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Chapter 6

Ariana and Cadence walked along the sidewalk. Clubs lined the street, people tripped drunkenly to their cars, and the wind brough the smell of the ocean. "Ooh! There's a good one!" Cadence announced, pointing to a club called 'Passion'. "Oh Lord, Caddy. 'Passion' sounds like a gentlemen's club, not a dance club." Ariana laughed. "It is! A dance club, I mean- oh nevermind! C'mon, lets go!" They presented their IDs and walked in. Ariana gasped.

"I have never seen so many hot guys in one place at the same time!" she shouted over the music. "Neither has he." Cadence laughed, pointing to a male couple snuggling at the bar. They laughed and continued on their way. Ariana was in mid-sentence when she stopped dead in her tracks. Cadence was about to inquire as to why she had stopped, but didnt as she followed Ariana's gaze. There stood AJ, pressing some giggling, big busted girl against the wall, kissing and touching her body.

Cadence put on an act of throwing up and gagging in hopes to lighten the mood. Ariana wasnt impressed, although a mischevious smirk tugged at the corners of her mouth. Taking a deep breath, she walked right over to AJ. He didnt notice, so she got up to his ear.

"Find her tonsils yet?" AJ head snappe dup as he turned rapidly to see who had just said that. There she stood. Ariana smiled wickedly as he gazed at her body. She wore all back leather. A black leather tube top that laced up the front, with an inch of skin beneathe the laces. Leather hip huggers clung to her like an extra layer of skin. Leather cowboy boots were on her feet as well as a leather cowboy hat on top of her head and black jewelry added just the right touch. AJ just stood and gawked.

With a slight wave, Ariana said good-bye and walked off with a near hysterical with laughter, Cadence. The second they got outside, both exploded into burts of giggles, gasping for air. "I can not believe you just did that!" Cadence laughed, leaning against the wall for support. "Neither can I! And I dont think he can either!!" Ariana grinned. "Come on, lets go." The two linked arms and walked down the street, still giggling. The doors of the club flew open and AJ ran out, looking frantically in every direction to find Ariana. Seeing two figures down the sidewalk, he called out.

"Carter!" One of the figures froze. "Hey Ariana. Wait up!" AJ ran to catch up with her, and as he did, he scooped her into his arms and kissed her fiercly. Pushing him back, Ariana looked up into his eyes.

"What are you doing?" she whispered. "You have no idea what that outfit does to me." AJ rasped. "No idea." Ariana pressed her hips against his, feeling the familiar pressure of his interest against her abdomen. "Oh yes I do." she whispered in his ear, tugging on his earrings with her tongue. "Yes, I most certainly do..." AJ's excitement grew and his self control began to dwindle as she sucked and nibbled on his ear. She stopped suddenly. "Its a shame you're with that other girl, though, AJ. Otherwise we could have had quite a night." And with that, Ariana and Cadence walked off, erupting into laughter as soon as the car door was shut. Cadence turned to Ariana and grinned.

"Nick's gonna to be so proud!"

To Be Continued....

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