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Chapter 1

"Joey! Come back here! You're gonna get it when we get home! Joey- watch out!!" The little boy scurried out of his mother's arms, slamming full force into the man exiting the grocery store. "Oomph!" Joey hit the man straight in the stomach, causing the grocery bags to drop to the ground as he struggled to catch his breath. Joey bounced off the man, landing on his behind on the hard cement. "You ok little guy?" The man leaned over to help Joey up as his mother came running over. "Joseph Leigh! What have I told you about running off??" A worried looking young woman accused him in a thick southern drawl, grabbing him and pulling him into her arms. "I am so sorry sir. He got out of my grasp, is the food ok? I'll replace any damaged items..." With a chuckled, the man replied, "No, no. Thats quite alright. I'm sure its fine. Thank you anyways. May I help you up?" He leaned over, to help up the kneeling woman, and the obviously frightened little boy.

"My name is AJ. AJ McLean. And you are..?" He asked smiling, offering his hand. "Mysty Wilson. Nice to meet you." She accepted his outstretched hand. Not failing to notice how easily hers disappeared within his large hand, and slender fingers. She looked up into his eyes with a smile, seeing her own reflection in the chocolate pools. Long black eyelashes blinked down at her, as a crooked smile took over his face. Mysty decided that he was definitly a cutie. Little did she know that he was looking her over also. She looked to be about 18, AJ decided. And that must be her little brother. They looked enough alike to be related. And that southern accent sure did make his heart race. You'd think after years with Brian and Kevin, he'd get used to it. Obviously not. "You live around here?" AJ smiled, hoping to possibly pursue a something with this woman.

"Yeah, I do. Right down the street infact. You?" "Yeah... um, I live a little further in outter town, though." AJ shrugged. "But thats beside the point. Have dinner with me?" "I cant. I'm, um, busy. Sorry. But thank you for asking." She handed the last of AJ's groceries over and began to walk off quickly. "Wait- Mysty, are you sure?" AJ asked, wondering why she was suddenly in such a hurry. "Yeah, AJ. I'm sure. Bye." She grabbed the little boy's hand and walked off down the street towards her apartment. AJ watched her go, noticing that the part of town she lived in was not the best. "I wonder what her parents do for living..." he wondered, then turned towards his car to leave.

"Joey- go wash your hands before dinner and put on a clean shirt for daddy. You know how he gets when you arent handsome." Mysty walked her son into the bathroom, gently cleaning the thin layer of dirt from his hands and helping him remove the muddy shirt. "MYSTY!" A deep voice called from the front door.\par "Hurry up sweetheart, put a clean shirt on, let mommy go talk to daddy ok?" She whispered to Joey before walking out into the livingroom. "Hey Jimmy..." "What took you so long? I told you to answer me when I talk to you bitch!" Jimmy said as he slapped her across the face. "I'm sorry Jimmy. Joey and I were washing our hands, I couldnt hear you over the water." Mysty said, gritting her teeth against the stinging in her cheek. "Where's dinner?" Jimmy growled, pushing Mysty out of his way. "Mysty- I asked where dinner is. Answer me!" "Sorry Jimmy, I'm working on it!" She hurried into the kitchen and began to frantically pull a few small taquitos from the oven. "What the hell are those?" he sneered, pointing to the oven trays. "Taquitos. Its mexican food, Jimmy." Mysty replied, recieving yet another slap. "Dont get smart with me bitch. Who said I wanted mexican food?" he asked, rearing back to hit her again.

"Hi daddy." Joey said cheerfully, bounding into the kitchen. "Hey Joe. What'd you do today?" Jimmy asked, squatting down to his son's eye level. "Mommy and I went to the store. And we met a guy there. He was funny looking. Not like you at all. Huh, mommy?" Joey said, remembering the thin man with the tattoos they had met earlier. "Whats he talking about Mysty? You off meeting some other guy? I see how it is now. You cheatin' on me bitch? Is that whats going on? Tell me! Answer me!" Jimmy hauled off and hit her again, sending her flying into the refridgerator. "Mommy!" Joey was about to take after her, but Jimmy scooped him up. "No no, Joey. Leave your mommy alone. She's been a very bad girl and daddy needed to punish her." he said in a soothing tone.

Mysty laid motionless on the floor until Jimmy left the room. Slowly getting out a couple beers, that she knew Jimmy would down in about 2 minutes, she quietly wiped up the small pool of blood on the floor and headed to the bathroom to clean up her face. On the way there, she ran into Jimmy. He whirled around, hitting her, sending her flying again, across the room, crashing into the coffee table. "Cant you even watch where you're going?! Stay out of my way you little whore." Jimmy walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer and heading in the bedroom to watch TV for the night. Mysty felt another black eye starting, and a swelling in her mouth. Dragging herself into the bathroom, she grabbed the phone book along the way and locked herself inside. Opening the phone book, she flipped through the pages. "M.. M. God, help me, where are the M's? Ah-ha! Ok, um, what did he say his name was? McLean, yes... um... A. McLean? That sounds right. Shit! No phone number... there is an address tho. Oh, God, please help me through the night..." she knelt there in the bathroom and prayed.

