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My Wish for a Sign at Mother's Day

By Sara Duncan, Copyright 2000

Please give me a sign, my son,
That I may know that for just one moment, you're here.
A gentle breeze, a whisper,
That will tell me that you're near.

For Mother's Day, I don't need
A card with ribbons and lace,
But, oh, how very much I'd love to see
The detail of your face.

Please give me a sign, my son,
for my heart to read;
A rainbow when there has been no rain..
A fragrance I can't explain.

Please give me a sign, my son,
That I may share with others who share my cares.

I'll remember always my first Mother's Day,
Which was not in the month of May.
It was 1975, the afternoon of March 2nd at 1:42,
That awesome, pride-filled moment, that I took my first look at you.

Never before or since the moment of your birth
Have I felt a greater sense of worth,
An overwhelming honor in the privilege of participation
As I stared in awe and wonder at God's great creation.

A beautiful little head,
Ten precious tiny fingers, ten sweet tiny toes..
My, what a miracle you truly were,
and every inch of you perfect
Right down to that adorable, little pug nose!

Oh, how I am missing you, my son,
So, in my dreams, please visit me, Hon.

Until my time comes, I'll meet each new day
Sustained by your memory and the anticipation
Of a most Heavenly Mother's Day,
When to you and a hug, I will find my way.

Memories of Mark, Our Precious Son, Our Special Angel

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