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Mommy holding me in the hospital! Me & Aunt Snoopy at the mall...I was 3 weeks old I was a month old at Aunt Erica's wedding
Aunt Erica watching me sleep at her reception....she was pregnant with my cousin Kelsy!! January 2000...the day I got my ears Aunt Snoopy's house eating cookies mmmm....baba
almost walkin! what are you lookin at!? Me & Morgie the day Mommy & Daddy got married 3/19/00
Morgan's 4th birthday party 8/00 hangin around at the party Eating at The Rain Forest Cafe in 9/00
Me & Aunt Snoopy @ Kelsy's birthday party 9/00 Kelsy making sure I wasn't playing with any of her toys that I wasn't supposed to! I just got in trouble for hitting Kelsy :o(
Minding my business with one of Kelsy's cool toys! This thing is cool! It makes noise and lights up and everything! Eating...
I think I'll be an artist....or maybe a food critic.... Chillin in the car zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Eatin chocolate.....cheeeeeeeeeeese! Whatcha lookin at? Got my chocolate high now! Let me down!!!!
Daddy bought me this cool FORD dress and hat! mommy & daddy had to take tons of pictures of me in the FORD outfit! ....if you take ONE more picture....
you can stop flashing that thing in my eyes any day now Ok, one more smile... you! with the camera!  slowly back away from the baby!
Haning out with Daddy! Show me again to I put the buckle on...? Daddy trying to dress me AND watch TV
Mommy gave me yogurt today.... ...but it looked an awful lot like lotion!  OOPS!  hehe Giddy Up Cowgirl!
Hangin out watchin TV This is my Marilyn Monroe pose! bein goofy
CHEEESE Where's my horse? Bubba and me playin in the car
Watchin TV with Bubba more TV and even more tv
YEE HAW! How do ya like our new clothes! I want a hat like Bubbas!
I'm tired of these pictures now! Let's go play! Bubba's silly Smile for the camera!
coming soon The things little sisters put up with! coming soon
coming soon coming soon coming soon

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