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Chapter 3

"Nicky!!" Ariana sprinted to her cousin and jumped into his arms, wrapping herself around him like a monkey. "Thanks for pickin' her up, Bone." Nick said, walking over to AJ with Ariana still wrapped around him. "My pleasure." AJ grinned, wondering to himself what it'd feel like to have her small body tangled around his like that... Ariana hopped down, leaning over the side of the car. AJ noticed her shirt gap open slightly and struggled not to stare. Ariana noticed the diversion of his eyes to her open shirt. "You'll get your chance, Tiger. Just wait..." Ariana purred into his ear, gently nibbling his ear lobe. AJ growled deep in his throat and caught her by the chin. He fiercly slammed a kiss onto her mouth, biting her bottom lip. He pulled back, smiled and drove off. "Its a shame you two are getting along very well there, Carter." Nick mumbled sarcastically. Discontent covered his face as he frowned at the retreating tail lights. "Whats the matter Nicky baby?" Ariana asked cheerfully, elbowing his in the ribs, then lightly licking her swollen bottom lip. "Nothing. But dont go getting too sprung on him Ari. You dont know what you're getting into." Nick replied. "You have no idea."

"Morning sunshine!" Ariana announced as she pranced into Nick's room, bouncing onto his bed. Nick opened his eyes sleepily, then grinned at the sight of his perky cousin. "Hey there, Addi. How ya doin'?" Nick asked. "Addi? You havent called me that in years!" Ariana laughed. "Ariana Dawn. A D. Addi. It works. When did I do that? When I was, like 5?" Nick asked, sitting up in bed. "Yeah.. something like that. So, plans for the day?" Ariana asked.

"Cook out tonite. Barbeque...hamburgers...swimming... all the guys are coming and that best friend girl person of yours. Whats her name?" Nick asked, rubbing his head. "CADENCE?? You got ahold of her?! Oh! I havent seen her in years! Oh my best buddy oh wow! I love you Nicholas! I owe you big time!" Ariana exclaimed excitedly.. "Now get up sleepy head. Its 12 o'clock. What time are your buddies comin' over?" Nick shot out of bed. "Noon?? Its noon already?! Well, f*ck me! The guys'll be here by 7... that only gives me one, two, three... seven hours to get up, ready, clean the house, and get the groceries!" Ariana jumped up, grinned and replied, "Well, um, ok! Lets get to it!"

Nick and Ariana scrammbled around all day getting things together, laughing and talking. "I didnt realize how much I missed you!" Ariana shouted over the hum of the vacuum cleaner. "Nick stood up from behind the open refrigerator door and grinned. "I know! I didnt realize it either! Thanks for coming out for the summer." Ariana nodded and continued dancing around with the vacuum cleaner. Just as theyhad finished putting everything in its place, the doorbell rang.

"Ooh! Let me get it! Let me get it!" Ariana shouted, racing Nick to the door. Opening the door and nearly knocking Nick out with it, she stopped. There stood Cadence, her lifelong best buddy. "Caddy...Oh my God!" Ariana jumped and fell onto her, knocking them both to the ground, hugging and giggling. "Good Lord, Ari! Have you gained weight?" Cadence asked laughing as they rolled over into the grass. "Oh Cadence Cadence Cadence! I have not seen you in years, my friend! How are you?!" Ariana asked dramatically. "Well," laughed Cadence. "I'd be better if I could breath. You're sitting on my ribcage."

The two stood up giggling and walked into the house. Cadence winked at Nick as he shut the door. The three of them sat in the livingroom and talked, trying to catch up on a few years in a couple minutes. Just as the conversation was about to get good, the doorbell rang again. Ariana and Nick again raced to the door, Ariana opened it breathless and still giggling. Her heart stopped. There stood AJ, clad in a pair of baggy jeans and a tight wife beater. Multiple loop earrings were worn, a gold chain and 3 rings. He slowly removed his sunglasses to take in Ariana's appearance, and stepped forward. Ariana didnt move out of the way. AJ smiled, picked her up and carried her into the livingroom laughing. He set her down and gave her a quick kiss.

"AJ!" Cadence hollered. "Where ya been?" "No way. That aint Ms. Cade herself is it? Wow!" AJ ran over to hug her. "How ya been hon? You look great!" "You two know each other?" Ariana asked. "Yeah, kinda." Cadence replied with a nod. "We met after you moved." "Oh." Ariana nodded in mock understanding. She edged closer to Nick, confused at AJ's cool attitude towards her now. The doorbell rang. Walking to the door, Ariana found the rest of the guys standing there grinning. The attractive latino uttered a low wolf whistle and Ariana blushed. He stepped forward, raising her hand gently to his lips.

"You are Ms. Ariana?" he asked. Giggling she nodded. "And you are Howie." He smiled brightly that she had remembered. Brian grinned and shoved him into the house. "C'mon, D. Leave the poor girl alone." Brian and Kevin both smiled and offered their hands. Shutting the door, the party began.

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