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Me with my big brother Anthony 2 months old Lil' Miss Fourth of July
These people seem to love it when I smile... Ok, I'm tired of the "smiling" stuff! Mamma's so silly!!
Anthony sharing his chair with me so we could watch TV together! Geez, how many more pictures are you gonna take today? Hmmm... I dunno about this stuff...
Quick Nana! Take the picture.... Hee hee...I'm in Papa's chair! This is sooo fun!!!
Check out my cute little butterfly dress! Get real Mamma! I'm not walkin just yet! These things hanging down are so weird!
**shy moment** say what? can I get down now?
Too cute with my little hat and teddy bear! mmmmm...nummy bear! Ok, you distract her and I'll go get the cookies!
Me & Anthony with Santa...Christmas 2000 Here we are opening presents!!! 3 Generations...Me, Mamma & Nana
Mamma, Daddy, Anthony, Nana, Me, & Uncle RaRa (Robbie) coming soon Mamma, Me, Papa, Anthony, Nana & Uncle RaRa

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