Christian Feminists an oxymoron
NOUN: Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or
thing; One in which confidence is placed; Reliance on something in the future;
VERB: Inflected forms: trust·ed, trust·ing, trusts.
INTRANSITIVE & VERB: 1. To have or place reliance; depend: "Trust in the Lord.
Trust to destiny." 2. To be confident; hope.
TRANSITIVE & VERB: 1. To have or place confidence in; depend on. 2. To expect
with assurance; assume: "I trust that you will be on time." 3. To believe: "I
trust what you say." 4. To place in the care of another; entrust. 5. To grant
discretion to confidently: "Can I trust them with the boat?"
SYNONYMS: trust, faith, confidence, reliance, dependence. These nouns denote a
feeling of certainty that a person or thing will not fail. Trust implies depth
and assurance of feeling that is often based on inconclusive evidence: Faith
connotes unquestioning, often emotionally charged belief: “Faith and knowledge
lean largely upon each other in the practice of medicine” (Peter M. Latham).
“Often enough our faith beforehand in an uncertified result is the only thing
that makes the result come true” (William James). Confidence, which suggests
less emotional intensity, frequently implies stronger grounds for assurance:
“Confidence is a plant of slow growth in an aged bosom: youth is the season of
credulity” (William Pitt). Reliance connotes a confident and trustful commitment
to another: “What reliance could they place on the protection of a prince so
recently their enemy?” (William Hickling Prescott). Dependence suggests reliance
on the help or support of another to whom one is often subordinate: “I fared
like a distressed Prince who calls in a powerful Neighbor to his Aid . . . when
I had once called him in, I could not subsist without Dependence on him”
(Richard Steele). Other Synonyms: care, rely
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Third Edition. 1996.
Trust is one of the most important parts of a successful marriage. Actually, it
is essential to any relationship. This post is being linked to the Control and
manipulation posts because they are very closely linked. We often want to
control and manipulate because we do not have trust in them. Often our lack of
trust in our husband, our wife comes from a lack of trust in ourselves. One of
the greatest fears in men and women is that their spouse will find someone else.
To tell you the truth, I am not 100% sure where I am going with this
has already taken a turn I had not planned on but I so much want it to be God
and not me...but as I was writing this..The thought of self esteem hit so hard.
People who have been abuse have low self-esteem. However, people who are abusive
also have low self-esteem also, perhaps much lower then their victims. Abuse is
their attempt at feeling as if they are important. They WANT so much for someone
to listen to care. Is not this what we all want? Too often we do not
see our own faults. When we do, we often feel we are justified in them. After
all if our wife did not do what she did...I would not have to do this...she
"made" me do it. If my husband only......He "made" me do it.
Folks is it not time we each took personal responsibility for OUR part in any
problems instead of passing blame? Is this not what the Psalmist did when he
said Search ME oh Lord..?
How often do we say Search my wife, search my husband...and help them to see
what they are doing to "ME"?
TRUST...we have seen what it means above.
Why then do we not trust each other as we once did? Could it be something we
have done to destroy that trust? We often feel no one trusts us. How often have
we lied to our boss.... I can not come in today because....(OUCH this is hitting
home) How often have we lied to our children? What then makes us think our
spouse will not feel we lie to them when they know this? What stops our children
from doing it when they see how easy we do it? Think for a moment...about that
person you have said never can tell the truth if his life depended on it... What
would it take for him/her to reestablish your TRUST?
Now the hard part...think about your husband, your wife. If they have been
unfaithful to you.... What would it take for them to reestablish your trust? If
"you" have been unfaithful to them.... What should it take to reestablish their
trust? Remember also...emotional unfaithfulness is as sinful as physical
unfaithfulness. The only positive part is that at least you will not bring home
some diseases, but the Word of God indicates anytime we receive sexual
gratification from someone other then our husband or wife.... It is SIN. It is
being unfaithful to our spouse.
TRUST...something it takes a long time to obtain but such a short time to
destroy. Is there trust in your relationship? If there is, nurture it. If not,
sit down with your husband or wife and discuss what it will take to reestablish
trust. Keep in mind that if it was you that destroyed the will take
hard work and time on your part to reestablish trust. But the effort will be
worth it. Often trust is lost because somewhere along the line intimacy was
lost. I am not referring to the physical part but the emotional and spiritual
part. This will be a topic I will take up to reestablish lost
imitmancy in your marriage.
This is not quite what I planned in this topic but I do pray it is more of what
the Lord wanted to be posted...after all HE knows your needs better then do I.
Proverbs 3
5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own
Proverbs 16
20 He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusteth in the
LORD, happy is he.
Proverbs 28
25 He that is of a proud heart stirreth up strife: but he that putteth his trust
in the LORD shall be made fat.
Proverbs 29
25 The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD
shall be safe.
Isaiah 26
3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he
trusteth in thee.
TRUST...if you have lost it ... go to the one who is always trustworthy. Lean on
the Lord and He will help you reestablish trust in your relationship but
remember...we need to do it on HIS terms...ahh but it is WORTH the effort!
For the LAMB