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MY FIRST THANKSGIVING! MMMMM...that turkey sure does look good! what's so funny??
Peek-A-Boo Great Granny & Grandpa hangin out with Great Granny
Great Grandpa & Uncle Scott Look what Great Granny & Grandpa got me!! Ok, I'll look cute for the camera
Hmmmm...not quite sure what to do with these things hanging down What do YOU think Mommy? Uncle Marc's so cool
Smile all you want Grandpa...just keep the bottles comin! G. Granny & Grandpa again The next Gerber Baby??
lost in thought Chillin with Daddy, Mommy & Grandma Thanksgiving Dinner
I don't want to be in this thing!! Hmmm...not bad ATTACK OF THE PINK FURRY THING!
  Ok, so the pink furry thing isn't so bad after all...  

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