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    Hi and welcome to my pages, come in, sit down and
       have a browse I am sure there is something in here
         for everyone whether it be happy or sad or sentimental.
   I have done these pages in the hope that they have
     meaning to someone out there, I know they do for me.



         I love life and know how hard it is at times just to survive
          and there comes a time for us all when we need something 
            more than what we have, whether it be a shoulder to cry on,
          a hug from a friend, words softly spoken or lyrics in a song that
      we  happen to hear just at the right time.


             I believe in Angels and know that none of us are really ever alone
         even when we feel it in our hearts, we are always being led and
   watched over throughout every day of our lives. 
    Even when we are in the depths of dispare there is always
  a light that enters our life at the exact moment we
              think we are going to take that fall. This is the protection
      and love we are all given.


            We are all here to live, learn and love. We don't get rehearsals
       in life, we need to live it right the first time. Every one of us 
        deserves to live, to be happy, to laugh and most of all to love
        and be loved in return.







                             Please be patient as this is my first attempt at web page building

                           so don't forget to refresh next time you come by these pages.
