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Chapter 4

Music blared through the speakers outside as the smell of the barbeque filled the air. Ariana mingled, really liking Nick's friends. People began jumping in the pool, and Ariana noticed the extreme flirting between AJ and Cadence.

Backing into a small shaded corner, Ariana lit a cigarette, taking a deep drag. She sighed, leaning her back against the cool wall. AJ climbed out of the pool, water glistening on his body. He grabbed a towel, wrapping it around his wasit and walked slowly towards Ariana.

"Being a wallflower tonite now arent we?" he asked, taking the cigarette from her and puffing a few himself. "Not swimming and being a wallflower are two different things." Ariana shrugged. "Point well taken. You dont want to swim?" he asked, exhaling a large cloud of smoke. "Not particularly. Not right now atleast." she replied taking the cigarette back from him. "Later? Just one lap? For me?" AJ pleaded, putting on a hurt puppy face. "Maybe." Ariana said cooly.

Stepping out the rest of the cigarette, she watched the rest of the guys get out of the pool talking about some movie they had rented or something. Howie paused politely helping Cadence out of the pool. Nick elbowed him. Howie happily handed a towel to him and wandered inside. Sneaking up behind Cadence, AJ and Ariana watched him wrap her up in the towel, holding her tightly as they headed towards the house. "You comin' in AJ?" Cadence hollered as Nick began to nibble on her neck. "In a bit. Ya'll go on in and start the movie." AJ answered.

As the door shut, AJ leaned closer to Ariana. He got next to her ear and whispered, "We're finally alone. I've been waiting all night to get ahold of you." He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her against him, looking in her eyes. "Could've fooled me. You and Caddy seemed to be gettin' along fine." Ariana replied steadily. "Me and Cade go way back. We're just friends. She's sprung on Nick anyways... C'mon, the pool is empty, the moon is full, the people are all inside. Lets have our own party... besides, dont you have some stuff to prove to me?" AJ asked, licking his lips as he inched closer to her face. Ariana giggled, fumbling with his heavy towel. Letting it fall to the ground she stripped down to her swimsuit and ran to the pool with AJ right behind her.

No sooner had she surfaced than she felt two strong arms snake around her. He grabbed the back of her thighs, pulling her legs around his waist. The water easily supported their combined weight as he swam slowly to the farthest end of the pool, with one arm still around her. "Anyone ever told you how beautiful you are when you're wet?" AJ growled. "Of course..." Ariana replied, biting his ear. "But its never turned me on this much." AJ's eyes opened in surprise. This girl wasnt shy at all... he had finally met his match. "You're askin' for it honey." AJ said, his voice deep and raspy, sending shivers down her spine. "Am I? I dont recall asking for anything. I'm demanding." Ariana murmured, moving her body up and down his. "Whoa... down girl. Not in the pool. Not with that many people right inside." AJ said, trying to talk evenly, his heart pounding against his chest. "Oh, of course." Ariana climbed off of him and hauled herself onto the edge of the pool, dangling her feet in."Heaven forbid people see us together."

AJ rested his chin on her thigh, his lips only inches from her stomach. A drop of water made its way down her body, to her thigh. AJ leaned slowly and licked it off. His tonge grazing the edge of her swimsuit. Ariana shuddered. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back into the water, her legs winding around him. "Feel that?" he inquired huskily, his obvious attraction to her growing every second. She could feel the heat of his body increasing and the pressure of his excitement against her thigh. She nodded in response to his question. "That is why we cant do anything now. I'm not prepared with any sort of equipment. Its not that I dont want to, because, obviously I do." AJ smiled, not ashamed of his physical reaction to her. Ariana blushed, rubbing her leg against him, causing a deep growl to escape his mouth. An evil smile spread over her face as she suddenly stopped, pulled away from him and hopped out.AJ climbed out quickly, enveloping both their bodies with his towel. Her back was pressed against his chest and she could feel every inch of him against her backside.

"I'm going in. Join me?" Ariana asked politely. "I dont plan on letting go." AJ replied between kissing along her shoulder. They walked inside, only two people looked away from the movie. Nick and Cadence. Cadence winked in approval, and Nick scowled. Ariana shrugged it off and wandered back to her bedroom with AJ no more than an inch behind her.

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