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Per the Queen's instructions Helm directed Jeffrey and Agatha to the nearby stables and quickly saddled up two horses. Jeffrey climbed onto the first and then lowered his arm to help his sister swing up behind him. Helm hopped onto the other horse and was soon leading them out of the pueblo in the direction of the beach.

When they reached the shore they were greeted by four of Wentworth's men just hitting land in a small boat from their captain's ship. Helm had hoped to just put Jeffrey and Agatha in the boat they had left tied on shore when they last escaped from the ship, but now it looked like they'd have to deal with these men first.

Lucky for them they *did* have the element of surprise on their side. Wentworth's men were apparently coming ashore to assist Colonel Montoya with the canon he'd bargained for. They certainly weren't expecting a fight. Using this to his advantage, Helm calmly slipped from his horse and, nodding in Jeffrey's direction, walked over to the sailors.

"I bring orders from your captain," he greeted them.

"He is the man we threw overboard!" one of the men exclaimed.

Helm narrowed his eyes and studied him.

"That's right. You did didn't you." His fist then slammed into the surprised sailor's chin, knocking him back a few steps. "I didn't particularly enjoy that soak!"

By this time Jeffrey had dismounted and he joined the doctor in taking out the other three men. Agatha ran to the boat they'd tied up earlier and fetched the rope they'd used to tether it up. Then she helped her brother and the doctor to bind the men and put them in the boat.

"Dr. Helm!"

Helm looked over his shoulder at the sound of his name being called. To his relief he saw the Queen riding towards them, Camilla perched behind her. He wasted no time running over to meet them.

Helping Camilla down from her mount, Helm looked to the Queen.

"Wentworth?" he questioned.

"Incapacitated for the moment," she explained as she slid off the horse. "Thanks to Camilla. But he won't be far behind us. We have to hurry."

Then she went to inspect the tied-up sailors, leaving Helm alone with Camilla.

"Oh Robert!" she cried as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm finally free of him. Now we can be together! We can have the life my father took from us."

"Camilla," he spoke carefully, cupping her face with his hand. "You have your whole life ahead of you now. You're free to do whatever you want, go wherever you want."

"I know, and what I want is to be with you!" she smiled.

The uncomfortable silence that met her declaration caused her to frown. "Robert? Robert, what is it?"

"Camilla...I loved you," he explained, picking his words with care. "And I so wanted to be your husband."

"And I wanted to be your wife. I still do."

"Time...changes things," he ventured. Seeing the immediate understanding in her blue eyes hurt him, but he went on. "I still care for you a great deal, Camilla. That's why I couldn't stand to see you with that monster, Wentworth. And seeing you again has been wonderful, even if the circumstances could have been a bit more desirable."

Even through her disappointment, Camilla had to smile a little at that.

"But seeing you again has also made me realize certain things about myself," he said softly. "Things that maybe I didn't want to admit to myself until now."

"It's someone else, isn't it Robert?" she asked not unkindly. "It is, I can tell by the look in your eyes. I used to see that look when we were together."

Helm sighed and Camilla didn't miss the glance he slid in the Queen's direction.

"It's her, isn't it," she stated more that asked. "Does she know you love her?"

"I don't know," he admitted with a sad shake of his head. "I hope so."

"Oh Robert," she said as she ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going to miss you so much. And I won't lie, I wish I was still the one you loved but, from what I've seen, she's a good woman. You must tell her how you feel."

Helm nodded.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, Camilla," he said. "Again."

"You didn't hurt me, Robert," she assured him. "You're the one person who's never hurt me. You helped free me from Charles. You gave me my life back."

Smiling, she gently pressed her lips to his. "I'll always love you, Robert."

Then she walked away in the direction of the others. He just stood there and watched her go.

Thanking the Queen for everything, Camilla joined Agatha in the boat the sailors had brought ashore. Jeffrey walked the boat as far into the waves as he could before climbing in himself.

Helm watched the tiny vessel until it was just a small dot and soon he could tell the big ship was moving again with the north winds. Stuffing his hands in his coat pockets, Helm turned around and went to join the Queen where she stood on the high rocks also watching the ship's wake.

They had some things to discuss.
