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Chapter 5

Shutting the door, things exploded. Kisses covered each body, hands roamed everywhere. Breathing sped up and hearts raced. "Now." Ariana managed to gasp out. "Now. I want it now." AJ smiled slyly and threw her on the bed, climbing on top roughly. Just then the door flew open and Nick walked in, glaring at AJ.

"Out, AJ. Get out of my house now." AJ just stared at him. Nick's voice dropped an octave. "Get off of her and get out before I do it for you." AJ stood up, pulling Ariana with him, gave her a long kiss, caressing her entire body as he did. He only stopped when Nick grabbed his shoulder. "I'll call you" he mouthed to Ariana. Then looking at Nick, he said, "I'll see ya around."

Nick turned to say something to Ariana but was slightly distracted by the slap she placed across his face. "What the h*ll do you think you're doing?! Just barging in here and kicking him out?" Ariana shouted, anger flashing through her eyes. "I told you not to get involved with him. I warned you about it." Nick stated, rubbing his cheek. "Ask me if I give a f*ck, Nick! You are not in charge of my life. I am. Newsflash Nick- I'm 20 years old. I dont need someone telling what to do and what not to do!" Ariana paced back and forth in the room struggling not to slap him again.

Cadence walked in, wrapping her arms around Nick's wasit and peeking out from behind. "Whats going on? Why did AJ leave in such a huff?" "Because he didnt get laid." Nick mumbled. "Not true!" Ariana shouted. "Nick barged in and threw him out! We were just kissing!" " Ha. 'Just kissing' my *ss, Ariana! He was all over you, nearly all up in you!" Nick shouted back. "And I was enjoying every minute of it, Nicholas!" Ariana said, putting her hands on her hips the way she did everytime she was trying to make a point. "Do you love him?" Cadence asked softly. "What? Oh h*ll no! Jesus, I barely know the guy. But since when did society shun premarrital sex?!" Ariana yelled in frustration, throwing her hands into the air.

Cadence and Nick exchanged words through their eyes, shrugged, then turned to leave, but not before Nick could make one last comment. "You'll thank me later, Ari. I just saved you from making the biggest minstake of your life." Little did she know, that he was right...

To Chapter 6

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