Glancing over at the drunken, unconscious Jimmy beside her, Mysty quickly grabbed her clothes that he had so fiercly removed, putting them on gently over her tender new bruises. She grabbed a backpack, loaded up with Joey's clothes and carried the sleeping child out of the house, into the dark night. The wind blew harshly, bringing stinging drops of rain, as the clouds began to form overhead.

"Say, D, there's someone at the door, I'll call ya back, ok? Alright bye." AJ hung up the phone and headed towards the door. "Mysty! Whoa, what are you doing- Oh my God. What happened?" He let her inside, dripping wet, noticing the huge bruises and cuts just visible from the neck up. He could only imagine what the rest of her body must look like. "Do you mind if maybe I use your bathroom for a minute?" she drawled out, acting as if showing up at strange men's house at midnight was a normal thing. "Um, yeah, its right down the hall... want me to watch him for you?" AJ asked, motioning towards the drenched child that clutched her hand. Mysty nodded, handing him over to AJ.

AJ took him in his arms and carried him back to his own bedroom, where he gave him an old t-shirt to wear. "There ya go. Joey, right?" AJ asked with a smile. Joey nodded. "You ok?" AJ asked with concern. "Yes." Joey whispered, "But mommy isnt." "Who's mommy?" AJ asked, wondering if they had abusive parents. "Her." Joey replied, pointing to Mysty as she exited the bathroom. AJ let Joey curl up on his big soft bed and watched as the little boy dozed off in a matter of seconds. Shutting the door behind him, AJ walked out into the dim hallway to where Mysty was standing. "He's asleep. Let's just leave 'em for awhile ok?" AJ whispered, noticing a small trail of blood running down her beaten face. "But right now, let's get you cleaned up, ok?" Mysty nodded as tears began to flow down her cheeks. AJ lead her back into the bathroom, having her sit down on the toilet lid. He pulled out a washcloth and opened the medicine cabinet. Removing alcohol and bandaids he sat on the edge of the bathtub and began to doctor her cuts. He wetted the washcloth and wiped off the dried blood from her face, slowly, making sure not to hurt her anymore than she already was.

"Want to tell me what happened?" AJ asked quietly. "Nothing happened." Mysty lied, her southern voice wavering ever so slightly. "Myst, honey, you showed up at my house at midnight... you just met me today. The only reason someone would do that was if they had nowhere else to turn. Whats wrong?" "Its really none of your business Mr. McLean. I figured that since you dont know me, you wouldnt ask any personal questions. Obviously I was wrong. Maybe I should just leave." She began to stand, but as AJ reached out to stop her, he accidently struck a bruise and she collapsed back onto the toilet. "Jesus, Mysty, what the hell happened?" AJ asked as she began to cry again. Mysty just stood and cried, but slowly lifted her shirt to show him all the other bruises. AJ gasped. "Are there any more?" he asked concerned. Mysty didnt answer, she just nodded. "You're going to take a long bath ok? And you're staying here for awhile. I'll turn the water on, then you get in. I'm going to go get something then I'll be right back ok?" Mysty again nodded, not having the strength to argue. He leaned into the tub, letting the water warm up. Then he left quickly and ran to the phone. "Yo- D, yeah, remember that woman I told you I met today? Well, she's here... and man, I think her boyfriend beats her. You have to see this, D. Its terrible. I have no clue what to do... alright. See ya in a bit."

AJ hung up with Howie and headed back to the bathroom with a bucket of ice, a clean towel and some comfy clothes for Mysty. He stepped back into the bathroom, only to find Mysty just staring at the water, still dressed. "Myst, baby, why arent you in the water?" AJ asked softly. "I cant get my clothes off." She replied as she began to cry. "It hurts too much..." "Oh, honey... I'm so sorry. I didnt think about that... come here." AJ walked over to her, gently pulling her shirt up. Mysty winced as she lifted her arms, barely able to get her shirt off. She cried harder as soon as it was removed, all the bruises on her upper body were revealed, making AJ's stomach turn. He knelt down infront of her and unbuttoned her pants, tugging on them, letting them fall to the floor. He stood back up, holding her lightly as she struggled to step out of them. AJ stood back, taking in the bruises that lined her legs, and up around her panties. Welts stood up on her backside, and deep bruises and scratches peeked above the edge of her bra. AJ felt the anger begin to stir in his chest as he looked at her abused body.

