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See This!
This is my second award. This one means alot to me because she was just surfing and came across my page then presented me with this cute award. I did not put in for it or nothing, so it means alot. Thanks again.
This guy seems to be pretty cool, hell I even borrowed his idea for this damn table to put my awards on. I guess I lose brownie points for that, but was a cool idea! Anyway, thanks cheezedik for the award and for the idea for putting the awards in a table.
This award is very very nice. It is definately one of my favorites. I was so excited to recieve this from eviltool because his page is so awsome!
One award was great to get from eviltool, but two....that was real neato. Visit this guys page, he has very nice work and he won my Nocturnal Supremacy Award. He really knows his html shit. Thanks again evil!
This award looks really cool. Abe's Tomb is a winner of my Vamptastic award so you should check his site out!

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