185th Recon Airplane Co.

This page last updated Wednesday, May 15, 2001.

Part I

Slide 1 - A6 drops bomb just off perimeter of the camp.
Slide 2,3 - Aerial view of Ban Me Thout during TET offensive
Slide 4 - Room for rent....fully air conditioned.
Slide 5 - C-123 landing at Camp Coryell. No wonder we had to wash the aircraft so often.
Slide 6 - Taxiing.
Slide 7 - Offloading fuel bladders.
Slide 8 - Huey headed for pads.
Slide 9 - Perimeter flares.
Slide 10 - Maintenance complete, ready to get back to the field.
More slides will be coming. Check back soon!


Sam Clark
Photo courtesy of Sam Clark.

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