Turning her around, he gently unclasped her bra, trying not to hit any of the scratches there, but unsucceeding and hearing her yelp in pain. "I'm so sorry, baby! God, Mysty, I'm sorry..." AJ said, gently touching her shoulder. "Its ok..." she whispered, as he pulled her hair off of her neck, revealing more bruising in a purple ring around her throat and neck. Carefully removing her panties, he held his breath to keep from exploding in anger. Lending her an arm, she slid into the bathtub, crying as the hot water hit her open cuts. "I'll be right back, Mysty. Don't run off ok?" AJ said with a sad smile as he headed towards the front door. "Hey.. is she still here? Where is she?" Howie asked concerned as he walked in. "You arent going to like this, Howie. Man, her body looks terrible..." AJ began, clutching at both his stomach and heart. "Think you can handle it? Come on, she's in the tub..." "Ok... let me see her." Howie said, setting his backpack on the couch. "Mysty? Can I come in?" AJ called through the door. "Yes." Her small southern voice called back, sounding somewhat fuller than it had. He opened the door, stepping inside with Howie on his heels.

"I have a friend that wants to meet you..." AJ tossed an inquisitive glance and she nodded that it was ok. Howie stepped out from behind AJ, trying his hardest not to yell in fright. How AJ could just stand there looking at her without wincing was impressive. The water in the tub was discolored due to her open wounds, but atleast she looked more relaxed. "Hello friend." she drawled, extending a wet hand towards Howie. "Hey there Mysty. How you doing?" Howie sat on the edge of the tub looking over her cuts and bruises. AJ sat quietly listening to them talk. Mysty opened up quickly to Howie, which AJ figured would happen, and he left so that maybe some information could be gathered. He softly opened the door to his bedroom, casting a dim light across the floor.

Little Joey laid there, swallowed by AJ's t-shirt. curled up between two pillows, sleeping like a log. AJ crept in, and sat beside the sleeping child. Soft, sandy curls created a golden halo around his head. AJ reached over to gently touched one of the shining curls. Joey stirred slightly, yawning and opening his big green eyes at AJ, then smiling and falling back into a deep sleep. "AJ?" Howie's voice called softly. "Yeah?" AJ stood up and walked out into the hallway, making sure to shut the door behind him. "She's ready to get out, but she wants you to help her." Howie smiled sadly. "Its a real tear-jerking story. You were right. It was her boyfriend. But dont let on that you know. Now go help her." AJ nodded and slipped into the bathroom. Mysty smiled as best she could through swollen lips. "You ready?" AJ asked as he unfolded a big fluffy towel in his arms, waiting for her. She nodded, struggling to stand up. Wrapping the towel around her gently, as soon as she stood up, AJ kept an arm around her to guide her over the edge of the tub. He began to towel off her body gently, noticing the goosebumps that rose up on her skin anytime he grazed her with his fingertips.

"You alright?" he asked with a smile, looking up at her as he dried off her legs. "Yeah..." she replied. "Its just that I've never done this before." "Never done what?" AJ asked with a smirk. "Allowed a very attractive man to slowly towel off your entire, small, petite, extremely attractive body?" Mysty blushed, her voice shook. "That, too. But actually I meant just showing up at a strange man's house and exposing my naked body like it was nothing." "Mysty, you arent flaunting yourself, dont let it bother you. You're hurt and needed someone to take care of you. I am just the right person for the job and I think your body is beautiful." AJ replied with a comforting smile. "Thank you. You have no clue how much this means to me." she smiled with a thick twang in her accent. "Can I ask where you're from?" AJ inquired, gently easing some clean clothes onto her body. He moved the towel to her hair, where he began drying again. "Sure. Go ahead." Mysty replied sincerely. "Ok!" AJ laughed. "Where are you from?" He sat her down on a kitchen stool he had brought in and slowly combed through her hair, careful not to hit any more bruises. "Texas. Well, I was born in Alabama, but I've lived in Texas my whole life." She smiled, her eyes lighting up from beneath the black and blue on her face. "Until now." AJ grinned.

"Yeah, until now..." her smile faded and AJ suddenly wished he hadnt said anything. "Tell me about your little boy." AJ said quietly, still combing her wet hair. A soft smile settled on her face as she began to talk about Joey. She talked about how old he was, when he was born, his favorite color (which was red), his favorite foods, etc. AJ felt the love she had for her son just oozing out of her, and part of him longed for a steady relationship, and maybe a family. Suddenly, she stopped. "How'd you know he was my son?" she asked worriedly. "Because." AJ smiled kindly, kneeling down infront of her. He reached up, carefully smoothing her hair out of her face, and running his hand down her cheek. "No creature that beautiful could be created by anyone but you." Mysty blushed, turning away. "Besides," AJ continued. "He has your eyes, your skin, your hair, and..." AJ looked down at her small, delicate hands, taking one between his. "He's got your hands, and your smile too..." He added as a proud grin spread across her face. "I'm willing to bet, Mr. McLean, that you are quite a charmer with the ladies. Am I right?" AJ raised an eyebrow and put on a cocky grin. "I like to think so." Then he broke into a real smile. "But I only try to charm women that have charmed me first."

