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Me & Daddy @ Anthony's Birthday Party Hangin out at the pool at Aunt Snoopy's apartments eatin icecream!  mmmmmm
lookin cute with my binkie My first birthday party......that's my Daddy with me Talkin on the phone
Christmas 98 My 2nd birthday party...that's my Daddy Jamie Bow Head!
This is my Pippi Longstockings picture! Me, Wesley & Jamie Mommy & Aunt Snoopy call this my Porcelin Morgan pic...they say I look like a porcelin doll
Me and Bubba with Mommy! Me & Bubba (Wesley) Christmas 98 me & Bubba bein' silly
CHEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!! Aunt Snoopy calls this the Oompa Loompa picture! Me & Rylee the day Mommy & Daddy Jamie got married
Me, Mommy, Daddy Jamie, Rylee & Wesley Like my hat?? This is our new grandma.....and that's our cousin Jake in the picture too!
Everyone says I look so grown up in this picture!  :o) This is my POWER PUFF GIRLS cake for my 4th birthday! Mommy let me wear make-up today! Don't I look pretty!?
My 4th Birthday Party opening my presents clothes!!
look at my baby doll! i like feeding my baby 4th birthday party
Rylee trying to steal my spotlight!  :o) Wesley & Anthony waiting intently for me to finish so we can have CAKE! Rylee trying to help open gifts
coming soon I love Power Puff Girls!!! coming soon
coming soon coming soon coming soon

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