The Flamers Project!
Dezo: Hey! Dezokitty here! I'm not officially part of the Two Dorks crew (well I am, but I'm not gonna tell you which one I am...), but I've decided to add a little something to their page!
You see, the thing I hate the most are people that go and send funky messed-up messages to shrines or anti-sites just because they have a different point of view from the maker of the site. I just can't stand those people.
But then I realized that if I was a flamer, I'd be having a helluva good time flaming people! Therefore, I felt like trying it out, so I made this webpage. Here, I will be conducting several experiments by sending different hatemail and messages to people and how they react. I'm not sure what the experiments are trying to prove, but I'm sure I'll think of something... I doubt this will be very funny, but I just HAVE to try it out!
WARNING: Most of my messages will probably have many useless random vulgar words and grammatical errors. This is on purpose. But if you don't want to see that kind of stuff, don't continue from this point...
PS: Don't worry, I'm a nice girl! I will always tell the reciever about the "hatemail" after I send it, and I will ask permission before I post any messages here. And in case you were wondering, I don't actually hate any of the sites I sent the "hatemail" to; the sites I choose will probably be the ones that have already experienced a lot of flaming through their time.
Well here's my first e-mail!
Project #1: I'm the Sakuya loving B****!
Website: Lindsay's Anti-Sakuya Site
Type of Site: An anti-Sakuya site
Experiment: Well, I decided my first try would be on a site that I knew that had a lot of hatemail. This is the first one I thought of...
Message: YOU HOE!!! whatthefuk to you thinnnk you r doing you
Bitch of a moron! HOW CAN HATE SAKUYA!!! Little
fucker bitch somebody shoold get a HUGE stick and
stick it up ur ass 'cos ur stinkin' it up the Roomwith
ur fucking lies about Sakuya!!! Sakuya is ALOT beteer
than youor any of those other anti-fuckers'cos shes
nicea nd sweet and you are justsome jeolous
littlebastard who thinksthat making a stupid anti-site
will make youbetter than her. WHELL GUESS WAT! UR
NOT!!! you ugly bitch whore bastard fucking shithead
jealous FATBITCH!!! and guess what els? I'm not
evengonna do the fuching spell check 'cos I want you
to agonize in hell!!!!! SAKUYA RULZ!!!SAKUYA
Reply: Well now. That was definitely the most interesting little letter I've
received in a long time. Who would've guessed you could write a
containing every single vulgar word in the english language? Oh wait,
mind. That wasn't a sentence. You're just rambling. And I would make
comments about how horrendous your grammar, spelling and punctuation
are, but
I think you already have an idea what I would say since you said you
going to use the spell check. I'll just laugh really hard if you try
write a college thesis with your "communication abilities". Your
would probably have a coronary. But then again, I doubt people with
your...unique...intellect would be accepted into college.
Congratulations on
being obsessed with a cartoon character. Too bad we can't all go into
rages about nonexistent beings like you can. Wouldn't that be a
barrell of
laughs? Well, anyways, I would say you made your point, but I didn't
get what it was, so thanks again for making assumptions about me
that you've never met me before!
My Message: Hmmmm... I don't think I got the bad grammar part quite right... Some parts were really wonderful in my message (the "whell" was classic! LOL!), but over all I just did a lot with spacing everywhere; There's more profanity than I remember writing... I don't even know how I came up with this sentence: "you ugly bitch whore bastard fucking shithead
jealous FATBITCH;" The "HOW CAN HATE SAKUYA!!!" is definitely the best part of the message; Oh, and the "agonize in hell" thing is just too funny for some reason...
The Reply: I don't really have any to say here...
What I learned: I'm going to have to work a lot more on my grammar and spelling... and if I'm going to keep up that level of profanity in my letters, I'm going to have to think of words other than varieties of "fuck" and "Bitch," and possibly even "whore."
New Goals: 1) To achieve a level of "bad grammar" to a point such that the viewer can only understand that the letter is bad, and no other point can be gotten across.
2) To see if anyone will question about the suspicious e-mail adress ( in their reply.
Project #2: Well, you people just don't like me enough....
Dezo: That's right! I finally started a couple new projects... But there was just one problem... They didn't respond! At all!!! Tee hee hee hee hee hee!
Webpages: A Koaru+Kenshin site, and an Anti-Tifa site... I won't tell you the names since they didn't respond to any of my e-mails...
Message: Umm... I don't remember... heh.
Observations: Some people just don't reply to your messages...
What I learned: Sheesh... At least have the decency to say something to your flamers!
New Goals: What the heck?! Am I defending flamers now??!!! I gotta stop doing that!
Coming Soon: Lemme try that grammar thing again...