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To Tell the Truth

To Tell the Truth

It was a scorcher of a day in Santa Helena. Not that most days weren't, but this day seemed hotter than most. A wind blew through the pueblo but it was hot and dry and carried with it the dust of a thousand deserts. Dr. Robert Helm stifled a groan as he opened his office door to escort a patient out.

"Your arm will be fine, Raphael," he assured the peasant farmer. "Try not to use it for a couple of days."

Helm knew that was a suggestion that would most likely go unheeded. The man couldn't afford to neglect his land and animals for even that short a span of time.

"Gracias, doctor. I will bring you a payment later today," the short, stocky man said, a smile splitting the sun-dried skin of his face.

"Don't worry about it, Raphael," Helm replied lightly.

"I will bring payment," the farmer insisted.

"Alright, you can bring it later," the doctor relented, knowing that the man's pride was at stake. "Good day, senor."

"Doctor," the man nodded and then disappeared into the growing crowd of villagers.

Helm watched him go then scanned the square, shading his eyes with his hand. He caught sight of two young children--brothers, judging by their appearance--who were in the midst of a great sword battle, long wooden sticks standing in for blades. He shook his head and sighed as the sight dredged up thoughts that these days seemed to simmer just below his consciousness. Why couldn't he simply get that sword- wielding woman out of his mind? Was that even possible anymore? So many things she did and said felt like a bullet through his heart. He'd been so much happier before he met her...hadn't he?

Swatting a small fly away from his face he went back inside the relative coolness of his office.

As the wagon neared the pueblo its driver became more and more nervous, fidgeting with the reins she held. Tessa Alvarado, a determined look gracing her lovely face, smoothed out her skirt with one hand and focused on the path ahead of her. She had made a decision. It had kept her up most of the previous night but she had finally come to a conclusion. She was going to tell Dr. Helm the truth about the Queen of Swords.

That morning when she'd risen and dressed early, informing Marta of her plans to go into town, the other woman had expressed her desire to accompany her young charge. Tessa had convinced her that she needed to go alone. Marta had seemed suspicious--even a bit worried--about Tessa's clandestine reasons for venturing into town but she had kept her comments to herself.

She spent the last leg of her journey deep in thought. What would Dr. Helm say? Would he believe her? He would after he saw the evidence she'd brought with her. Would he be surprised? Of course he would! Angry? She hoped not. Sometimes he could be as prickly as a cactus. She'd held back on this decision for so long now, she wasn't sure at all how he'd react. But she just knew she had to tell him. Their last meeting had convinced her of that. And once he knew the truth, they'd be free to explore the feelings they had for each other. Tessa couldn't contain a smile at that last thought.

When she reached Helm's office, she pulled up on the reins and brought the horses and wagon to a stop. Clutching a white linen handkerchief tightly in her right hand she approached the closed door. She brought up a hand to knock, paused and then simply pushed it open.

"Dr. Helm?" she called out.

Helm emerged from his small bedroom to see a familiar guest in his office.

"Senorita," he greeted genially. The last time he'd seen her he'd ended up with smashed tomato all over his hands. Even though there was no fruit within her reach this time, he still decided to play it safe. No jokes, no jabs. No comments about not knocking on the door. Just a simple, straightforward doctor-patient conversation. "What can I do for this morning?"

For a moment Tessa couldn't find her voice. She just stood there watching as he casually went about cleaning and storing various medical instruments, the uses of which she couldn't fathom. This was it. She was going to reveal that she was the Queen.

Steeling herself, she said, "Dr. Helm I need to tell you something. Something very important."

"What is it?" he asked, not looking up.

"I'm the Queen of Swords," she declared in a clear voice.

"Of course you are, Senorita Alvarado," Helm replied easily as he continued to work. "And I'm El Zorro."

"I'm serious, doctor!" she said, impatience creeping into her voice. How dare he not believe her! "I *am* the Queen of Swords! Me...spoiled little Maria Theresa Alvarado. I dress in black, carry a sword and ride through the pueblo fighting for justice against Colonel Montoya!"

Helm started to laugh. Then he stopped abruptly. "Senorita please."

"You don't believe me?" she challenged and prepared to play her trump card. "Do you recognize this?"

Unwrapping the handkerchief she carried, she presented a black lace mask for his appraisal.

"What is that supposed to be?" he asked, forehead creasing slightly.

"It's exactly what you think it is," she said quietly. She brought the mask to her face and held it in place, watching him for his reaction.

He turned from her, took a few steps to his left, stopped and looked at her again. He looked like he might start laughing again. But he didn't laugh. An unidentifiable expression crossed his face too quickly to name. Then his eyes became dark and hard. The muscles in his jaw clenched. When he finally spoke, it was in a voice so deep it nearly rattled her bones.

