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My precious Mark, There's a place, with God's grace, where we'll see your smiling face again.

With Hope

You're listening to the song,With Hope by Steven Curtis Chapman. The lyrics so aptly express the feelings of most bereaved parents.



Mark Landon Duncan, - 1991, (At Age 16), Cadet at NMMI
March 2, 1975 - August 31, 1997


Last year, our precious nephew, Jeff Joyce, Captain of the KC-10 Jet on an air refueling team, flew mid-air refueling missions in Iraq, refueling coalition jet fighters. After he returned stateside, Jeff had beautifully matted and framed this flag that had been flown over Iraq in hostile fire during Operation Iraqi Freedom in Mark's memory. In the presentation of this wonderful gift, Jeff has touched our hearts beyond words with such honor. Thank you so very much, Jeff. You are such a class act and we love you so! - Aunt Sara & Uncle Herb


A closer, detailed look.


Jeff (far left) and KC-10 Crew

May God and all our angels keep safe guard over each one of our troops in thier faithful and brave service in Iraq, Afghanistan, and throughout the world and see them safely home to their parents, families, and loved ones. May each one have the knowledge that they have a grateful nation behind them as they protect our freedom.






Artist: Steven Curtis Chapman
Song Lyrics: With Hope

This is not at all
How we thought it was suppose to be
We had so many plans for you
We had so many dreams
But now you've gone away
And left us with the memories of your smile
And nothing we can say
And nothing we can do
Can Take away the pain
The pain of losing you

And we will cry with hope
We can say good-bye with hope
'Cause we know our good-bye is not the end
And we will grieve with hope
'Cause we believe with hope
There's a place where we'll see your face again
We'll see your face again

And never have I known
Anything so hard to understand
And never have I questioned more
The wisdom of God's plan
But through the cloud of tears
I see the Father smile and say 'well done.'
And I imagine you
Where you wanted most to be
Seeing all your dreams come true
'Cause now you're home
And now you're free


We have this hope as an anchor
'Cause we believe that everything
God promises us is true


We wait with hope
And we ache with hope
We hold on with hope
We let go with hope

Our dearest Son, in so many ways, it seems only yesterday that you were taken from us so suddenly and in other ways, an eternity seems to have passed in these last seven years. We celebrae your life and thankfully, are still blessed with the memory of your vibrant smile, those wonderful enveloping hugs, and the sound of your voice and hearty laughter. We really do wait with hope, ache with hope, hold on with hope, and let go with hope as we miss you terribly and love you always. You and Whendy are forever embedded in our hearts and minds.

It is also worthy of special mention that we also honor and celebrate the lives of your angel friends who share this time, Darren Grant and Cory Griffin. My most special thoughts are with you now, Julane and Jody. ((((Hugs))))You boys get together and please find a way to send your parents an "angel hug" on this date so difficult for us all. We will spend our time celebrating your lives with our reflections, petals and balloons ~ our airmail to heaven.

                                                  Mom & Dad

Mark left us with many treasured pieces of his art work; most were pen and pencil drawings. This is one that he did for and gifted to his sister, Judy, in 1995, and one that we have only recently learned existed. What a wonderful surprise it was to see this piece we had not known about previously. This knowlege is in itself is a great gift. Thank you, Judy.


and this next piece is a sketch that Mark did for me (Mom) at about the same time.








I Believe Page

Savoring Precious Memories Page

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Aras Imaging To Sara's Home Page

Steven Curtis Chapman's Web Site

Special Thanks to Heidi Langdon and Melinda Jenkins for your efforts
in converting this special song to a publishable format for this page.