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Chapter 1


The smoke from the cigarette spiraled through the air as Ariana exhaled. It was now 12:15 a.m. according to the huge departure sign hanging above the wall outside. The plane flight had been delayed for hours, and now that she was finally here, her cousin Nick was nowhere in sight. Suddenly, a small black convertible pulled up infront of her and an unfamiliar guy called out to her. "Carter?" He asked in a deep voice. "Are you Ariana Carter?" "Yeah, thats me. Who are you?" she asked as she stomped out her cigarette. "A friend of Nick's." he replied without giving a name. "Oh. Where is he?" Ariana asked, looking around to see if maybe for some reason she missed him. "He got tied up with something, so I'm in charge of making sure you get settled in alright." he replied with a smile. He had a nice smile, Ariana decided. Made his eyes sparkle...

"What'd you say your name was again?" She asked as she began putting her bags in the back of the car. "I didnt. But its AJ." he replied with a grin. "Oh, I knew that! I just cant see you real clear right now. I'm tired and its dark outside." Ariana laughed, finally recognizing the goatee and sleeves of tattoos along his arms. "Hehe, yeah well, you gonna get in the car- or do I have to climb out and put you in myself? AJ asked suggestively. "Which would you prefer?" Ariana giggled. "Which would involve the most touching?" AJ smiled, gazing up and down Ariana's small body. Her jeans hugged her body tightly, not leaving anything to the imagination, and her bright yellow spaghetti strap shirt hung low in both the front and the back, fitting tightly and again leaving nothing to thought. "Well, climb on out and put me in, then I'll climb back out and get in myself, then we'll figure out which one involves the most touching." Ariana grinned, putting her hands on her hips. "You better watch your mouth around me, girl. You might actually make something happen. Now hop in." AJ replied, struggling not to just climb out and feel her up right there. Nick should have warned him about her... and probably should have warned her about him!

Disappointed, Ariana climbed in beside AJ and fastened her seat belt. Leaning over towards AJ, she got close to his ear and whispered, "Alright Cowboy, lets ride." Goosebumps rose up all over his body and as he grinned, he tipped his imaginary cowboy hat and replied, "Yes ma'am." The air was cool as the little car sped along the empty highway. The radio was blaring and they wre both singing along. Ariana glanced at the man sitting beside her. "He's kinda hot." she thought to herself. "Infact, he's very hot!" The car turned sharply to make an exit, speeding still down a long driveway to a beachfront house, where AJ stopped the car. "Here we are. Home sweet- wait- Nick aint home." he said noticing the empty garage and dark house. "Huh? How long did you say he'd be busy?" Ariana asked, walking around the front of the car to AJ's side. AJ leaned out the window. "I dont know. If that door is locked, we're screwed. You can come stay at my place for the night though, if ya want." "You'd like that wouldnt you?" Ariana asked, leaning towards AJ, letting her hair fall over them both, closing them in a golden curtain. "Let me check the doors first, though, before you get too excited." "Dont take too long, babe. I'm ready for bed." AJ shouted after her, watching her every step, almost wishing the walk to the front door was a little longer.

"Shit!" he heard her mutter as she tried the door. "Guess we're having the sleepover at your place, Mr. McLean." "Damn. And I was so hoping that door would be unlocked." AJ grinned in mock disappointment. "Yeah, sure ya did. You wanted that door unlocked about as much as I did." Ariana smiled, walking slowly back to the car. It was only minutes before they were back on the highway, radio blaring, heading to AJ's house.

To Chapter 2

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