"You lied to me." It was impossible not to see that he was now addressing the Queen. "Since the day we met, you've done nothing but lie to me."

"Doctor, please understand--" she started but he cut her off.

"What's to understand?" he replied, his voice now laced with defeat. "I am such an idiot!"

"You're not--"

"How could I have been so stupid!" he asked no one in particular as he began pacing. It was clear he wasn't going to allow her to speak right now. Impatiently running a hand across his face, he raised his voice once more. "Not only did I not know that you and Senorita Alvarado were one and the same, I was also too dumb to realize that you were lying to me all this time! For God's even played them off each other!"

Tessa was confused for a moment until he continued.

"That day you accused me of being vain," he elaborated. "Not an hour later, Senorita Alvarado was telling me how *honorable* I was, and that anyone who called me vain was callous! Oh I'm sure you had a *real* laugh over that one! Especially when I let it slip how I felt about the Queen."

"I did not laugh!" Tessa pled. "When you said how you felt about me...the Queen...I was so shocked. I never would have believed you could feel that way about me. It was then that I knew I felt the same! I didn't want to lie to you, but I had to. It was best for everyone--"

"For everyone or just you?" he accused. Grabbing the black lace from her hand, he spat, "I wish I'd never seen this vile thing!"

"Please don't say that," Tessa said, squeezing her eyes shut tight for a moment. "This is my destiny, can't you understand that? None of this was meant to hurt you...or anyone else that I love..."

The doctor seemed to pull himself together. The stony look on his face proved it. Handing the mask back to her, he said, "I think you'd better go, Senorita Alvarado."

Senorita Alvarado? He wasn't talking to the Queen anymore.

"Doctor, I--"

"Please just go," he repeated as he turned his back. Without facing her he added in a very businesslike manner, "If you've a medical emergency please feel free to come by, but if not I think it's best if you don't come back here."

Tessa was speechless. Of all the reactions she had never expected this. Okay, she expected he might be angry, but... He'd completely dismissed her. To him the Queen of Swords did not even exist anymore. And he'd put a canyon-sized barrier between himself and Senorita Alvarado. She felt faint. She'd faked the feeling many times but this was real. Instantly regretting her decision, she clutched the mask so tight that her fingernails pierced the skin of her hand. She couldn't even feel it....

"Senorita Alvarado? Are you alright?"

Tessa's head snapped up at the voice and saw Dr. Helm looking at her worriedly.

"I'm sorry?" she mumbled, confusion causing her to take stock of her surroundings. She stood just inside the door to Dr. Helm's office. He was at a table, cleaning some of his instruments...

"You said you had something important to tell me," he reminded her. She didn't look too well. Could it be the heat? Maybe he should have her sit for awhile.

Tessa shook her head a bit to clear it, a strange mix of regret and relief flooding through her. "No, no it's nothing."

"Are you sure? Would you like to sit down a bit? Do you need some water?" he asked as he crossed over to where she stood slightly swaying.

"No, doctor, I'm just fine," she insisted as she finally regained her equilibrium.

'Madre do Dios!' she thought. 'Might that really be his reaction if I told him the truth? Or is my imagination just working overtime? Can I risk it? No, heaven help me, I don't think I can!'

"What did you need to talk to me about?" he prompted, casually crossing his arms across him chest.

"I just wanted to apologize for the tomato incident," she replied after a slight hesistation, forcing her tone to remain light. "That was a bit uncalled for."

Helm smiled.

"Don't worry about it," he said, waving it off with a hand. "I'm not entirely sure I didn't deserve it."

Tessa managed a small smile as she nodded and then turned toward the door. "I really must be going now, doctor. So sorry to have bothered you."

"No bother," he said as he followed her.

As Tessa pulled open the door she suddenly came into contact with Raphael, who was cradling a live chicken in his arm. Already flustered, she was startled and ran straight into him.

"Lo siento, senorita!" Raphael exclaimed. "I'm sorry!"

"It's alright," she replied, as she quickly righted herself. "I wasn't looking where I was going. If you'll both excuse me?"

With that she hurried to where she had left the wagon. Climbing up she grabbed the reins and signaled the horses. She suddenly had an overwhelming desire to get home. She needed to talk to Marta.

Helm examined the payment Raphael was offering with a wry grin. He thanked the farmer for his gift and watched as he returned to his family waiting in the square for him. Peering at the bird he now held, he said to himself, "I'm sure it will taste wonderful. As soon as I can bring myself to kill it."

He was about to take it around back when he noticed something fluttering in the breeze beside his door. Crouching down to look at it, he inhaled sharply as he realized what it was. A black lace mask. Reaching down he picked up the delicate bit of material in his hand and shut his eyes. When he opened them again it was to stare in the direction Tessa Alvarado had gone.
