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I just wanted a little area on the internet to express my appreciation of the UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS and some of the people that I know who have served our country. It is my goal to give you a small glimps at the wonderful history of the United States Marine Corps and to make sure that we never forget those who have gone on to guard Heavens gates. Thank you for your time and please sign the guestbook and give me any suggestions of what you would like to see on this web site.

September 11,2001. A date that we as Americans will never be forgotten. It is a time that we need to join together. At this time we are no longer Marines, Air Force, Army, Navy or Coast Guard. We are AMERICANS! My family is praying for each of the losses, the missing, and the families. God Bless and protect our men and women in the military and their families. Thank you for the jobs that you do.


September 11, 2002. Can it be that it has been a year ago? In some ways it feels like it was just yesterday in others a hundred years. I think over the past year and remember the joys and heartaches. Sitting and watching CNN for hours wondering who was going to make it out. Watching the smoke over and over. The memorial services. The prayers. It was a day that would change all of our lives. But instead of making us fearful it brought us together as a nation. All because of that one day.It was people bravely telling the ones they love goodbye as they goes to war. While your insides are screaming God I dont want them to go. And it is knowing that it is something they must do because you know they are willing to give their life as so many others did to protect ours and others freedom. I look back and think of the missed holidays. The unopened Christmas, birthday, Valentines, Fathers Day presents waiting for their return. It is hearing the news that an American soldier was killed and that the names havent been released yet. The mixed feeling of relief knowing it isnt the ones you love until you think of the ones that actually got the news. Thanking God it wasnt your family and friends. But then you cry because they are all your military family. It is clinging to others that have been through the same. Thinking of Grandma waiting for Grandpa in WWII and Mama waiting for Daddy in Vietnam. And knowing now is our time to give for our country. It is praying your daughter never has to know this fear of a loved one going to war again. Then there are the nights. The nights of sitting outside and looking at the stars and the moon and sending a message to them and hope that the ones you love sees the same moon and feels your love. It is the letters that you read again and again keeping them safe cause they are more precious than gold. It is getting the call from family and friends saying they are coming home. And you fall to your knees and cry and thank God. It is learning that all that matters in the world is love and family. And knowing to cherish both. Thank you God for bringing them home. And keep all those safe who are still away. And comfort those they have left behind. God Bless the USA!!!!

September 11, 2003 Wow another year has gone by. I look back over the past year... the tears of sorrow...the tears of happiness. The times of curling up with my husband and listening to WHERE WERE YOU WHEN THE WORLD STOPPED TURNING...holding each other with tears as we both remember our losses. The Seabees, Marines and Army soldiers that we knew that will never be forgotten. As a military family we will never forget 911 and the ones who have given their life for our country. But as AMERICANS we will live our life. We will never let terrorist take away our pride as AMERICANS. We won't take for granted that others have given their lives so we can live. America will survive. United We Stand in God We Trust. GOD HAS TRUELY BLESSED AMERICA!!!

September 11, 2004 Yet another year has gone by. Yet we still remember. America is strong. So many things have happened over the past year. America is healing, we have turned to fight and we are going on. As a family we have shared so much over the year. The news that we were expecting another child! Who can forget the romantic row boat ride??? :) And me waking up the next morning with poison ivy hahahaha. But at least you kissed me and told me I was still beautiful and you love me. I looked so horrible! Thanksgiving and being thankful that we were together and praying for the safety of others. Remembering curling up next to a fire and listening to Christmas songs. Putting Dallas Cowboys ornaments on the Christmas tree. Rushing around looking for that one special Christmas present and not being able to find it, then finding out that we had the name wrong and was looking for the wrong thing!The doc told us that we were going to have a boy right before Christmas. America got the perfect Christmas present... Saddam is captured! Hiding in a hole like a cowardly mouse! It was so wonderful to go back to our home in Texas. God only knows how much I and my husband miss Texas. We can't wait to get back! We had a Christmas we will never forget. I was six months pregnant and passed out in the book store and broke my foot. They finally were able to put it in a cast a week and a half later. Hubby took good care of me. Next came Valentines day and my husband found his next true love haha, the big screen TV I gave him, and me with my embroidery machine. Our daughter winning the Valentines Day beauty contest and getting another scholarship. We are so proud of her! I thank God for such a wonderful man to love. Then came Saint Patricks Day! A day my husband loved because his family came from Ireland and Scotland. Now he has a new reason to love it. I went into labor. I still smile remembering how hubby rushed around all excited.The baby was born a few hours later and surprised us all when the doc said.... ITS A GIRL! My husband is as crazy over this little girl as the first one. I love watching him with the kids and falling in love with him all over again. Our youngest is growing up so fast. I cant belive that she is almost 6 months old. Her first word was DADDY shock shock haha. I look over the events of the past year. I thank God over and over for the most wonderful loving husband in the world and the most beautiful children! I am truely lucky. I sit here and I know our family has done exactly what those who have given their life for our wonderful country would want us to do... we have lived, loved and enjoyed life. Our family joins in a prayer and thanks God for blessing our family. And thank you God, for God has truely blessed America.