"AJ?" Howie interupted as he leaned in the doorway. "Are you trying to seduce her?" "Ha!" AJ shouted back. "If anyone's trying to seduce anyone, its her trying to seduce me. You should have heard the way she was tlaking before you showed up!" Mysty laughed as AJ rambled on about the stuff she was saying. Laughing hurt her bruised ribs, but it felt so good to laugh! AJ stood up, helping her up and walked her back to his bedroom, where her sleeping baby lay. She painfully climbed into the bed, thanking AJ as she sank into the soft covers. "You can stay as long as you want." AJ whispered, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She squeezed his hand in response as he softly padded out of the room. "What are you getting yourself into?" Howie asked as AJ collapsed on the couh beside him. "I dont know, D. I really dont know. But I really like her, man..." "She's trouble AJ. She's a sweet girl, but she's trouble." "Trouble, I can handle." AJ replied, then slowly tapping his chest above his heart, he added, "This is what I'm worried about..."

Mysty stretched, curling herself tightly into a ball as she felt the pull against her bruises and cuts. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she swallowed hard, and slowly stretched back out. Her arm stretched out beside her in the bed, feeling nothing but empty space. She looked over, as the sunlight illuminated the large bedroom. Sitting up quickly, she looked around for Joey. Just as panick began to swell up in her chest, she heard his happy giggle from out in the house. Painfully crawling out of bed, she opened the door and walked out into the livingroom, where Joey and AJ were wrestling playfully. Joey tackled AJ, sitting on his stomach. "Gotcha! I won! I gotcha!" Joey laughed triumphantly. AJ laid very still, allowing Joey to think he had really hurt him. Suddenly, AJ jumped up yelling, and threw Joey to the floor, tickling him unmercilessly. Mysty giggled, causing both the guys to stop and look up at her. "Mommy!" Joey jumped up and ran over to Mysty, wrapping both arms around her legs. "Hi, baby..." she said smiling. AJ stood up and walked over to her. "How are you doing, Myst?" he asked. "I'm sore. I'm really sore. But I'm feeling alright." she smiled thankfully up at the huge brown eyes looking worriedly into her own. "You sure?" AJ asked, gently guiding her over to the couch.

"Positive, AJ. Thank you very very much." she grinned, a full bright smile, the swelling in her mouth had gone down. AJ tried not to sigh. She looked beautiful this morning. Her hair hung loosely acround her shoulders, one strand seeming to find its way into her face every two seconds.AJ smiled as he brushed it out of her eyes. Her big eyes looked tired, but oh-so beautiful. She hadnt recieved the black eye she assumed she would, infact her face looked ok. AJ shuddered involuntarily as he thought of how bad the rest of her body was hurt. The anger began to build up in his stomach, his chest tightened. "AJ? Hello?" Mysty asked, snapping her fingers in his face with a smile. "You still here, buddy?" AJ grinned. "Yeah. Sorry. You hungry?"

Mysty nursed her mug of coffee, looking into the livingroom where Joey sat playing video games with another of AJ's friends. AJ sat across from her at the kitchen table, sipping a coke. "So, thats what happened, and now I'm stuck." Mysty said, taking a swallow of coffee. "Well, I already said it once, but let me say it again- you and Joey are welcome to stay as long as you want. I have an extra room and I would be more than happy to have you stay here." AJ said. "Jimmy would hate that." Mysty mumbled. "Mysty- listen to me baby. This Jimmy guy is going to kill you when you go home after having left last night! He's gonna be pissed no matter what, and you're going to get hurt no matter what. But I wont just stand by and let you show up at my house every night at midnight because he beat you senseless. I will hunt him down and kill him myself if he hurts you again. I would feel much better about the whole situation if you would just stay here and let me take care of you until you can get help." AJ took a deep breath before returning to the soda infront of him.

"AJ, I am honoured that you feel the obligation to take care of me and my son, but its really not up to you. I'm more afraid of Jimmy hunting me down here and killing you, than I am him getting mad and beating me." "Oh, Mysty... I may not know you very well, but I am so willing to try. I'm already to the point of placing myself infront of you if it would keep you from getting hurt. I will not let you go back home to him, Myst. You're endangering your life and your son's. Priorities honey. Which is more important? Life or making some lame excuse to a a boyfriend about where you went that he'll end up beating you over anyways?" "Its not that simple, AJ." Mysty started before AJ cut in. "Yes it is, Mysty. Yes it is. Promise me you'll stay here." AJ said, his pleading tone making her smile. "Ok. Alright, AJ. I will. I promise. I'll stay. Me and my little Joey will stay." Mysty said through a smile. "But I need to go home to get my clothes." "Ok. I think we can manage that. You said he works during the day?" Mysty nodded. AJ stood up, grabbed his keys and asked Nick to watch Joey while they run to get some clothes. Nick called an agreement and Joey yelled goodbye to his mom. They walked slowly out to the car, got in and headed towards her home.

