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See this!
This is a really great award. I love vampiric shit. If I were a vampire I would be eating people all of the time....hey wait I do already... Oh, different kind of eating, hehe. (Site isnt there anymore)
Go visit this page, it is cool and the winner of my Dark Award. This gal is real sweet...well I don't know her but through email she seems like a doll. Anyways, thanks Emerald.

Go here!
This award is neat. I was very honored to get this from "The Haunt." Check out this site, it's kewl.
Like, wow...this guy has a cool site. He won my "Prime Evil" award. You have to go see it, his awards are cool too. I must say, having the awsome achievement award is real nice for my ego.

Again, you gotta visit this site. He has some cool shit. I love these awards! Go see Go see!
This page has some links to other haunted pages and other stuff. It is mainly just a link page. You can find alot of other sites with the dark type theme, though. Thanks Crypt for the great award.

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