September 11, 2005 Well here we are again! Another year has gone by. Wow it has been 4 years since that awful day. They did not succeed in breaking us! They have just made us stronger. The war still goes on. We are getting ready for my husband to deploy to the desert in February 2006. I dread it sooooo much! But I am so proud of you honey! And now we are on a battleground at home. My family has been hit by Hurricane Katrina. She struck on August 29, 2005. So much of our towns have been destroyed. Our home has been damaged. But our spirit is still strong. The people that are helping are the churches and the Salvation Army. They actually go out in the community and get meals and supplies to the people that have no transportation. While the Red Cross sits back and brags about how much they have offered. What they offer is how to fill their pockets with money! The girls have been so brave through this. Being without electricity was hard and so hot. We caught rain water in buckets to fill up the tubs to flush the toilets. Then the girls played in the extra rain water we had to cool off. They sure are Daddy's little troopers! So many around the country have helped us during this crisis. It is said to have been the worst natural disaster to hit the United States. But what is amazing is that no matter how bad it is, how torn the homes are.... people are placing American flags! THAT is what 9-11 did to us. NO MATTER HOW BAD OF A SITUATION WE ARE IN WE ARE PROUD AMERICANS!!!! Even though we are considered "victims" right now from Katrina... we will never forget those who lost their lives and who bravely stood against the enemy 4 years ago. And each service member who has given their life for this wonderful country will never be forgotten. God has truely blessed AMERICA!

September 11,2006 Is it really 5 years already? Have you forgotten? My family hasn't. And we will stand together against anyone who is against the United States. What a year it has been! No one knows how bad Katrina was unless you were here. It looked like bombs went off. People are still living in FEMA trailors. Hubby has just recently came home from 12 different countries. It seemed like each day was weeks. Thank God he is finally home for a little while. I am so proud of him serving his country. We lost Grandpa and Uncle Ronnie this year. Life will never be the same without them. We will never forget you! Will the war ever end? NO But we must stand together or we will fall completly. As long as there is a stupid fanatic alive who loves to terrorize others there will be a war. But they messed with the wrong dog. And this dog bites. And those that it doesn't rip apart right at first it watches and wears down and then moves in for the kill. Number 2 man is caught now. Cant wait to see number 1 caught. Maybe he will be found hiding stinking in a hole like a coward like Saddam. Americans wont forget!

September 11, 2007 Here we are again! Thank you to all of our men and women in the military serving this country! Its been an eventful year! Saddam is gone! Hubby deployed again. We have been doing great with our embroidery business. Well this year we have lost my husbands mother and father within 3 weeks time and Aunt Ida Pearl. Grampy will always be remembered and loved. I know he is watching over us! Keep our cousin in your prayers. He was injured in Iraq. Thank you Justin for the job you did for our nation! Always remember to Keep the Faith!

September 11, 2008

September 11th. A day that will live on in each of our lives. I would like to honor my husbands grandmother who has just passed away. She was a wonderful woman who believed in her country and God. She is a blessing to each of us. We love and will miss you Grandma!


September 11, 2009 It is that time of year again. It is important to not forget what happened on this date. We must honor those who died on that day and those brave men and women in our military who have given their lives for our country.

I want to thank my husband for the job he has done serving our country. This past year my husband has been in Iraq and Afghanistan. God has brought him safely home. My husband has now retired from the military. I am so proud of you hon! I love you with all my heart. You will always be my hero.

We have moved home to Texas now! My girls are growing up. The oldest has started high school and learning to drive. Scary huh! My youngest has started Kindergarten.

Time does heal. But we will never forget. No matter what our leaders believe in this country.

It is still In God We Trust.

God Bless America and each of you!

September 11, 2010 We are loving being home in TX where we belong! The girls are growing up so fast. It is an honor to always remember this date. We can never forget our heroes past and present. We love each of you.

God Bless and keep each of you safe!


September 11, 2011 It has now been 10 years. It seems like yesterday. We wont forget those we lost on that date and those who we have lost in our military. Osama is DEAD. Thank you Seal Team Six! We have our enemies not only outside the country but also in the country. In our highest offices. But as long as we stand firm we wont fail. This country is built and ran by WE THE PEOPLE. We the people are what makes this country great. We the people are who have defended this country. We the people are going to be what stands when all else has failed. Despite what this president says (YES no capital P) 9/11 is a day of REMEMBRANCE. We WONT forget who attacked us. We WONT forget those who died. We wont forget our enemy considers this a holy war. Our enemies have woke the angry eagle. We WILL take our country back. News stations and government have taken away video of the planes crashing into the towers. Guess what you cant take it out of our minds! Americans are standing as we have not stood in many years. We are taking back our country. If you want to fundamentally change our country you can get out and go to a socialist country. WE ARE AMERICA. WE ARE THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH. WE WONT LET ANYONE DESTROY HER. We WILL stand and pray ANYWHERE we want. We WILL put our hand on our heart and pledge our allegiance to this country. We WILL sing our National Anthem proudly even if it offends you and you think it is too violent. We WILL proclaim this nation as ONE NATION UNDER GOD. And if you dont like it then LEAVE IT!

God Bless You. God Bless AMERICA


The Birth of the Corps

Gone to Fight the Indians'


The 'Grand Old Man'

Gone to Fight the Indians'

Iwo Jima



Remembering Our POW/MIA's

Marine and Patriotic Songs/Cadence

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