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        "Daydreams Of You"


             l sit gazing at your picture,
           and my heart begins to melt.
        So much emotion fills me,
              with the love deep inside that is felt.

           My mind starts to wander,
            and l sit daydreaming of you.
              Longing to have you by my side,
                   to fill my dreams, l wish to come true.

          So captivated is my heart,
           l become "lost" in every thought.
          Overwhelmed by the beauty of our love,
           and all the happiness you have brought.

                lf only all my daydreams were real,
               l would never ask for anything more.
            As l would have everything l want
              a feeling l have never felt before.

                   For now I'm content with my daydreams,
          until l can be with you.
               And turn all my dreams into realities,
                  as we share precious dreams that come true.