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I'm starting to break out
of this box of testosterone that has
surrounded me for years,
and it's very strange indeed!

All but two of my friends have
moved away, and the remaining two
have full time jobs and families.
We talk more on the internet than
on the phone
or face to face these days.
My fault... I'm an internet addict.

What I'm saying here people is
I don't have women in my life!!!
Since my mom's death in '97
I've been surrounded by the male
of the species... almost exclusively.
There are a few teenage girls
that come around and I've always
felt like a college linebacker
next to them.
But the other day, two of them
came to me to do their
hair for prom, and I
actually felt like I might belong
with these strange beings.

Now you might ask yourself
just where you figure in
this nonsense.
The Women's Garden
has given me back something
that I had "girl-i-ness".
I'd forgotten how pretty
butterflies can be
How magical faeries
and unicorns really are.
Through all of your beautiful
pages I'm starting to remember
what it feels like to be a girl.

I found myself in
a store...and looking at shoes!

I thought it would be nice to have a poll to see what we all have in common, other than being members of the same web-ring. *S* Please click on the link below to take the poll.

Help The Hunger Site achieve its June 1/2 Million Cup Challenge to fight hunger. The goal for June is to donate an additional 1/2 million cups of food to the World Food Programme! For each new registrant who signs up for The Hunger Site Newsletter, an additional 5 cups of food will be donated. All you have to do is click on the link below to sign up.