For use in dry, seasoned wood only.

Extra London Spring Steel Blade, Warranted Apple Handle Polished, Brass Screws.

This Saw is particularly adapted for fine cabinet work, sawing mitres, where rapid and smooth cutting is required. The use of a plane can be dispensed with, as it will cut a joint sufficiently smooth to glue without planing. In sharpening, care must be taken to file the teeth at the same angle as they leave the factory. Use a 4-1/2 inch regular taper file for the No 77 Saw. These Saws are warranted to run without set in dry, seasoned lumber only, and are not for general use. They are high in temper, specially ground for clearance and require no set.

Now for the much better known Acme 120

A fast, smooth-cutting saw; particularly adapted for fine cabinet work, sawing mitres, and in all instances where rapid, smooth cutting is required. It will cut a joint sufficiently smooth to glue without planing. In sharpening, care must be used to file the teeth at the same angle that they leave the factory. These saws are warranted to run without set in dry, seasoned lumber only, and are not for general use. They are high in temper, specially; ground for clearance and require no set.

In order to file this saw properly a DISSTON SIX-INCH CANT SAFE BACK FILE, made expressly for this purpose should be used.


Especially designed to assist those not skilled in the art of Saw-Filing to File a saw correctly. 12 ½- inch jaw, weight (in wooden crate) 20lbs. Made also in the "D2" style; 9 ½-inch jaw; weight, 7 lbs. This is a much lighter guide than the "D3."

PATENTED DEC. 12, 1893

The D3 vise is the king of saw vises, made with incredible precision. Unfortunately mine is missing most of the file guide. Else near mint, about 99% japanning.
D3 saw vise           Another shot from side

Well okay, there is one other contender. Acme, with 26" jaws
Nice homade vise, courtesy Bob Brode. saw vise

Chart From Nicholson on which file to use on a saw:
5, 5 1/2 pts: 7" taper
6 pts: 7" or 8" slim taper
7 pts: 6" or 7" slim taper
8 pts: 6" slim, 7" X slim, or 8" XX slim
9 pts: 6" X slim, or 7" XX slim
10 pts: 5" or 6" X slim
11 pts: 5" X slim, or 6" XX slim
12 pts: 5" X slim
13, 14 pts: 5" XX slim
15, 16 pts: 4" X slim
