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The Latest Shtuff - news about our lives



I wasn't expecting to be posting here anytime soon, just goes to show what I know.

Craig will be having knee surgery on the 6th. Since he will be having the surgery in Dallas and David works in Dallas and we have to work around his work schedule I have reserved a motel room for 2 days. I'm looking forward to getting away for a couple of days, just wish it was for something more pleasent.


I just don't have any interest in keeping up with any of my webpages anymore. I'll update when I think of it. It you are one of the people who keep up with us through this page I apologize. My heart isn't in it anymore.


Hot and Humid. Yep, that just about says it all. I made that little sun from scratch btw. We didn't get our usual rainy/tornado season. It looks like June is going to make up for that.

I missed a couple of birthdays last month, spend more time in my LJ than on here these days. Kadi turned 22, Josh turned 23 and Cassie turned 4. Just for good measures, Cheryl will be 23 Saturday and Jon hits the quarter century mark on the 6th, which is also another John's b-day too, Rosie's husband.

Happy Birthday all around to everyone!

And speaking of births, Leslie is pregnant :)

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