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Me with my Aunt Erica when I was a month old Just a few months old Me & Elmo!
Me & Aunt Snoopy when I was 10 mo. old I'm so cute! 10 mo. My 2nd Birthday!
3 yrs. old  CHEEESE! 3 yr old Little Man Look Who's Three!
Me & my doggie Aysiah Taking a break from the computer to wave at the camera I LOVE MY PLAYSTATION!
My 5th Birthday Party Pouting Trying to catch the garter at my Aunt Erica's wedding...see Chip way in the back!?
Me & Mamma when I was 3 5 1/2 years old in Kentucky Me & Chip!
Snack Time in School My K-5 Picture 1999 I got to be the Teacher's Helper!
Me with Aunt Erica and her cousin Josh at her wedding 6/5/99 "Monkeyin' Around" This is my baby sister Kayli!
Me & Kayli watchin TV Me at girl Morgan's 4th birthday party 8/00 September 2000
Aysiah Me & Kayli w/Santa...Christmas 2000 Me & Kayli opening Christmas presents
Mamma, Me, Chip, Nanna holding Kayli & Uncle Robbie coming soon Mamma, Kayli, Papa, Me, Nana & Uncle Robbie

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