Scary, huh???!!!
The Senate

This is a web page about the Senate, a part of the legislative branch of the United States Government.
Here you will learn who the leaders of the Senate are, who the senators are, and information on some of
members of the Senate.
The Leaders of the Senate

Senator Strom Thurmond
The vice president(who right now is Al Gore) is the leader of the Senate, but since he is usually has
other things to do, the President Pro-Tempore (or Pro-Temp) runs the Senate while the vice president is
gone. Our current Pro-Temp is Strom Thurmond. The Senate also has other leaders.
The Senate is made of of senators from 2 parties: the Democrats and the Republicans. Whichever party
that has the most members out of the 100 senators in the senate is called the Majority party. The
party that has less members is called the Minority. Each party has a leader: the Majority Leader for
Majority party and the Minority Leader for the Minority party. Today, the Majority party is the
republicans, and the minority party is the Democrats. The current Majority Leader is Trent Lotte, and
the Minority Leader is Tom Daschle. There are also assistant leaders called Whips. Like the Leaders,
there is a Majority whip and a minority whip. The current Majority Whip is Don NIckels, and the Minority
Whip is Harry Reid.
The Senators

Each state has 2 senators. Here is a list of all 100 senators and which states represent. Who are your
Abraham, Spencer (R - MI)
Akaka, Daniel (D - HI)
Allard, Wayne (R - CO)
Ashcroft, John (R - MO)
Baucus, Max (D - MT)
Bayh, Evan (D - IN)
Bennett, Robert (R - UT)
Biden Jr, Joseph (D - DE)
Bingaman, Jeff (D - NM)
Bond, Christopher (R - MO)
Boxer, Barbara (D - CA)
Breaux, John (D - LA)
Brownback, Sam (R - KS)
Bryan, Richard (D - NV)
Bunning, Jim (R - KY)
Burns, Conrad (R - MT)
Byrd, Robert (D - WV)
Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R - CO)
Chafee, Lincoln (R - RI)
Cleland, Max (D - GA)
Cochran, Thad (R - MS)
Collins, Susan (R - ME)
Conrad, Kent (D - ND)
Coverdell, Paul (R - GA)
Craig, Larry (R - ID)
Crapo, Mike (R - ID)
Daschle, Thomas (D - SD)
DeWine, Mike (R - OH)
Dodd, Christopher (D - CT)
Domenici, Pete (R - NM)
Dorgan, Byron (D - ND)
Durbin, Richard (D - IL)
Edwards, John (D - NC)
Enzi, Mike (R - WY)
Feingold, Russell (D - WI)
Feinstein, Dianne (D - CA)
Fitzgerald, Peter (R - IL)
Frist, William (R - TN)
Gorton, Slade (R - WA)
Graham, Bob (D - FL)
Gramm, Phil (R - TX)
Grams, Rod (R - MN)
Grassley, Chuck (R - IA)
Gregg, Judd (R - NH)
Hagel, Charles (R - NE)
Harkin, Tom (D - IA)
Hatch, Orrin (R - UT)
Helms, Jesse (R - NC)
Hollings, Ernest (D - SC)
Hutchinson, Tim (R - AR)
Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R - TX)
Inhofe, James (R - OK)
Inouye, Daniel (D - HI)
Jeffords, James (R - VT)
Johnson, Tim (D - SD)
Kennedy, Edward (D - MA)
Kerrey, Robert (D - NE)
Kerry, John (D - MA)
Kohl, Herb (D - WI)
Kyl, Jon (R - AZ)
Landrieu, Mary (D - LA)
Lautenberg, Frank (D - NJ)
Leahy, Patrick (D - VT)
Levin, Carl (D - MI)
Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT)
Lincoln, Blanche (D - AR)
Lott, Trent (R - MS)
Lugar, Richard (R - IN)
Mack, Connie (R - FL)
McCain, John (R - AZ)
McConnell, Mitch (R - KY)
Mikulski, Barbara (D - MD)
Moynihan, Daniel (D - NY)
Murkowski, Frank (R - AK)
Murray, Patty (D - WA)
Nickles, Don (R - OK)
Reed, Jack (D - RI)
Reid, Harry (D - NV)
Robb, Charles (D - VA)
Roberts, Pat (R - KS)
Rockefeller IV, John (D - WV)
Roth Jr, William (R - DE)
Santorum, Rick (R - PA)
Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD)
Schumer, Charles (D - NY)
Sessions, Jeff (R - AL)
Shelby, Richard (R - AL)
Smith, Bob (R - NH)
Smith, Gordon (R - OR)
Snowe, Olympia (R - ME)
Specter, Arlen (R - PA)
Stevens, Ted (R - AK)
Thomas, Craig (R - WY)
Thompson, Fred (R - TN)
Thurmond, Strom (R - SC)
Torricelli, Robert (D - NJ)
Voinovich, George (R - OH)
Warner, John (R - VA)
Wellstone, Paul (D - MN)
Wyden, Ron (D - OR)
Pennsylvania's Senators

Senator Santorum
The senators of Pennsylvania are Rick Santorum and Arlen Specter. Rick Santorum live in Penn Hills, PA
with his wife, Karen Garver Santorum, and his five children, Elizebeth Anne, Richard John, Daniel James,
Sarah Maria, and Peter Kenneth. Santorum is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, the Banking
Committee, the Agriculture Committee, the Rules Committee, and the select committee on Aging.

Senator Specter
Arlen Specter lives in Philidelphia with his wife, Jaun. They have 2 sons, Shanin and Steve. Specter
is a member of the Senate Veteran Affairs Committee, the Apropriations committee, the Judiciary Committee,
and the Government Affairs Committee.