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What happened to the good times
We used to laugh and share
What happened to the friend of mine
Who said they'd always care
We used to laugh and joke a lot
And share so many things
And then it started changing
and I noticed different things.

Though there were many miles between us
Our friendship was so true
Though most friendships flounder
Ours flourished and grew

A word spoken in anger
that can not be taken back
can melt the bond of friendship
and break a camel's back

A bond broken between us
Memories of times we shared
Though differences between us
I know that I still care

For once I gave you some thing special
No broken bonds can ever resend
For memories still cross my mind 
every now and then
A tiny corner in my heart 
was what I gave to you
A little corner in my world
was what I shared with you

If I could change anything
If I could change the rules
I'd change it back to what it was
and your friendship I would not lose

Our paths will cross again someday
though separated for a time
You gave me your friendship
and I gave you mine

So if your ever lonely
And need some one to share
Just look for me my friend
I will always be there.....