To Chapter 2

Back To Home





Chapter 1

"Joey! Come back here! You're gonna get it when we get home! Joey- watch out!!" The little boy scurried out of his mother's arms, slamming full force into the man exiting the grocery store. "Oomph!" Joey hit the man straight in the stomach, causing the grocery bags to drop to the ground as he struggled to catch his breath. Joey bounced off the man, landing on his behind on the hard cement. "You ok little guy?" The man leaned over to help Joey up as his mother came running over. "Joseph Leigh! What have I told you about running off??" A worried looking young woman accused him in a thick southern drawl, grabbing him and pulling him into her arms. "I am so sorry sir. He got out of my grasp, is the food ok? I'll replace any damaged items..." With a chuckled, the man replied, "No, no. Thats quite alright. I'm sure its fine. Thank you anyways. May I help you up?" He leaned over, to help up the kneeling woman, and the obviously frightened little boy.

"My name is AJ. AJ McLean. And you are..?" He asked smiling, offering his hand. "Mysty Wilson. Nice to meet you." She accepted his outstretched hand. Not failing to notice how easily hers disappeared within his large hand, and slender fingers. She looked up into his eyes with a smile, seeing her own reflection in the chocolate pools. Long black eyelashes blinked down at her, as a crooked smile took over his face. Mysty decided that he was definitly a cutie. Little did she know that he was looking her over also. She looked to be about 18, AJ decided. And that must be her little brother. They looked enough alike to be related. And that southern accent sure did make his heart race. You'd think after years with Brian and Kevin, he'd get used to it. Obviously not. "You live around here?" AJ smiled, hoping to possibly pursue a something with this woman. "Yeah, I do. Right down the street infact. You?" "Yeah... um, I live a little further in outter town, though." AJ shrugged. "But thats beside the point. Have dinner with me?" "I cant. I'm, um, busy. Sorry. But thank you for asking." She handed the last of AJ's groceries over and began to walk off quickly. "Wait- Mysty, are you sure?" AJ asked, wondering why she was suddenly in such a hurry. "Yeah, AJ. I'm sure. Bye."

She grabbed the little boy's hand and walked off down the street towards her apartment. AJ watched her go, noticing that the part of town she lived in was not the best. "I wonder what her parents do for living..." he wondered, then turned towards his car to leave.

"Joey- go wash your hands before dinner and put on a clean shirt for daddy. You know how he gets when you arent handsome." Mysty walked her son into the bathroom, gently cleaning the thin layer of dirt from his hands and helping him remove the muddy shirt. "MYSTY!" A deep voice called from the front door. "Hurry up sweetheart, put a clean shirt on, let mommy go talk to daddy ok?" She whispered to Joey before walking out into the livingroom. "Hey Jimmy..." "What took you so long? I told you to answer me when I talk to you bitch!" Jimmy said as he slapped her across the face. "I'm sorry Jimmy. Joey and I were washing our hands, I couldnt hear you over the water." Mysty said, gritting her teeth against the stinging in her cheek. "Where's dinner?" Jimmy growled, pushing Mysty out of his way. "Mysty- I asked where dinner is. Answer me!"

"Sorry Jimmy, I'm working on it!" She hurried into the kitchen and began to frantically pull a few small taquitos from the oven. "What the hell are those?" he sneered, pointing to the oven trays. "Taquitos. Its mexican food, Jimmy." Mysty replied, recieving yet another slap. "Dont get smart with me bitch. Who said I wanted mexican food?" he asked, rearing back to hit her again "Hi daddy." Joey said cheerfully, bounding into the kitchen. "Hey Joe. What'd you do today?" Jimmy asked, squatting down to his son's eye level. "Mommy and I went to the store. And we met a guy there. He was funny looking. Not like you at all. Huh, mommy?" Joey said, remembering the thin man with the tattoos they had met earlier. "Whats he talking about Mysty? You off meeting some other guy? I see how it is now. You cheatin' on me bitch? Is that whats going on? Tell me! Answer me!" Jimmy hauled off and hit her again, sending her flying into the refridgerator. "Mommy!" Joey was about to take after her, but Jimmy scooped him up. "No no, Joey. Leave your mommy alone. She's been a very bad girl and daddy needed to punish her." he said in a soothing tone.

Mysty laid motionless on the floor until Jimmy left the room. Slowly getting out a couple beers, that she knew Jimmy would down in about 2 minutes, she quietly wiped up the small pool of blood on the floor and headed to the bathroom to clean up her face. On the way there, she ran into Jimmy. He whirled around, hitting her, sending her flying again, across the room, crashing into the coffee table. "Cant you even watch where you're going?! Stay out of my way you little whore." Jimmy walked into the kitchen, grabbing a beer and heading in the bedroom to watch TV for the night. Mysty felt another black eye starting, and a swelling in her mouth. Dragging herself into the bathroom, she grabbed the phone book along the way and locked herself inside. Opening the phone book, she flipped through the pages. "M.. M. God, help me, where are the M's? Ah-ha! Ok, um, what did he say his name was? McLean, yes... um... A. McLean? That sounds right. Shit! No phone number... there is an address tho. Oh, God, please help me through the night..." she knelt there in the bathroom and prayed.

