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I Will Be There

Promises I do not make everyday,

But to you, you have my word,

I will be there.

When your back is up against the wall,

And you need somewhere to turn,

I will be there.

When the world seems on your back,

And you want a little weight lifted,

I will be there.

When your days become darkened,

And you need someone to light the way,

I will be there.

When the pressures start getting to you,

And you want a tender touch,

I will be there.

When you appear to be outnumbered,

And all you need is a friend,

I will be there.

When you have succeeded in something special,

And you want someone to share it with,

I will be there.

Whenever you need or want someone,

And all you can do is hope,

I will be there


With love always......