Christian Feminists an oxymoron
The feminists movement is one of the most destructive movements of our times. It has essentially eliminated the role of the family and especially the father. Adding "Christian" to the term feminist does not make it right as a "Christian" racist would still be going against what the Bible tells us. Lets look at the important roles of men and women from a Biblical prospective. The church as bought into the feminist agenda and has been ignoring hurting men and believes the feminist propaganda There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, (or woman) but the end thereof are the ways of death. Pro 16:25
Articles on Feminism
Battered Justice Syndrome (read this)
False reports of abuse to kids
Fatherless ness (look under research)
Divorce-Related Malicious Mother Syndrome
This book is a Free Public Domain publication, placed here to help Fathers and those scholars seeking to understand the present Apartheid being inflicted against American Males and especially, the Institution of Fatherhood. Please freely disseminate and publicize this work that will remain in the public domain. Fathers, who need to fight this system, will be armed with the facts and figures which are applicable to this war against them. Those so armed, will be able to enforce their rights as Fathers, to their own children, and defeat those working against Fatherhood. Author's information has been catalogued after many years of study of this Domestic Enemy which invents Fatherhood into a crime, and inflicts a needless war against them in which to obtain money, power, and the ability to usurp and overthrow the foundation of our free society: The American Home and Family.