Glancing over at the drunken, unconscious Jimmy beside her, Mysty quickly grabbed her clothes that he had so fiercly removed, putting them on gently over her tender new bruises. She grabbed a backpack, loaded up with Joey's clothes and carried the sleeping child out of the house, into the dark night. The wind blew harshly, bringing stinging drops of rain, as the clouds began to form overhead.

"Say, D, there's someone at the door, I'll call ya back, ok? Alright bye." AJ hung up the phone and headed towards the door. "Mysty! Whoa, what are you doing- Oh my God. What happened?" He let her inside, dripping wet, noticing the huge bruises and cuts just visible from the neck up. He could only imagine what the rest of her body must look like. "Do you mind if maybe I use your bathroom for a minute?" she drawled out, acting as if showing up at strange men's house at midnight was a normal thing. "Um, yeah, its right down the hall... want me to watch him for you?" AJ asked, motioning towards the drenched child that clutched her hand. Mysty nodded, handing him over to AJ. AJ took him in his arms and carried him back to his own bedroom, where he gave him an old t-shirt to wear. "There ya go. Joey, right?" AJ asked with a smile. Joey nodded. "You ok?" AJ asked with concern. "Yes." Joey whispered, "But mommy isnt." "Who's mommy?" AJ asked, wondering if they had abusive parents. "Her." Joey replied, pointing to Mysty as she exited the bathroom. AJ let Joey curl up on his big soft bed and watched as the little boy dozed off in a matter of seconds. Shutting the door behind him, AJ walked out into the dim hallway to where Mysty was standing.

"He's asleep. Let's just leave 'em for awhile ok?" AJ whispered, noticing a small trail of blood running down her beaten face. "But right now, let's get you cleaned up, ok?" Mysty nodded as tears began to flow down her cheeks. AJ lead her back into the bathroom, having her sit down on the toilet lid. He pulled out a washcloth and opened the medicine cabinet. Removing alcohol and bandaids he sat on the edge of the bathtub and began to doctor her cuts. He wetted the washcloth and wiped off the dried blood from her face, slowly, making sure not to hurt her anymore than she already was. "Want to tell me what happened?" AJ asked quietly. "Nothing happened." Mysty lied, her southern voice wavering ever so slightly. "Myst, honey, you showed up at my house at midnight... you just met me today. The only reason someone would do that was if they had nowhere else to turn. Whats wrong?" "Its really none of your business Mr. McLean. I figured that since you dont know me, you wouldnt ask any personal questions. Obviously I was wrong. Maybe I should just leave."

She began to stand, but as AJ reached out to stop her, he accidently struck a bruise and she collapsed back onto the toilet. "Jesus, Mysty, what the hell happened?" AJ asked as she began to cry again. Mysty just stood and cried, but slowly lifted her shirt to show him all the other bruises. AJ gasped. "Are there any more?" he asked concerned. Mysty didnt answer, she just nodded. "You're going to take a long bath ok? And you're staying here for awhile. I'll turn the water on, then you get in. I'm going to go get something then I'll be right back ok?" Mysty again nodded, not having the strength to argue. He leaned into the tub, letting the water warm up. Then he left quickly and ran to the phone. "Yo- D, yeah, remember that woman I told you I met today? Well, she's here... and man, I think her boyfriend beats her. You have to see this, D. Its terrible. I have no clue what to do... alright. See ya in a bit."

AJ hung up with Howie and headed back to the bathroom with a bucket of ice, a clean towel and some comfy clothes for Mysty. He stepped back into the bathroom, only to find Mysty just staring at the water, still dressed. "Myst, baby, why arent you in the water?" AJ asked softly. "I cant get my clothes off." She replied as she began to cry. "It hurts too much..." "Oh, honey... I'm so sorry. I didnt think about that... come here." AJ walked over to her, gently pulling her shirt up. Mysty winced as she lifted her arms, barely able to get her shirt off. She cried harder as soon as it was removed, all the bruises on her upper body were revealed, making AJ's stomach turn. He knelt down infront of her and unbuttoned her pants, tugging on them, letting them fall to the floor. He stood back up, holding her lightly as she struggled to step out of them. AJ stood back, taking in the bruises that lined her legs, and up around her panties. Welts stood up on her backside, and deep bruises and scratches peeked above the edge of her bra. AJ felt the anger begin to stir in his chest as he looked at her abused body.

