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              BLIND LOVE


              A love so blind,
                 Can make for eyes which cannot see.
                 I just couldn't see the truth,
                  Although it was right in front of me.

                       I thought our bond of love was so strong,
                   It would always last forever.
                And no matter what the future brought us,
                       Our hearts would always be together.

              But my eyes have finally been opened,
                 And the truth has now been seen.
                Everything I thought we had together,
              Was nothing but a foolish dream.

                      I realized that you had never wanted me,
               As I had always wanted you.
                       For so long you had me believing that you did,
                    But, I guess I never really knew.

                      I believed in you, and believed in us,
                     And that destiny had brought us together.
                     But my eyes have shown the truth to my heart,
                              Being with you was only a dream....a reality....Never!