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Chapter 2

Walking inside, Ariana gasped. "You're house is beautiful, AJ. Absolutely beautiful." AJ grinned as he lead her into the livingroom. "Wanna sleep in the guest room or on the couch?" he asked, motioning with his hands. "Your room isnt an option?" Adriana pouted teasingly. "Well... now that you mention it..." AJ smiled. 'He has a beautiful mouth', Adriana noticed. 'Probably an amazing kisser...'

Taking the opportunity to look at him in the light, Ariana noticed his muscular body pressed tightly against the sleeveless shirt he wore. His jeans hung loosely on his hips, exposing an inch or two of boxer briefs. "Calvin Klein. Nice brand." Ariana giggled, pointing to the wasteband of his boxers. "You should see the whole thing." AJ replied, raising his eyebrows suggestively. "Is that an invitation?" Ariana asked, stepping closer to AJ, spreading her fingers across his chest. AJ grabbed her hands, not wanting her to notice his rapid heart beat. He pinned her arms to her side and raised an eyebrow. "You want it to be an invitation? "You want me to want it to be an invitation?" Ariana asked, pushing her body against his, not able to help but notice his growing excitement. "Why Mr. Mclean, I believe you do want me to want an invitation..."

AJ shrugged and pushed her away. "You're Nick's cousin! I cant do anything to you." Arianna stepped back. "You're right. You cant do anything to me. But I can do anything I want to you ." AJ swallowed. Man, she moved fast! "What is it you're wanting to do to me?" "Think you could handle it?" Ariana smirked. "I can handle anything you can dish out baby." "Prove it." Ariana stated, hands on hips. "Prove I cant." AJ said with a shrug. "No problem, come here." Ariana motioned him over, running her hands down his chest, to his belt. "You ready for this?" AJ laughed. He couldnt believe this firey little thing was related to Nick! Nick was crazy, sure, but she's insane.

"Are you ready?" AJ asked, wrapping his arms around her, pulling her against his body tightly. She swallowed hard, trying to get rid of the lump in her throat. Smiling, she replied, "Let's go!" They looked into each other's eyes, both waiting for the other to back down. No one moved. Then the phone rang. Audible sighs of relief escaped their mouths and AJ trotted off to the phone. "Hello? Yeah, she's here. Safe and sound. The door was locked. No problem. See ya in a bit." AJ hung up, still adjusting his belt. "Well, my little firy one, that was cousin Nick. Grab your stuff and lets go." "Lucky for you, I'm not staying here tonite." Ariana grinned, her heart still racing from their close encounter. "Thats un lucky for me, there baby. 'Cause I'm certainly not getting lucky without you here." AJ whispered in her ear as he bent to pick up her suitcase.

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