Turning her around, he gently unclasped her bra, trying not to hit any of the scratches there, but unsucceeding and hearing her yelp in pain. "I'm so sorry, baby! God, Mysty, I'm sorry..." AJ said, gently touching her shoulder. "Its ok..." she whispered, as he pulled her hair off of her neck, revealing more bruising in a purple ring around her throat and neck. Carefully removing her panties, he held his breath to keep from exploding in anger. Lending her an arm, she slid into the bathtub, crying as the hot water hit her open cuts. "I'll be right back, Mysty. Dont run off ok?" AJ said with a sad smile as he headed towards the front door.

"Hey.. is she still here? Where is she?" Howie asked concerned as he walked in. "You arent going to like this, Howie. Man, her body looks terrible..." AJ began, clutching at both his stomach and heart. "Think you can handle it? Come on, she's in the tub..." "Ok... let me see her." Howie said, setting his backpack on the couch. "Mysty? Can I come in?" AJ called through the door. "Yes." Her small southern voice called back, sounding somewhat fuller than it had. He opened the door, stepping inside with Howie on his heels. "I have a friend that wants to meet you..." AJ tossed an inquisitive glance and she nodded that it was ok. Howie stepped out from behind AJ, trying his hardest not to yell in fright. How AJ could just stand there looking at her without wincing was impressive. The water in the tub was discolored due to her open wounds, but atleast she looked more relaxed. "Hello friend." she drawled, extending a wet hand towards Howie. "Hey there Mysty. How you doing?" Howie sat on the edge of the tub looking over her cuts and bruises. AJ sat quietly listening to them talk.

Mysty opened up quickly to Howie, which AJ figured would happen, and he left so that maybe some information could be gathered. He softly opened the door to his bedroom, casting a dim light across the floor. Little Joey lat there, swallowed by AJ's t-shirt. curled up between two pillows, sleeping like a log. AJ crept in, and sat beside the sleeping child. Soft, sandy curls created a golden halo around his head. AJ reached over to gently touched one of the shining curls. Joey stirred slightly, yawning and opening his big green eyes at AJ, then smiling and falling back into a deep sleep. "AJ?" Howie's voice called softly. "Yeah?" AJ stood up and walked out into the hallway, making sure to shut the door behind him. "She's ready to get out, but she wants you to help her." Howie smiled sadly. "Its a real tear-jerking story. You were right. It was her boyfriend. But dont let on that you know. Now go help her." AJ nodded and slipped into the bathroom. Mysty smiled as best she could through swollen lips. "You ready?" AJ asked as he unfolded a big fluffy towel in his arms, waiting for her. She nodded, struggling to stand up.

Wrapping the towel around her gently, as soon as she stood up, AJ kept an arm around her to guide her over the edge of the tub. He began to towel off her body gently, noticing the goosebumps that rose up on her skin anytime he grazed her with his fingertips. "You alright?" he asked with a smile, looking up at her as he dried off her legs. "Yeah..." she replied. "Its just that I've never done this before." "Never done what?" AJ asked with a smirk. "Allowed a very attractive man to slowly towel off your entire, small, petite, extremely attractive body?" Mysty blushed, her voice shook. "That, too. But actually I meant just showing up at a strange man's house and exposing my naked body like it was nothing." "Mysty, you arent flaunting yourself, dont let it bother you. You're hurt and needed someone to take care of you. I am just the right person for the job and I think your body is beautiful." AJ replied with a comforting smile. "Thank you. You have no clue how much this means to me." she smiled with a thick twang in her accent. "Can I ask where you're from?" AJ inquired, gently easing some clean clothes onto her body. He moved the towel to her hair, where he began drying again."Sure. Go ahead." Mysty replied sincerely. "Ok!" AJ laughed. "Where are you from?" He sat her down on a kitchen stool he had brought in and slowly combed through her hair, careful not to hit any more bruises. "Texas. Well, I was born in Alabama, but I've lived in Texas my whole life." She smiled, her eyes lighting up from beneath the black and blue on her face.\par \tab "Until now." AJ grinned. "Yeah, until now..." her smile faded and AJ suddenly wished he hadnt said anything. "Tell me about your little boy." AJ said quietly, still combing her wet hair. A soft smile settled on her face as she began to talk about Joey. She talked about how old he was, when he was born, his favorite color (which was red), his favorite foods, etc. AJ felt the love she had for her son just oozing out of her, and part of him longed for a steady relationship, and maybe a family.

Suddenly, she stopped. "How'd you know he was my son?" she asked worriedly. "Because." AJ smiled kindly, kneeling down infront of her. He reached up, carefully smoothing her hair out of her face, and running his hand down her cheek. "No creature that beautiful could be created by anyone but you." Mysty blushed, turning away. "Besides," AJ continued. "He has your eyes, your skin, your hair, and..." AJ looked down at her small, delicate hands, taking one between his. "He's got your hands, and your smile too..." He added as a proud grin spread across her face. "I'm willing to bet, Mr. McLean, that you are quite a charmer with the ladies. Am I right?" AJ raised an eyebrow and put on a cocky grin. "I like to think so." Then he broke into a real smile. "But I only try to charm women that have charmed me first."

