CALL HIM.  IF YOU TELL HIM YOU PUT ME IN DIAPERS HE WILL GET MAD!”  “Jim he will get mad when he finds out how you acted tonight.”

Mary pulled Jim close and held him in her arms, “Jim I tell you what when he gets home we will talk about this ok?  All three of us will sit down and talk about this.  Right now John is in your room and you are in here with me.  What is John supposed to think?”  “That I am getting a spanking.”  “Well that can be arranged if that is what you want.”  “NO!”  “Well then think about what is going on.  If you need to go to the bathroom then go in your diapers and I will change you when you need it ok?”  Jim thought about this for a few moments and then said, “Ok mom I am sorry for doing what I did today.”  “It’s ok Jim but that does not mean that you can keep doing it and it sure does not mean that I am not going to keep you in diapers until your dad gets home.  You got into trouble so you are going to live with the punishment.  You hear me?”  “Yes mom.”  “Ok then go back into your room and think about what is going on.  And if you need a diaper change just tell me or I will come and check on you and see if you need one.  Ok?”  “Ok mom.  I love you and I am sorry for acting that way that I did.”  “It’s ok but please don’t let it happen again.  Or I will take your diaper off and paddle your tail.  And if you don’t believe me I will do it right now to prove it.”

Jim just looked at her.  “Jim I am serious. Do you believe me?”  There was no response.  “Jim I am going to ask you one more time.  Do you believe me?”  There was still no response.  “Ok you asked for it.”  Mary started to lay Jim down on her bed when he said, “Yes mom I believe you.  I will be good.”  Ok then get in there and play with John.  And be good.  OK!”  “Ok mom.  I love you.” “I love you too Jimbo.”

As Jim went back into his bedroom Mary sat there: I hope that little talk did it.  I am tired of correcting him tonight.  He is a good kid but why all the problems?  His dad goes out of town for the weekend and he goes off the deep end and starts acting like a two- year- old.  I hope me diapering him and treating him like a baby solves the problem.  I need to call Robert and see what he says about all this.

The boys where around twenty minutes into playing, when Jim started to do the peepee dance.  John looked at Jim and said, “Well why stand there and do the dance?  Just go and get it over with.”  “No way man I am going to sneak into the bathroom and go.”  “Jim didn’t she tell you that she was gonna spank you and she was getting ready to until you said no?” “Yea?”  “Well you know that she is being serious.  Just go in the diaper and let her change you.”  “Ok John you are right but this feels weird.”

Just as Jim got up the nerve to start wetting in his diaper his mom walked in.  Jim showed a caught look on his face but Mary did not say a word. She just peeked in and closed the door.  Jim let out a sigh of relief, “Man that was close I was scared she was going to say something.”  “See what did I tell ya Jim.  Now you are in a wet diaper but you did not get spanking right?”  “Yea you are right.”

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