Christian Feminists an oxymoron
Posting Policy for Our Partnership Clubs
2000 A Place to Praise, Pray and Fellowship |
Prayer Type: Listed |
As this club grows we as founders want to let each of you know how very
important you are to this club. We would like to extend a hand of welcome to
each new person and a big thank you to the members who have been here for a
while. This club has been greatly blessed to have a family of members who
truly care for each other. Time after time we have seen someone come here
hurting, searching, grieving and others reach out in love to them. I know I
am blessed to be here with each of you.
In any large group there has to be some guidelines for things to work
together. Keeping that in mind the founders after much prayer have
established the following guidelines.
On the message board we do NOT allow any solicitation, advertising, links
that lead to anything that points to any non Christian beliefs. We also
request that politics not be a part of this board . One other is that no
last names be used( exception of our own if we choose) due to the risk of an
innocent person being harassed if located or embarrassed by having what they
might have considered private being made public. We are concerned about the
safety and security of those we pray for here and know that not all who come
here to read the posts do so with honorable intentions
This is a Christian club. The basis for our beliefs is outlined in The First
Step Toward Better Relationships (How To Have Eternal Life) and Eternal
Life! Eternal Or Temporary? both found on this link:
If anyone is interested in a chat at other times than listed please
contact the founders and we will try to work it out. One thing though the
founders are not always able to be here so if you suggest an alternative
time you may also be asked to consider being a chat leader. If you feel led
in this direction please contact the founders
God Bless each of you. There are also some other ways that you can help
serve others here . Some of them include assisting in chats as greeters or
helping with inviting others here.. Any who feel led to help in the club
please let us know and we will join you prayerfully to see what can be done.
This club is in partnership in serving our Lord with Shattered Men, Voice of
the Martyrs and several other clubs and more as the Lord leads us to work
with other clubs on a partnership level. We WILL work with ALL Christian
clubs that promote JESUS CHRIST at savior and LORD. Links to other Christian
clubs and even secular clubs will be allowed to be posted. Please remember,
the language used in some secular clubs may or may not be what we would
allow here but the ones We are involved with are all working for equality
for ALL. Post to any gender bashing clubs or clubs that put down any group
will not be allowed. Nor will we allow any to be individually attacked or
bashed and will delete immediately posts that do so as soon as they are seen
by one of the founders.
Again thank you to each of you and God Bless you
the Founders
Gods Rest The Healing Place For Healers |
Christianity Type: Listed |
See Policy for GODS REST PRAYER ROOM 2000
Gods Rest For
Better Or Worse trusting God to strengthen and heal marriages |
Families Type: Listed |
See Policy for GODS REST PRAYER ROOM 2000
Gods Rest Prayer
Room 2001 A Place To Find Rest in Him With Other Believers! |
Christianity Type: Listed |
See Policy for
Shattterd Men For Physically and Emotionally Abused Men & Women |
Men Type: Listed |
Shattered Men has many of the same posting policies as does God's Rest. We do NOT allow any solicitation, advertising, links that lead to anything that points to any non Christian beliefs We also request no last names be (used unless it is in context of a news article.)
Due to the nature of this club, we do allow politics to be discussed as it relates to the purpose of this club...equality for ALL people.
Draw Near to God Welcome to all who want to DRAW NEAR TO GOD! |
Christianity Type: Listed |
As this club grows we as founders want to let each of you know how very
important you are to this club. We would like to extend a hand of welcome to
each new person and a big thank you to the members who have been here for a
while. This club has been greatly blessed to have a family of members who
truly care for each other. Time after time we have seen someone come here
hurting, searching, grieving and others reach out in love to them. We as the
founders are very blessed to be here with each of you.
In any large group there has to be some guidelines for things to work
together. Keeping that in mind the founders after prayer have established
the following guidelines.
On the message board we do NOT allow any solicitation, advertising, links
that lead to anything that points to any non Christian beliefs. We also
request that politics not be a part of this board . One other is that
no last names be used( exception of our own if we choose) due to the
risk of an innocent person being harassed if located or embarrassed by
having what they might have considered private being made public. We are
concerned about the safety and security of those we pray for here and know
that not all who come here to read the posts do so with honorable intentions
This is a Christian Club. While the basis of our beliefs are common there
are many denominational doctrines that can lead into quite a bit of
controversy. We DO NOT allow debates in this club. There are debate
clubs available for that. Now there is a big difference between a short
discussion and a debate and we do not wish to deny discussions, but debates
will be stopped quickly. If you wish to reply to another person's post and
disagree, it would be good to limit it and to include scripture back up.
At all times we need to speak "truth" IN LOVE and not with a put-down or
prideful spirit. Let's try to remember that mere knowledge without love and
application "puffs up" which equals pride.
The founders do not enjoy deleting posts and only do it when we feel it is necessary. We feel that God has entrusted us as shepherds with the responsibility of founders and we do take it seriously.
Thank you!
ShatteredmenCAN A place for Christian men and Women to Stand up |
Men Type: Listed |
We hear of women abuse and Child abuse and very seldom
Male abuse. This is only because of the liberal and leftist media and judges
that we have in our court rooms and this will never change until Christians get
their act together and decide that this is God Country. But the Messiahainc
POST AT THE SAME TIME. We can complain all we want to, but the fact is that
ABUSE is still Abuse and it is down right EVIL! NO CLUBS OR WEBSITES Are TO BE
POSTED ON MESSAGE BOARDS Whatsoever! Democracy is not biblical All are created
equal in God's eyes as far as roles are concerned in the Church. But in the
sphere of politics it does not carry on there. Women may make the best Prime
Minister Like Margaret Thatcher, Who by the way is a very godly woman.
Gods Rest and Prayer
Room Canada We are a family here and Pray for Our nations |
Prayer Type: Listed |
This club is set up for those concerned about our nation and for prayer for the needy and those who are hurting. God desires that we Come to Him first and seek His face and His will. We are here to comfort the comfortless, strengthen the weak, and for each other. Come and share and pray for each other. The only thing not allowed here is debates or arguing over doctrine. Nor pushing a particular view of scripture. This club is built on the Word of God which is infallible and authoritative in all things. Come pray for your country. For your loved ones, your children or your parents. This club is for any age 13 and up! Absolutely NO SPAMMING OR ADVERTISEMENTS ALLOWED Nor Club ADDS. on Message Boards. The Founders.
Practical Love Showing God's Love, in a practical way... |
Christianity Type: Listed |
See Policy for
The Cry Of The Martyrs The Persecuted Church |
Other Type: Listed |
See Policy for GODS REST PRAYER ROOM 2000 However along with these policies, this club due the nature of the honor those that are literally placing their life on the line to serve our LORD, we do not allow posting addresses for any site that does not address the problem of the persecuted church without prior approval of the founders. We also ask that the topics be related to this issue.
Lives Mending lives and families |
Abuse Survivors Type: Listed |
See Policy for GODS REST PRAYER ROOM 2000
Grieving Christians There is ALWAYS hope |
Christianity Type: Listed |
See Policy for GODS REST PRAYER ROOM 2000
worldwide missions Challenging believers to go after God |
Missions Type: Listed |
See Policy for GODS REST PRAYER ROOM 2000
Christian Anti
Feminists "Christian" Feminists Is An Oxymoron |
Women Type: Listed |
See Policy for Shattterd Men
Unity In Christ Bringing Christians Together In His Name |
Christianity Type: Listed |
My Anchor HOLDS For those who battered by the raging storm! |
Advice Type: Listed |
See Policy for GODS REST PRAYER ROOM 2000