"AJ?" Howie interupted as he leaned in the doorway. "Are you trying to seduce her?" "Ha!" AJ shouted back. "If anyone's trying to seduce anyone, its her trying to seduce me. You should have heard the way she was talking before you showed up!" Mysty laughed as AJ rambled on about the stuff she was saying. Laughing hurt her bruised ribs, but it felt so good to laugh! AJ stood up, helping her up and walked her back to his bedroom, where her sleeping baby lay. She painfully climbed into the bed, thanking AJ as she sank into the soft covers. "You can stay as long as you want." AJ whispered, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She squeezed his hand in response as he softly padded out of the room. "What are you getting yourself into?" Howie asked as AJ collapsed on the couh beside him. "I dont know, D. I really dont know. But I really like her, man..." "She's trouble AJ. She's a sweet girl, but she's trouble." "Trouble, I can handle." AJ replied, then slowly tapping his chest above his heart, he added, "This is what I'm worried about..."

Mysty stretched, curling herself tightly into a ball as she felt the pull against her bruises and cuts. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she swallowed hard, and slowly stretched back out. Her arm stretched out beside her in the bed, feeling nothing but empty space. She looked over, as the sunlight illuminated the large bedroom. Sitting up quickly, she looked around for Joey. Just as panick began to swell up in her chest, she heard his happy giggle from out in the house. Painfully crawling out of bed, she opened the door and walked out into the livingroom, where Joey and AJ were wrestling playfully. Joey tackled AJ, sitting on his stomach. "Gotcha! I won! I gotcha!" Joey laughed triumphantly. AJ laid very still, allowing Joey to think he had really hurt him. Suddenly, AJ jumped up yelling, and threw Joey to the floor, tickling him unmercilessly. Mysty giggled, causing both the guys to stop and look up at her.

"Mommy!" Joey jumped up and ran over to Mysty, wrapping both arms around her legs. "Hi, baby..." she said smiling. AJ stood up and walked over to her. "How are you doing, Myst?" he asked. "I'm sore. I'm really sore. But I'm feeling alright." she smiled thankfully up at the huge brown eyes looking worriedly into her own. "You sure?" AJ asked, gently guiding her over to the couch. "Positive, AJ. Thank you very very much." she grinned, a full bright smile, the swelling in her mouth had gone down. AJ tried not to sigh. She looked beautiful this morning. Her hair hung loosely acround her shoulders, one strand seeming to find its way into her face every two seconds.AJ smiled as he brushed it out of her eyes. Her big eyes looked tired, but oh-so beautiful. She hadnt recieved the black eye she assumed she would, infact her face looked ok. AJ shuddered involuntarily as he thought of how bad the rest of her body was hurt. The anger began to build up in his stomach, his chest tightened. "AJ? Hello?" Mysty asked, snapping her fingers in his face with a smile. "You still here, buddy?" AJ grinned. "Yeah. Sorry. You hungry?" Mysty nursed her mug of coffee, looking into the livingroom where Joey sat playing video games with another of AJ's friends. AJ sat across from her at the kitchen table, sipping a coke.

"So, thats what happened, and now I'm stuck." Mysty said, taking a swallow of coffee. "Well, I already said it once, but let me say it again- you and Joey are welcome to stay as long as you want. I have an extra room and I would be more than happy to have you stay here." AJ said. "Jimmy would hate that." Mysty mumbled. "Mysty- listen to me baby. This Jimmy guy is going to kill you when you go home after having left last night! He's gonna be pissed no matter what, and you're going to get hurt no matter what. But I wont just stand by and let you show up at my house every night at midnight because he beat you senseless. I will hunt him down and kill him myself if he hurts you again. I would feel much better about the whole situation if you would just stay here and let me take care of you until you can get help." AJ took a deep breath before returning to the soda infront of him."AJ, I am honored that you feel the obligation to take care of me and my son, but its really not up to you. I'm more afraid of Jimmy hunting me down here and killing you, than I am him getting mad and beating me."

"Oh, Mysty... I may not know you very well, but I am so willing to try. I'm already to the point of placing myself in front of you if it would keep you from getting hurt. I will not let you go back home to him, Myst. You're endangering your life and your son's. Priorities honey. Which is more important? Life or making some lame excuse to a a boyfriend about where you went that he'll end up beating you over anyways?" "Its not that simple, AJ." Mysty started before AJ cut in. "Yes it is, Mysty. Yes it is. Promise me you'll stay here." AJ said, his pleading tone making her smile."Ok. Alright, AJ. I will. I promise. I'll stay. Me and my little Joey will stay." Mysty said through a smile. "But I need to go home to get my clothes.""Ok. I think we can manage that. You said he works during the day?" Mysty nodded. AJ stood up, grabbed his keys and asked Nick to watch Joey while they run to get some clothes. Nick called an agreement and Joey yelled goodbye to his mom. They walked slowly out to the car, got in and headed towards her home.

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